Re: [新聞] 美國3學者:賴清德應考慮凍結台獨黨綱
“Regardless of who is elected Taiwan’s next president, Taipei will need to convincingly reassure Beijing that it has no intention of fundamentally altering the status quo. But the need for such guarantees will grow in the event of the victory of Lai, the DPP candidate; Chinese officials deeply mistrust him since he has endorsed the pursuit of formal independence for Taiwan in the past.”
“The pledge that Lai made, in an October 2023 speech in Taipei at a dinner attended by nearly 100 foreign dignitaries and guests, to maintain Tsai’s cross-strait policy, with its emphasis on refusing both to bow to Chinese pressure and to provoke Beijing, is a good start. If elected, Lai could use his inaugural address to reaffirm the commitments Tsai made in her inaugural speech in 2016 to conduct cross-strait affairs in accordance with the Republic of China’s constitution and the 1992 act governing relations between the two sides of the strait, Taipei’s law on how the island should manage relations with Beijing.”
“In August, Lai took a step in the right direction when he made his stance on the naming question clear: “President Tsai has used the term Republic of China (Taiwan) to describe our country. I will continue to do so in the future.” Thisand other statements provide China with rhetorical assurance, but because his party’s 1991 charter still calls for the creation of a “Republic of Taiwan” and a new constitution, doubts persist in Beijing about his willingness to hold tothis position as president. If he wins the election, Lai should consider revisiting a proposal made by DPP legislators in 2014 to suspend the independence clause in the 1991 party charter, a nonbinding and reversible step that would give any rhetorical commitment to the status quo more weight and credibility. Such a step could also be part of a gradual, reciprocal process to reduce tensions and build trust, as advocated by Richard Bush, the former chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan.”
“Taiwan has laudably begun to strengthen its defenses under Tsai, but her administration has also tactfully refrained from pushing pro-independence initiatives. That marks a departure from her DPP predecessor as president, Chen Shui-bian,who held a referendum in 2008 on pursuing membership in the United Nations under the name Taiwan, rather than the Republic of China, which was rightly interpreted by both Beijing and Washington as a ploy to promote independence.”
這篇文章其實主要在講美國在兩岸的角色應該是一個credible assurance 而不是對中國的military threat
然後台灣總統是誰其實不重要 只要繼續走目前的ROC路線就好
[情報] WBSC官網 中職新會長報導剛剛看到WBSC官網也PO了相關報導 ague-boost-chinese-taipei-team-for-tokyo-olympic-qualifier 就來大略的翻一下 但本人不是專業的,所以如果有翻錯,敬請告知8
Re: [問卦] 拜登:不支持台獨八卦就是拜登沒有說"不支持台獨" 這句話根本是央視超譯了 白宮發表的拜習會聲明在這兒 講到台灣的部分在倒數第二段最後一行 "On Taiwan, President Biden underscored that the United States remains11
Re: [爆卦] 蔡英文想要和習近平進行和平會談CNN 46分鐘前釋出的新聞: Taiwan's President says the threat from China is increasing 'every day' and confirms presence of US troops on the island 台灣總統說來自中國的威脅逐日上升11
Re: [新聞] 美國3學者:賴清德應考慮凍結台獨黨綱這一篇文章 Taiwan and the True Sources of Deterrence Why America Must Reassure, Not Just Threaten, China By10
Re: [新聞] 國防部:一年役期的義務役男 主要分發守老美表態了。速度那麼快,看來事先溝通過: 「「我們歡迎台灣最近針對徵兵制改革的宣布。此宣布彰顯了台灣對自我防衛的承諾並強化嚇阻能力。我們遵循台灣關係法與一個中國政策的承諾,持續協助台灣維持足夠的自我防禦能力。美國對台灣的承諾,以及台灣為強化自我防衛能力所採取的步驟,有助於維持台灣海峽與區域的和平與穩定。美國持續支持兩岸問題以和平方式解決,且反對海峽兩岸任何一方改變現狀。」-- 美國在台協會發言人 “We welcome Taiwan’s recent announcement on conscription reform, which underscores Taiwan’s commitment to self-defense and strengthens deterrence. We will continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defense capability in line with our commitments under the Taiwan Relations Act and our one China policy. The United States’ commitment to Taiwan and steps Taiwan takes to enhance its self-defense capabilities contribute to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region. The United States will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues, and oppose any unilateral changes in the status quo by either side.” – AIT Spokesperson」 -----5
Re: [新聞] 蔡英文雷根圖書館演講傳取消 總統府這個活動根本就是大成功 為什麼負責的人員要懲處? 阿 你應該是說中國的外交官要懲處 因為他們竟然讓眾議員院長 直接說出了 Taiwan PresidentX
Re: [黑特] 馬英九又砸鍋了先說結論,原po認知是錯誤的,馬英九是對的,即,美國不會居中做任何調停角色。 眾所周知,美國處理台灣問題就是兩個:台灣關係法和六項保證。 其中:六項保證中明訂: (2016年版本)2,美國並不尋求為台灣與中華人民共和國之間作調停﹔ (We see no mediation role for the United States between Taiwan and the PRC)
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