[情報] 07/19-07/25 Weekly Horoscope
You may have spent a lot of time lately longing for a deeper, richer
connection with someone. Whether your desire is for a romantic connection or
simply a friendship with a kindred spirit, this week, you will be very likelyto find it if you choose to begin being open to it. You may encounter people
who are very like you in certain ways who can offer insights and different
interests that you will find intriguing. Pursue any strong connections you
feel and engage. Something about an upcoming plan is revving you up, Leo. Youwant to skip ahead and get there because you are feeling quite impatient
about it. But if you start preparing now, that will help to quell some of
your impatience, and it will also help you be better prepared when the time
arrives. You may have an important purchase to make this week. This may be
big or small, but expensive or not, it is something you should enjoy shoppingfor. Take your time and truly enjoy the experience. You may even meet some
interesting characters connected to this, or you may take a detour down
another related path that will bring you great enjoyment.
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/03-01/09你可能會比平時更有同情心的去對待周圍的人,特別是在你和某些有著惱怒傾向的人待在 一起。妳現在可能有著更好的洞察力,幫助你能更好的理解這些人,所以你可能會傾向於 幫助、鼓勵他們,而不是和他們爭論。跟著這種感覺走,因為這對所有人都好。你也可能 會覺得自己更有慈悲心,渴望為一份好的事業做一些事。這也是個好主意,因為它可以幫 助你服務更高的自我,這是個理想的一週,花時間與朋友-那些將輕鬆與幽默帶進你生命5
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/23-01/29如果你在這週一開始時感到孤獨,那麼有個補救措施,阿牛。不是把自己包進進沙發上的 毯子裡,而是走出門,尋找你喜歡的人和能帶給你快樂的活動。即便沒有特別的人可以讓 你接觸或跟他們交往,你也可以透過參與你喜歡的事來認識一些有趣的人。 這週可能帶來一個有關你即將放棄的計劃的好消息。它可能還沒拍板定案,但讓你學到的 東西為你帶來希望和對於未來的期待感。2
[情報] 17/02~23/02/2020 Weekly HoroscopeToday is the future of yesterday, Moonchild. Ponder that if you are thinking about putting off yet another plan that involves a very big dream of yours this week - perhaps your biggest dream of all. If you put it off again, even if you do so because of pressing obligations, you might never get to it since there is always something important to do. But you need to2
[情報] 14/12~20/12/2020 Weekly HoroscopeAre you feeling adventurous, Moonchild? If so, that could be a rather unfamiliar feeling for you as of late. This week, you could find yourself with a strong desire to crawl out of your shell and head toward something a bit more interesting or challenging, and that is just what you need right now. This may involve romance or taking a chance on an opportunity2
[情報] 13/12~19/12/2021 Weekly Horoscope你最近可能會想很多關於把你的時間和才華投入到你相信的事業中。 這可能涉及到你心目中的一個組織、一個政治事業,或者你所居住的地方。 本週你可能會發現似乎突然出現了不同的捐贈時間選項,但這並非巧合。 當你把一個善意的想法融入氣氛時,你就會開始看到指引你朝著目標前進的跡象。 本週花些時間來探索出現的東西。2
[情報] 14/02/2022~20/02/2022 Weekly Horoscope你現在可能有一個非常強烈的願望,想要擴展自己。 這種想法可能以你自己工作的形式出現,或者是某種只屬於你自己的項目。 月之子,即使你必須依靠一份正常的工作來賺取收入,肯定也沒有規定說你不能同時嘗試 自己的東西。 如果你確實有這個願望,本週給你帶來了一個特殊的嘗試時機。2
[情報] 07/03/2022~13/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,本週你可能發現自己比平時更善於交際。 利用這種心態,尋找認識新朋友的方法。 你是一個會培養親密友誼的人,而不是僅僅與偶然的熟人打交道,所以與你交談的大多數 人可能是你已經認識了很長時間的人。 你有時會抗拒結識新朋友。但是,如果你現在感覺自己很活潑、熱情,這是一個適合同行2
[情報] 09/05/2022~15/05/2022 Weekly Horoscope你知道你一直在考慮追求的夢想-或者你把夢想丟在一邊,打算以後再去實現它-那麼你這 週就可以開始行動了。 親愛的月之子,你可能因為繁重的工作而感到疲憊,你可能因為最近的失望而缺乏希望, 但現在沒有可以接受的藉口了。 如果你要實現夢想-你當然可以找到成功-那麼你必須認識到,你必須抓住時機。1
[閒聊] 4/29 Daily HoroscopeA happy accident today could lead to meeting someone new. This person may repr esent what you have been secretly hoping for, Leo - someone who is on your lev el in many ways. You have been longing for someone who has both your level of intellect and energy, and a happenstance encounter could answer that for you. Get out there and engage in things you find interesting. Be open to meeting ne- 本週,某種知識上的連結可能會越來越深,阿牛。如果你單身的話,這可能代表著浪漫的 火花。但如果你已經有對象了,或許你與這個人的關係將會更深刻。不論是哪種方式,這 都是些重大、重要且有意義的事情發生的開端。無論如何,嘗試用不同於平時的方式來安 排在一起的時間-例如吃晚餐、逛博物館或一項吸引你們兩人的事。你可能會發現,這週 你所嘗試的新事物可能會自然而然的地出現在你面前。只是舉例,這件事從溜冰到打排球