[外電] 灣區體育主播狂噴A's老闆John Fisher

看板MLB標題[外電] 灣區體育主播狂噴A's老闆John Fisher作者
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ABC7's Larry Beil passionate reaction to A's owner John Fisher sending a
goodbye letter to A's fans

這周將是運動家隊在Oakland主場最後進行的三場比賽. A's老闆對球迷們發表了公開信


"..When Lew Wolff and I bought the team in 2005, our dream was to win world
championships and build a new ballpark in Oakland. Over the next 18 years, wedid our very best to make that happen. We proposed and pursued five differentlocations in the Bay Area. And despite mutual and ongoing efforts to get a
deal done for the Howard Terminal project, we came up short."

當我跟Lew Wolff在2005年買下運動家時,我們的夢想是贏世界大賽跟在Oakland蓋新球場.接下來18年我們努力想要實現. 我們提出五種不同新球場方案,包括在Howard Terminal

"..I know there is great disappointment, even bitterness. Though I wish I couldspeak to each one of you individually, I can tell you this from the heart: wetried. Staying in Oakland was our goal, it was our mission, and we failed to
achieve it. And for that I am genuinely sorry."

我知道大家都很失望,甚至怨恨. 我希望我有機會跟每位球迷單獨談話,讓我能夠真心的表達我們盡力了. 在Oakland留下是我們的目標,但是我們失敗了. 我很抱歉.

在唸完John Fisher的公開信後,ABC7體育主編Larry Beil在現場發表了下面的反駁:

"All right, so you heard Fisher's statement. Let me tell you what reality is.Okay, John, you tried five different extremely flawed stadium proposals. You
never got even close to a shovel in the ground. Yes, Oakland politics is
often a mess, I will give you that. But John, you surround yourself with
incompetent yes men, and because you were born into a billionaire family,
apparently never learned you have to spend money to make money. See Joe Lacoband the Golden State Warriors, your buddy, who still wants to buy the team.
John, you're a serial penny-pincher. You've destroyed your family's great
name and legacy because of your cheapness."

聽完了Fisher的公開聲明,現在讓我告訴各位真相如何. John,你試著提出五個不同計畫
都是註定胎死腹中的鳥方案. 連開工動土的可能性都沒有. 沒錯,Oakland的政府官僚讓
這些計畫困難度增加,這點不怪你. 但是你身邊只有一群唯唯諾諾的庸才,而你自己只是
個富二代完全不懂要有報酬先要投資的道理. 不相信的話看看你朋友,Warriors老闆Joe
Lacob是怎樣砸錢砸出勇士王朝的,他想買A's你還不賣. 你只是一個把家族名聲敗壞的

"As for the statement about loyal A's fans, quote 'I wish I can speak to eachone of you individually', end quote. Seriously? John, we've been trying to
interview you for years, but you always choose to remain invisible, unless
you're begging politicians for public funding and then you're out in front
in Las Vegas."

至於希望跟每個A's球迷對話的說法,你是認真的嗎? 我們幾年下來試著採訪你,但是你永遠躲在幕後直到你需要出面跟Las Vegas政府要補助金時才露面

目前A's的計畫是接下三年在Sacramento進行主場比賽. 但是為了球場場地同時承受A's跟原本球隊3A河貓隊的使用,現有草地必須換成人工草皮. 這樣一來就有可能在夏天華式130度(攝氏54度)的狀態下在戶外人工草皮上比賽,這對球員受傷風險大幅提高. Scott Boras對這個問題曾經提出質疑,但是聯盟很快地宣布在Sacramento比賽是已經確定的方案了.


由Fisher家族向外界投資人集資. 問題是政府舉債的條件是A's要出100M做擔保,目前A's並沒有交出保證金. 300M的抵押融資跟850M的集資也沒有下文,因此到目前為止都沒有任何開工動土的時間表.

Never give in - never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty.Never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of theenemy.

---Winston Churchill


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※ 編輯: Phater ( 美國), 09/24/2024 13:07:44

kevinduh409/24 13:10爽啊次啊

bmwnyy87091509/24 13:16快逃

jack8632609/24 13:19還以為是巨人主播或者他哥哥

jack8632609/24 13:20Glen Kuiper的哥哥Duane Kuiper

icecreamdog09/24 13:21好像有看到Jeff Passan 說如果拉斯維加斯球場失敗他

icecreamdog09/24 13:21也不會驚訝

icypyh09/24 13:23現在感覺兩邊都怪怪的

ChrisDavis09/24 14:11Joe Lacob自己還不是把球場搬離奧克蘭,文內也都說政

ChrisDavis09/24 14:11客導致困難度上升,自己都知道問題在哪裡了

dinos09/24 14:18Warriors是先打出王朝才搬離Oak, A's的王朝....在半世紀前

ChrisDavis09/24 14:29勇士早在2015就買好土地準備搬家了,那時候才第一冠,

ChrisDavis09/24 14:29不管有沒有後續戰績本來就要烙跑了好嗎

Mikufans09/24 14:50勇士明明早就想搬家了

Phater09/24 14:50重點是Fisher的態度戰績不好球迷不進場是球場的錯,可是

Phater09/24 14:50隔壁的勇士在舊球場還是能爆滿奪冠,問題在老闆願不願意

Phater09/24 14:51花錢。

sampsonlu91909/24 15:01現在看來賭城的棒球迷也會希望Fischer Sell the Te

sampsonlu91909/24 15:02am了

ChrisDavis09/24 15:08但綠帽那地方也很現實就是你戰績多好多猛都還是一坨屎

ChrisDavis09/24 15:09戰績好頂多180萬,最多200萬,洛磯隨便都是兩百萬起跳

CPBLlincecum09/24 15:37奧克蘭或許是無情城市,但Fisher這一系列操作看起來

CPBLlincecum09/24 15:38無庸置疑的是一個爛老闆

zxc90638309/24 15:59洛磯不管打怎樣 場均都三萬起跳蠻猛的

zxc90638309/24 16:00但Lacob操盤應該會比Fisher好很多

zxc90638309/24 16:01但Fisher不想賣