[情報] 01/18 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 01/18 Daily Horoscope作者
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You may be feeling too old, too inexperienced, too frustrated, or too something today to feel very good about yourself. You may feel that you are diminished when you compare yourself to somebody else. But why would you do that, Leo? You are unique and important just as you are. If you are "too" anything at all, and there is something you wish you could change about yourself, then changeit. But even if you take this message seriously - remember that you are a special soul at your core with unique gifts.

今天的你們也許覺得自己老了,太缺乏經驗,太過消沈,太過… 這些想法會讓你們忘記



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c60789 01/18 13:12謝謝!!