[黑特] 美國勞工悲歌! 大學生三年找無正職

看板HatePolitics標題[黑特] 美國勞工悲歌! 大學生三年找無正職作者
時間推噓 推:3 噓:3 →:6



例如這位大學畢業生 畢業三年找不到正職

淪落成合約工 年收入不到1萬鎂

The 26-year-old now sleeps on a friend’s couch in North Texas. They
graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Scripps College in 2021 and have
struggled to find a full-time job, instead taking on some work doing graphic
design, social media marketing and copywriting on a contract basis.

Akujuobi is one of millions of Americans who are struggling in today’s
economy. This calendar year, Akujuobi estimates they made less than $10,000.
The poverty line was $15,480 for a single person in 2023, according to the
latest data from the Census Bureau.

然後連首都DC也陷入不景氣 有人為了年收10萬的工作

不得不從DC通勤紐約 早上四點就要起床

After expanding her search outside the Beltway, Chang accepted a financial
planning and analysis position, which she started in May. The role pays more
than $100,000 annually, but it came with a downside: a commute roughly every
other week from DC to New York City. Chang asked that the name of her
employer be excluded for privacy reasons.

For her journey, Chang said she wakes up around 4 a.m., catches the Amtrak
train at Union Station about an hour later, arrives in New York City around
8:30 a.m., and is at her midtown Manhattan office 30 minutes later. She
usually stays in New York for a couple of days, and since her company doesn'tpay for lodging, she crashes with friends or family who live in or near the

相比之下 台灣真的很幸福

雖然薪水低韓國一截又被民進黨砍七天假 但至少人人有功練

隨便基層工作都能月收四萬以上 屌打美國失業大學生



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圖 美國勞工悲歌! 大學生三年找無正職

jrxcombine 12/22 06:42去亞利桑納GG輪班啊

Iamidiots 12/22 06:50笑死,唱衰美國改變不了中國持續沉淪

Iamidiots 12/22 06:50的問題XD

DANANPA 12/22 06:55美國這麼慘,那你還待在美國幹嘛?

DANANPA 12/22 06:57 為啥還

圖 美國勞工悲歌! 大學生三年找無正職

DANANPA 12/22 06:57這麼多支那人不顧危險偷渡到美國?

aragorn747 12/22 07:09因為支那已經9億人口年收不足6K鎂

xra686 12/22 07:32笑死 那你繼續待在美國幹嘛?

iwinlottery 12/22 08:0420年經濟不好,但是美國流浪漢活得

iwinlottery 12/22 08:04還比台灣韭菜人礦好

finhisky 12/22 09:21學台灣年輕人詐騙啊