[情報] 01/25 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 01/25 Daily Horoscope 作者
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Just because you don't feel completely confident about an idea you initially felt good about does not mean you should just toss it out of the metaphorical window. Your original thoughts were inspiring and hopeful, and that's a great start. If you don't yet feel sure of yourself and certain about going forward with this, that's not a bad sign. It may just mean that you need a bit more information before you are ready to continue. Leo, that's a great place to start.


如果你仍然帶著些許猶豫,仍然對是否要前進仍然有些躊躇不定,也並不是一件壞事;這只是意味你需要更多資訊幫助你準備好繼續向前,而覺察到這件事情是很可貴的,獅子們,無論你是否還在觀察,這無疑是一個很棒的起點 :)


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※ 編輯: minicha ( 泰國), 01/24/2022 23:37:49