[花邊] Zion4新鞋曝光
Jordan Brand距離Zion3發售已一年多沒有新款,因此遭到質疑,但新的流出照澄清了這一點
Jordan Zion 4採用為新鞋增添光彩的「金屬銀」配色。保留了前代產品的下半設計,中間處
採用 Zoom Air 緩震設計,中底上方有印花細節和 Jumpman 品牌設計。
Zion Williamson 和 Jordan Brand 均未表明 Jordan Zion 4 何時首次發售。目前預計將於
2025 年透過 Nike SNKRS 和部分零售商推出,起價為 140 美元。
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[花邊] Tatum Zion Luka巴黎新鞋發佈來源: 20230703210457-nt.html 日前 Jordan Brand 在法國巴黎舉辦新鞋發表會 三星集合發佈了他們的新款球鞋 新款的 Jordan Tatum 1爆
[情報] Zion腿筋拉傷 將無限期缺陣New Orleans Pelicans star Zion Williamson suffered a hamstring strain and is o ut indefinitely. Williamson will be re-evaluated in the coming weeks, sources tell ESPN.爆
[情報] Zion 成為自MJ以來首位不到80場就得2000分消息來源: Zion Williamson has become the 12th player in NBA history to score 2,000 points before their 80th career game. The only other player to do this in the last 40 years is Michael Jordan.82
[花邊] Air Jordan品牌四巨頭齊聚上海Air Jordan品牌四巨頭齊聚上海 These NBA stars recently linked up as part of the inaugural Jordan Brand "China Family Tour": Luka Doncic69
[花邊] Zion 2代新配色VkMjY= Zion 在個人 Instagram 限動上秀了自己二代簽名鞋的新配色。這不是 Zion 2 首次亮相 ,前陣子他在體育館秀的那手胯下灌籃時,便是穿著這雙,不過配色不同70
[花邊] Zion 生涯前100場累計2524分 自喬丹以來最多Zion Williamson played his 100th career game tonight, scoring 23 points. His 2,524 total points are the most by a player through 100 career games since Michael Jordan scored 2,721 points through his first 100 games. Zion Williamson 前一場面對雷霆隊完成個人生涯第一百場出賽60
[情報] Zion Williamson 送給隊友Jordan球鞋消息來源: @ZionWilliamson hooked his teammates up with Air Jordan XXXIV "Bayou Boys" kicks today!58
[情報] Zion 談推出個人首款簽名鞋: 感覺超現實消息來源: @Jumpman23 officially announces @ZionWilliamson's first signature sneaker, the Zion 1. Williamson becomes the first Gen-Z signature athlete in the history of both29
[情報] Zion 1 官網消息Zion 1 第一波黑白配色預備開賣,定價4000元 科技配置: 1.全掌Air Strobel22
[討論] NBA夏季聯賽球員穿壞Zion 1昨天夏日聯賽湖人隊球員Chaundee Brown Jr. 於對戰尼克比賽時防守直接踩穿Zion 1 直接聯想到當年Zion Williamson在大學時踩穿PG2.5, Jordan為了Zion特別設計的球鞋被不是球員本人的人踩穿! 不過這次一樣是踩穿中底,鞋面倒是還好,可能NBA球員的腳力真的是特別驚人。