[討論] 美國警告國民 烏克蘭取消多重國籍離境
事件: 美國駐基輔大使館獲悉,自 6 月 1 日起,烏克蘭取消了先前允許某些 18 至 60 歲烏克蘭男性出境的「海外居住」例外。這一變化之後,美國和烏克蘭雙重公民,包括居住在美國的人,可能無法再離開該國。
烏克蘭法律不承認雙重國籍。因此,美國-烏克蘭雙重公民在烏克蘭期間僅被視為烏克蘭公民,並受烏克蘭公民的權利和義務約束。根據烏克蘭的戒嚴法,18歲至60歲的男性不得離開該國。此前,該群體中的美國和烏克蘭雙重公民如果註銷了烏克蘭居留權並註冊了美國居留權,就可以進入然後離開烏克蘭。據我們了解,此例外情況已於 6 月 1 日取消。
美國大使館影響烏克蘭法律的能力有限,包括對烏克蘭公民實施戒嚴法和動員法。如果您在烏克蘭且無法離開該國,請就地避難並遵守所有當地命令。如果您目前不在烏克蘭,我們強烈建議 18 至 60 歲、同時擁有烏克蘭公民身份或聲稱擁有烏克蘭公民身份且不希望無限期留在烏克蘭的美國公民男性不要前往烏克蘭。即使您持有美國護照,也有極高的風險不被允許離開。
我們提醒所有美國人注意國務院的 4 級:請勿前往 烏克蘭的警告。如需了解更多信息,請訪問國務院網站,了解作為 雙重公民旅行者應了解的信息,以及 在危機期間我們可以做什麼和不能做什麼。
Message for U.S. Citizens: Elimination of “Residence Abroad” Exception to Dual Citizen Departure
Date: June 4, 2024
Location: Ukraine (countrywide)
Event: The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv understands that, effective June 1, Ukraine has eliminated a “residence abroad” exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60 to depart the country. After this change, U.S.-Ukrainian dual citizens, including those who live in the United States, may no longer be able to depart the country.
Ukrainian law does not recognize dual citizenship. U.S.-Ukrainian dual citizens are therefore treated solely as Ukrainian citizens while in Ukraine and are subject to the rights and obligations of Ukrainian citizens. Under Ukraine’s martial law, men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not permitted to leave the country. Previously, dual U.S.-Ukrainian citizens in this group could enter and then depart Ukraine if they had deregistered their Ukrainian residency and registered their U.S. residency. According
to our information, this exception was revoked as of June 1.
The U.S. Embassy is limited in our ability to influence Ukrainian law, including the application of martial law and the mobilization law to Ukrainian citizens. If you are in Ukraine and cannot leave the country, shelter in place and obey all local orders. If you are not currently in Ukraine, we strongly recommend against all travel to Ukraine by U.S. citizen males aged 18 to 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to stay in Ukraine indefinitely.
There is an extremely high risk you will not be allowed to depart, even with a U.S. passport.
We remind all Americans of the State Department’s Level 4: Do Not Travel warning for Ukraine. For further information, see State Department websites for what you should know as a dual citizen traveler, and what we can and cannot do during a crisis.
美國強烈建議 18 ~60 歲
[情報] 烏克蘭國防部:66,224名公民返國參戰路透社報導 LVIV, Ukraine March 5 (Reuters) - Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov said on Saturday that 66,224 Ukrainian men had returned from abroad to join the fight against Russia's invasion.36
Fw: [新聞] 國務院:美國公民立即離開俄國作者: JingPingKing (金平王) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 國務院:美國公民立即離開俄國 時間: Mon Feb 28 06:24:26 2022 備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源:17
[爆卦] 烏克蘭指控匈牙利與俄羅斯利用ROC交易戰俘Hungary confirms the statement of the Russian Orthodox Church on the transfer of Ukrainian prisoners of war. Kyiv does not know about this Hungary confirmed that the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) returned to it 11 Ukrainian servicemen of Transcarpathian origin from captivity.20
Re: [問題] 俄烏戰爭究竟是怎麼打起來的?how-geopolitics-shaping-conflict 澤倫斯基2020的新年演說: In his new year address in 2020, Zelenskiy asked Ukrainians to ask themselves,9
Re: [問卦] 烏克蘭徵兵徵到57歲了?烏克蘭 最新10084號法案 2. Мета та завдання прийняття законопроект у Усунення в`оводискримcац при бажанн7
Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭向逃烏者發出通緝你好 我很在意真相 而且您不覺得您超譯的有點離譜??? 為了避免有些人沒點開新聞齁 我把你給的新聞貼到最後 來我們先來看標題寫什麼 Poland has begun to extradite Ukrainian men of draft age 波蘭已開始向烏克蘭引渡適齡男子5
Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭指控匈牙利與俄羅斯利用ROC交易戰俘後來我查了一下 Transcarpathia 地區 大約有14萬匈牙利族 他們的母語是匈牙利語 但是在2017年烏克蘭法案 強迫所有學校只准教國語 這法案原本是針對俄羅斯語地區 也就是這次爭議的烏東地區 但是同樣的關閉了位於 Transcarpathia 的匈牙利語學校
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