[討論] 有趣的經驗
之前買過一個國外健美選手的online課(?)簡單來說就是 一個月付一筆錢(約臺幣1000多塊)
並丟給你一份問卷與個人資料要求你填寫、 開這個月的訓練菜單與飲食菜單給你…並會
由於對方非常壯碩 線條也不錯 不是很乾的那種 所以就好奇嘗試看看 他會開出怎樣的菜單給我 廢話不多說 貼出來給大家看
Cheat meal once a week one day of your choice.just replace one meal on the plan for that day with whatever you want but try not to eat so much that you feel sick or bloated
Training Day(休息日也一樣只是 減去 the intra-workout這餐)
Meal 1
3 Whole Eggs with 5ml Olive oil and spinach, 25g Whey Isolate with 80g Oats and 60g Blueberries?(you can blend this and drink it as I know you don’t have much of an appetite in the mornings)
Supplements with this meal: Multi-vitamin such as Animal Pak (1 serving), VitD (1 serving) and Fish oils (2000mg) * Keep Fish Oils in fridge so they don’t
Meal 2
200g Chicken/Turkey Breast (uncooked weight) with?60g Jasmine or Basmati Rice (150g cooked weight),green Vegetables and 20g Cashews
40g Whey Isolate,65g Oats and1Banana
Essential aminos(1 Serving) and 7.5g Creatine Monohydrate
30g Highly Branched Cyclic Dxtrin
*I get my Essential aminos from SciTech which you can order online from Dolphin Fitness
Meal4(post-workout meal)
200g Extra Lean Steak Mince, 80g喺asmine or Basmati Rice?(200g cooked weight)with 5ml Olive Oil
Meal5-200g Chicken Breast with?200g Sweet Potato,spinach and 10ml Olive Oil
Meal 6
25g Whey Isolate, 200g Fage Fat Free Greek Yogurt and 30g孭lmond or PeanutButter with either Water or Unsweetened Almond Milk?(Can either blend it or mix it up in a mixing bowl and itactually tastes really nice)
Nutritional totals
Protein - 250g
Carbs – 305g
Fats – 70g
*Rest Day diet exactly the same or now minus the Intra-workout drink
*Water Intake: 1 litre with Meal 1 and during workout (with Essential aminos)and try to have 500ml with all other meals if you can.
* Seasoning: Try and stick to Paprika, Turmeric and Italian herb that are lower in sugar
*No ketchup or soy sauce but you can use Cholula sauce or Franks Hot sauce for a bit of flavour and some added sodium
*All weight is uncooked weight
其實我覺得他飲食菜單也不會很難準備 只是吃那麼多真的很撐 也很怕 因為碳水頗高(我體脂率頗高)但他說、你要長肌肉去提高代謝 你就是要有足夠的碳水。
基本上他的訓練菜單其實不會很累 容易達成、他說現階段重量不是最大重點 是姿勢正確與訓練總次數、所以他都沒寫重量。但當然不能太輕啦。
恩 那時太忙碌 無法遵行 現在想重新再來找他咨詢 執行看看。
[趣味] Travis Scott的麥當勞餐點 今天開賣!The Travis Scott Meal廣告 adlibs用的恰到好處xDDD La Flame與麥當勞合作 成為30年來第一個推出個人餐點的藝人(上一位已經是Michael J9
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[問卦] 點三寶飯但不要燒鴨 英文怎麼說?到了一家港式燒臘店 點了Three Treasures Rice 或者說Combination meal 又或者Combination of soy sauce chicken, roast duck and BBQ pork on rice but duck 不必? 是這樣嗎?7
[減肥] 生酮法每日飲食菜單求建議這是我目前的每日飲食菜單: (生酮法剛開始第一天,目前175cm/82kg, 想減到75kg,生酮計畫為期1~1.5個月) 1. 水煮綠花椰菜 400~500g(或生吃黃瓜和小番茄) 2. 水煮五花肉片(三層肉) 150~190g6
[問卦] 減肥能有欺騙餐為甚麼不直接欺騙月?誒誒又是我東南亞肥宅喇 每次說到減肥減脂 一堆人說甚麼一星期一次cheat day或cheat meal 為什麼那麼幸苦不直接 cheat month 或cheat year比較實際啊 有沒有卦?5
[問卦] 本巨巨的cheat meal這樣給幾分?安安 本巨巨很久沒吃cheat meal Auntie Anne's Pretzel 440kcal Wetzel Pretzel's Dog 500kcal2
[影音] 210618 Behind the Sauce: Making of Film | The BTS Meal210618 Behind the Sauce: Making of Film | The BTS Meal | McDonald's cr.McDonald's --- 店名:Meal Room Shabu 米釉贅沢鍋物 地址:台北市大安區延吉街66-1號 電話:02-87728728 試吃日期:2020/05/26 網誌圖文版: