[討論] 葉倫:不排除可能再設關稅堡壘

看板HatePolitics標題[討論] 葉倫:不排除可能再設關稅堡壘作者
時間推噓 6 推:11 噓:5 →:45

CNN摘錄 來源:

Asked by reporters on Wednesday whether she would consider trade barriers if
China doesn’t heed warnings on overcapacity, Yellen said she “wouldn’t
want to rule [it] out,” though she wasn’t planning any immediate measures.

On Friday afternoon, Yellen met with Vice Premier He Lifeng during which she
emphasised the importance of a “level-playing field” for companies and
workers in both countries.

Craig Singleton, senior director of the China program at the Foundation for
Defense of Democracies (FDD), a non-partisan think tank in Washington, said
tangible outcomes from the trip may be “limited.”
華盛頓的非黨派智庫-捍衛民主基金會的中國計畫主任Craig Singleton說此訪問效果

Biden administration officials have suggested raising tariffs on Chinese
imports to “level” the playing field for trade. As the US approaches the
presidential race, candidates from both parties are trying to look tough on
Beijing. Former President Donald Trump has threatened to slap 60% tariffs on
imports from China if he is re-elected.

Trade tensions are rising as Chinese leaders increasingly utilize a strategy
of boosting manufacturing for export to make up for weak demand at home amid
loss of economic momentum.

Beijing has poured money into new industries such as EVs and batteries as it
seeks alternative growth engines beyond the property sector, a major pillar
of the Chinese economy, which has crumbled.

“China accounts for a third of global production but only a sixth of global
consumption, and this reality risks breaking the global trading system,”
said Rick Waters, managing director of Eurasia Group’s China practice.
中國生產佔世界1/3,但消費只占1/6,此現象是世界貿易系統崩壞的風險。歐亞集團的中國事務常務董事Rick Waters這樣說。

Conflict over trade is likely to grow further before the election, Waters
said. He said the Section 301 investigation — which allows the US government
to impose tariffs, fees or other restrictions to address unfair trade
policies by foreign governments — and the likely realignment of Trump-era
tariffs to increase barriers to EV and other imports are all on the table.



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KingKingCold 04/07 10:39藍白:美國聳了 大陸又贏了 陸贏兩

gogobar 04/07 10:44笑死,拼不贏大陸就來陰的

kensmile 04/07 10:46蘋果走下坡了

gogoegg 04/07 10:46中國賣便宜的鞋子、玩具沒差

kensmile 04/07 10:46現在就剩Ai,美國沒幾年好光景了

kensmile 04/07 10:47特斯拉快被打趴了

gogoegg 04/07 10:47但補貼電動車,要搶歐美的蛋糕,那就會

gogoegg 04/07 10:47吃鐵錘

kensmile 04/07 10:49跑去中國幹嘛,人家又不鳥

starcow 04/07 10:49GoodJob,美帝幹的好

kensmile 04/07 10:49美債現在都美國企業在買

gogoegg 04/07 10:49當初搞lcd,台灣、韓國沒鐵錘打支那,但

gogoegg 04/07 10:49歐美是主要消費者,要打爆維尼可是一塊

gogoegg 04/07 10:49蛋糕

kensmile 04/07 10:50套慘了

kensmile 04/07 10:50電動車市場很大,美國已經沒搞頭

kensmile 04/07 10:51東南亞都是中國車天下

kensmile 04/07 10:54弄不死中國,還要加關稅

kensmile 04/07 10:55嫌美國自己通膨太低

iLeyaSin365 04/07 10:56可以啊 符合美國假借崇高口號行真小

iLeyaSin365 04/07 10:56人的形象

iLeyaSin365 04/07 10:57民主功力深厚

jetalpha 04/07 11:03中國那種過度生產、削價傾銷的商業行為

jetalpha 04/07 11:03其實是在破壞市場價格,讓其他在同一個

jetalpha 04/07 11:04市場的供給者很難生存下去,

jetalpha 04/07 11:05美國會對China國過度生產的模式提出警告

jetalpha 04/07 11:05要提高關稅來保護本國產業,算很正常的

jetalpha 04/07 11:05事呢。

jetalpha 04/07 11:06提高關稅不是要弄死China國,而是要保護

palindromes 04/07 11:06中國半導體國產從10%要拉到25%

jetalpha 04/07 11:06本國產業跟市場,

palindromes 04/07 11:07各國未來蓋80座晶圓廠 我看過剩很慘

jetalpha 04/07 11:07如果從China國超限戰的性質去思考,

palindromes 04/07 11:08中國不能破中等收入但是拉歐美下來

jetalpha 04/07 11:09美國提高對China國關稅也只是在防禦Chi-

palindromes 04/07 11:09是現在進行式

jetalpha 04/07 11:09na國發動的超限戰而已。

jetalpha 04/07 11:10各國自建晶圓廠的目的應該是為了因應全

palindromes 04/07 11:11美國說50%半導體要去風險

jetalpha 04/07 11:11球化的衰微,強化在地產業供應鏈的角色

palindromes 04/07 11:11光是日韓台美的擴充 沒消費市場

jetalpha 04/07 11:11這對曾經是世界工廠的China國來說是非常

jetalpha 04/07 11:12不利的發展。

palindromes 04/07 11:12我看你怎麼搞

jetalpha 04/07 11:12各國都會有其本地市場,只是過去全球化

jetalpha 04/07 11:13把在地市場的需求外包給像China國或台灣

jetalpha 04/07 11:13這種加工代工產業盛行的國家而已。

jetalpha 04/07 11:14在武漢肺炎疫情之後,各國開始注意到全

palindromes 04/07 11:15光是能源政策大轉彎知道歐美拼不過

jetalpha 04/07 11:15球化經濟體系的弱點,

jetalpha 04/07 11:16重新發展偏重在地產業鏈也只是順理成章

jetalpha 04/07 11:16的方式而已。

jetalpha 04/07 11:17就越來越不走全球化貿易路線而已啊。

yuchihsu 04/07 11:40人家不只在美國嗆,還跑到中國去嗆

yuchihsu 04/07 11:40,智障中國人真的完全被看沒有

PRME 04/07 11:43塔綠班只會屁

lovepork 04/07 12:07美國在地化,美元會先掛掉

kensmile 04/07 12:17講得好像貿易壁壘,自己一定贏

kensmile 04/07 12:17去中國幹嘛,人家又沒求妳來

ken85 04/07 14:45二戰前夕是不是也有啥關稅壁壘的阿~~~~~~~

pt993526 04/07 18:18台廠的機會來了