Re: [情報] 索尼收購Bungie

看板PlayStation標題Re: [情報] 索尼收購Bungie作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:50

Q. As a Destiny 2 player, does Bungie becoming part of PlayStation have any immediate impact on how I play and experience Destiny 2?
No. Our commitment to Destiny 2 as a multi-platform game with full Cross Playremains unchanged.


We want you to play The Witch Queen on February 22, 2022, on the platform of YOUR choice.

Q. Will the Destiny 2 experience on non-PlayStation platforms be impacted by Bungie becoming part of PlayStation?
No. We want to maintain the same great experience you already have on your platform of choice.


Q. Will any announced seasons, events, packs, or expansions be changed or impacted by Bungie becoming part of PlayStation?
No. Bungie retains full creative independence for our games and our community. Our plans for the Light and Dark Saga are unchanged, all the way through TheFinal Shape in 2024.

Q. Will Destiny 2: The Witch Queen include any platform exclusives?
No. The Witch Queen will not contain any platform exclusives. Every player should have an amazing Destiny experience, no matter where you choose to play


Q. Will cross platform features, like Cross Save, Cross Play, the Destiny 2 Companion App, or third-party apps like Destiny Item Manager (DIM) be changed or removed?
No. Bungie’s commitment to cross-platform play and social features remains unchanged. We believe games are best shared with friends, wherever they choose to play, and will continue to invest in new features and platforms.

Q. Bungie has future games in development, will they now become PlayStation exclusives?
No. We want the worlds we are creating to extend to anywhere people play games. We will continue to be self-published, creatively independent, and we will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community.

Q. I play Destiny on Steam, Xbox, or Stadia – will my platform still be supported?




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badgreen02/01 14:28索尼只要求把遊玩1500-2000小時天命名為spencer帳號ban

badgreen02/01 14:28掉xd(開玩笑)

deray02/01 14:29who car?

jerrykuo051802/01 15:55明明遊玩人數蠻多的 會沒人在乎嗎

balabala5602/01 15:58台灣沒什麼人用主機打FPS 之前COD的時候不是才這樣說?

jerrykuo051802/01 15:59而且steam遊玩人數常駐前十 應該不少pc粉絲關注之後

jerrykuo051802/01 15:59遊戲是否會獨占吧

freedroom02/01 16:27ps遊戲都上pc了,怎麼可能獨佔

jackal81027802/01 16:39台灣市場小,非主流遊戲都會說沒人玩

faang02/01 16:43台灣玩家就看不起FPS 但事實證明FPS就是主流

faang02/01 16:44FPS可以從90年代紅到現在 同期紅的遊戲類型在今天都死光了

faang02/01 16:45這次收購Bungie 也可見SONY有意識到本家欠缺多人FPS的問題

badgreen02/01 16:48可以來個人收購一下育碧嗎XD,治治育碧的bug病,還是這

badgreen02/01 16:48已經基因的問題惹

mikeneko02/01 17:32COD都不重要了,天命會更重要到哪裡去嗎

jason74802/01 17:33鬼島玩家井底之蛙,之前惡靈古堡7、8吵說變第一人稱不

jason74802/01 17:33玩,2077上市前吵說為啥不做第三人稱

su4312302/01 18:15天命2連續好幾年steam白金獎了 可憐的鬼島井蛙 呵呵

YuKaiLuo02/01 18:45所以FPS是主流 其他遊戲類型乾脆都收一收? 主流又如何?

YuKaiLuo02/01 18:51嗆人井蛙 自己先想想只靠FPS能撐起整個玩家生態嗎?

TaipeiKindom02/01 19:14說不定可以喔 有沒有看過第一人稱馬力歐 那是可以玩

TaipeiKindom02/01 19:14

TroyeSivan02/01 19:21第一人稱血源會吐的

YuKaiLuo02/01 19:39那任天堂也是井蛙了吧? 千萬銷量IP有幾款作FPS?

YuKaiLuo02/01 19:40台灣市場小歸小 但好歹歐美日通吃 不會有單一遊戲類型主

YuKaiLuo02/01 19:41宰大多數的市場份額 多元化玩家社群讓廠商願意將不同類

YuKaiLuo02/01 19:42型遊戲中文化 不懂那些FPS至上論的 拿著國外銷量沾沾自

YuKaiLuo02/01 19:43喜貶低自己的言論到底好在哪? 外國月亮比較圓?

GERMANY778902/01 19:46手把打天命莫名的還行 熔爐pvp有機會殺最多 雖然真的

GERMANY778902/01 19:46很少就是

patrickleeee02/01 19:47UBI的問題應該不是換頭家就能好的

MartyFriedma02/01 20:08說井蛙是指那些看到是FPS就該該叫的那些人 又不是

MartyFriedma02/01 20:08指所有台灣玩家 你是不是搞錯什麼

MartyFriedma02/01 20:10可能前面的人那樣寫讓你以為是這樣 但我覺得是指那

MartyFriedma02/01 20:10些在該的

patrickleeee02/01 20:10上面就直接嗆鬼島玩家阿 直接地圖炮阿

YuKaiLuo02/01 20:14我搞錯?那鬼島指什麼? 要別人弄清楚前要不要先確認一下

bala04502/01 21:19整天喊井蛙真的挺煩的 玩國內涼涼的FPS那優越嗎XD

badgreen02/01 21:59a+b的話合起來一起砲,一個在說fps,一個在說第一人稱,

badgreen02/01 21:59砲下去,也不知道在說什麼?!xd

badgreen02/01 22:00互相看關鍵字 砲起來

deepinheart02/01 22:34插話求個問…fps 就不第一人稱…射擊?

faang02/01 22:36我是覺得 替FPS所受的不公平貶低講幾句話 就可以被解讀成

faang02/01 22:36FPS以外的遊戲類型不重要 還可以扯任天堂來救援 這種聯想力

faang02/01 22:36也是相當驚人

gm325202/01 23:11看起來這收購…

YuKaiLuo02/01 23:18扯到任天堂也是別人起的頭 你選擇性解讀也是相當驚人

YuKaiLuo02/01 23:28我也只針對貶人井蛙的言論 你自己要對號入座也沒辦法

haworz02/02 02:08否認FPS重要性沒意義,人家MS SONY就是首重歐美市場,連

haworz02/02 02:08貨都懶得批給你亞洲區啦。

haworz02/02 02:10SONY的行為就是直接證明給你看啦,解散日本工作室,去買

haworz02/02 02:10笨雞。

yaiwuyi02/02 02:14Bio 7 8確實當時很多人在嫌啦,但版上整體評價明明很好

yaiwuyi02/02 02:15其實開地圖砲嗆井蛙真的很沒意義

yaiwuyi02/02 02:21然後雖然FPS在台灣沒有北美紅 但PS最暢銷的GTAV 地平線

yaiwuyi02/02 02:21秘境 都是TPS

yaiwuyi02/02 02:23還有TLOU

eric84042102/02 02:27PS最暢銷的叫COD

yaiwuyi02/02 04:44樓上google壞了

Playonenight02/02 06:144 所以嘴砲仔才多 嘴完然後真香的也多

deepinheart02/02 07:29PS最暢銷前三是Minecraft, GTA V, TLOU.

hope95102/02 07:51gta v是tps,fps模式是PS4以後的版本的才加上去的

hope95102/02 07:52去年第一名是COD,他講的也沒錯啦

tsaiwaichen02/02 09:16不太懂 所以索尼到底花這麼多錢只是確保笨雞遊戲不會

tsaiwaichen02/02 09:16被獨佔嗎?

zorroptt02/02 10:03收購文一開始不就寫為了得到笨雞的技術和知識 不逼他們

zorroptt02/02 10:03弄獨佔 可以讓別間工作室弄呀 再互相支援開發就好 w

fahr02/02 10:13從德軍總部一路發展到現在都是主流之一吧

franzos02/02 10:53天命手把操控真是流暢

north7556602/02 11:11很喜歡FPS,但是不喜歡天命的團隊副本,太多為了做而

north7556602/02 11:11做的攻略流程,比如拿球跑一圈的跳躍關卡,分配站點

north7556602/02 11:11等等,根本線上大型解謎

supereva02/02 16:54天命手把手感基本跟halo 差不多 當年就是發揚手把玩fp

supereva02/02 16:54s的遊戲

DKnex02/02 18:04

圖 索尼收購Bungie