Re: [情報] 19.0 版本已知問題

看板Hearthstone標題Re: [情報] 19.0 版本已知問題作者
時間推噓 4 推:5 噓:1 →:7

We’ve disabled rating floors in Battlegrounds after identifying a critical
bug. We’re aiming to bring rating floors back online in a future patch.
- 戰場現在分數暫時取消保底 預計下次更新會恢復

Fixed a bug where Madness at the Darkmoon Faire cards were not appearing in
Duels loot buckets.
- 修正暗月卡不會出現在決鬥擂台選擇的問題

Fixed a bug where several older pack reward pop ups were being displayed on
login related to Duels and Master of Everything.
- 修正以前的卡包獎勵登入會跳出來的問題

Fixed a bug that blocked some players from logging in if they had the
Challenge a Friend or Spectate a Friend Quests.

Fixed a bug where some players would have incompletable Quests with odd
progress numbers on log in.
- 修正有的玩家會有無法完成的任務的問題


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JJJJoe 11/14 12:34決鬥擂台的經驗還沒修好Zzz

yowhatsupsli11/14 12:40取消保底,是不是在逼我們想傑?

sq61372py 11/14 12:43樓上還以為羅傑真的那麼爛喔

Hisamura 11/14 13:14取消保底 那6000分的不是放著別打了XD

CRChen 11/14 13:34暗月卡會出現在擂台?是說18號之後嗎?還是現在?

jorden0804 11/14 13:38問一下 真的有可以看別人當前陣容的外掛?

jorden0804 11/14 13:39已經好幾場我直接轉聖盾毒對面直接甩棍等我

Jotarun 11/14 13:59擂台已經可選到

Nuey 11/14 14:55應該沒有吧== 搞不好你的場次太高端了 處處是高手

hbk20491 11/14 15:02笑死 你真的以為知道你陣容要拿甩棍隨便搜都能拿到

hbk20491 11/14 15:02甩棍喔 自以為

hbk20491 11/14 15:02打輸就外掛 xD

yesmotel 11/14 15:07有自動印牌外掛,包月19.99鎂

※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 11/15/2020 11:44:50