[情報] 03/26 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/26 Daily Horoscope作者
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You may be hearing conflicting stories at work or from people in a social group. You don't know what to believe, Leo. Gossip of this kind is rarely reliable, but there may be tidbits of information that are compelling. Even so, it would probably be best to tune this out and wait until the whole truth appears. Even with good intentions, engaging in this kind of conversation can lead to conflicts and disappointments. If you wait it out, though, you will eventually get the information you need.


即使一開始的目的是好的,參與這類對話也容易導致衝突和失望。 請稍微耐心等待真相的出現,你將會抽絲剝繭,得到你所需要的訊息。

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