[情報] EA考慮將EA Play訂閱服務搬上Switch

看板NSwitch標題[情報] EA考慮將EA Play訂閱服務搬上Switch作者
(Samurai 47)
時間推噓15 推:16 噓:1 →:14

Bringing games to Steam also paved the way for EA Play to launch on the platform, where it could not have before without the games to support it. Blank mentions multiple times that EA intends to "bring more subscriptions to more platforms in the future," a remark that naturally begs the question: what about the Nintendo Switch?

"There are amazing games on that platform and we foresee bringing more games to the Switch over time," he replies, nodding to the fact that EA committed to releasing more titles to the platform in the coming year. "And I think if there are opportunities for us to bring our subscription there and bring an even larger portfolio to the Switch, we will do so. We're always exploring this with our platform partners, whether that be Switch or Steam or Epic or Xbox or Sony. We want to be where the players are.
So while I have nothing to announce here, I would anticipate that we'll continue to bring more games and more great experiences to Switch."

總之最近 EA 的訂閱制服務 EA Play 持續擴展中(尤其最近與 Steam 和 XBOX 的合作)Switch 最近的成功也讓 EA 特別注意到,並考慮將此服務與更多遊戲帶到 Switch 上
同時也在一次確認,目前 EA 最近依然還有計畫提供更多 Switch 遊戲(翻譯:冷飯)

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zzz5466609/15 16:15ea不是小遊戲就是超高畫質 不覺得他們會特地優化ns遊戲

a2396278709/15 16:21買一台XSS訂XGPU還比較實際

a2396278709/15 16:22NS應該只會提供有移植過來的部分遊戲ㄅ

smallla09/15 16:33ns的ea game是甚麼我怎麼沒印象

smallla09/15 16:33只希望能把闇龍紀元都中文化移植上來...

kyo200109/15 16:41要求不多,給我無間特攻第40天就好

faang09/15 16:42大概就是Unravel,Zuma,Peggle,植物戰殭屍,模擬市民...

WaitingTime09/15 16:48只玩過模擬市民和闇龍紀元,都是PC上體驗會比較好

gekisen09/15 16:50連pc都做不好優化了

smallla09/15 17:01模擬市民switch沒有吧??

marxOO09/15 17:07EA不是都給switch 手遊強化版?

WaitingTime09/15 17:12我不曉得移植清單啦XD 只是覺得玩過的比較適合PC

iceranger09/15 17:16不用買XSS,直接加入xgpu用手機雲端遊玩就可以

Niixtion09/15 17:20讚喔 戰5半成品停更的糞公司

cliffwun102709/15 17:33ME三部曲上NS應該不錯

k6230009/15 17:46比較想要Netflix,一直沒有下文

liaoeddie09/15 17:52fifa閹割版還好意思賣啊

xxx6070909/15 18:00PRO以後可以出個板機鍵版本嗎...射擊和開車玩的很痛苦

ryoma109/15 18:05等XGP上NS啊(?)

hipposman09/15 18:29等psnow上NS呀(?

sendicmimic09/15 18:54EA: destroy everything.

jin06290009/15 19:33什麼鬼 EA才幾款上NS的 況且FIFA都上什麼垃圾遺產版

jin06290009/15 19:33要不要臉阿這間公司…

micbrimac09/15 20:15Fifa?

leamaSTC09/15 21:20跟臉沒啥關係吧 反正他們家遊戲要怎麼賣都沒差吧 看怎麼

leamaSTC09/15 21:21跟老任談抽成而已 不過他們家遊戲都不太適合NS XD

Primk09/15 22:27 EA 何時要重製 孢子~ 好懷念喔 QQ

simpleclean09/15 23:30EA超爛的= =

kll9509/16 00:52質量效應很適合NS

commandoEX09/16 13:16SPORE我比較想要當年的線上創作庫復活就好裡面一堆神

commandoEX09/16 13:16人作品真的超厲害XD