Re: [新聞] 股東看好市值翻五倍 特斯拉身價上看2兆?

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國外原文在這邊,簡單的說,其實Ron Baron主要是要講SpaceX,



Billionaire investor Ron Baron, who says his stake in Tesla has made his firm10 times its original investment, told CNBC on Wednesday that he expects
similar growth from Elon Musk’s space company.

“SpaceX I think has a chance to be just as large as Tesla,” Baron said on
CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Baron’s investment firm holds significant stakes in both companies, with
over 1.6 million shares of Tesla and nearly 1.3 million shares of SpaceX as
of the end of the third quarter of this year.

Tesla’s stock is up more than 433% this year, meaning Baron’s stake is
worth about $3.5 billion as of Tuesday’s close – with the company’s market
valuation at about $417 billion. Earlier this year Baron said he believes
Tesla has the potential to hit “at least” $1 trillion in revenue by 2030.

While Baron Capital first purchased shares of SpaceX in 2017, the firm has
continued to expand its position in the rocket builder as recently as the
third quarter. The Baron Asset fund disclosed that it purchased $26 million
worth of SpaceX stock during the company’s recent $2.1 billion fundraise,
which Baron said raised SpaceX’s valuation to about $44 billion.

SpaceX has had a year full of milestones, with progress made by its Crew
Dragon astronaut capsule, its Starlink satellite internet service, and its
next-generation Starship rocket.

“What I want to be known as, ultimately, is not just the Tesla guy, but also
the SpaceX guy,” Baron told CNBC. “In the next couple years I’m going to
be talking to you a lot more about SpaceX than I’m going to be able to do
right now.”

google 翻譯:

Baron在CNBC的“ Squawk Box”上說:“我認為SpaceX可以像特斯拉一樣大。”


在2030年達到“至少” 1萬億美元的收入。

當Baron Capital於2017年首次購買SpaceX的股份時,該公司一直在擴大其在火箭製造商中的地位,直到第三季度。Baron Asset基金透露,在該公司最近的21億美元融資期間,它購買了價值2600萬美元的SpaceX股票,Baron表示,這使SpaceX的估值提高到了約440億美元。

SpaceX經歷了一個充滿里程碑式的一年,其Crew Dragon宇航員太空艙,Starlink衛星互聯網服務和下一代Starship火箭取得了進步。

“我最終想成為的不僅是特斯拉人,還有SpaceX人,” Baron告訴CNBC。“在未來幾年中



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loat 10/16 11:40SpaceX短期要IPO很難 Starlink搞不好還快一點

minipopy031410/16 11:54以太空的格局 十兆都不是問題

khoybgio 10/16 12:27隨便喊 那我喊100兆

Kafelnikov 10/16 12:49一萬億是啥

submarineche10/16 13:001萬億=trillion=1兆.(1萬億很像大陸用語)

hyk99885ggb 10/16 13:01他不是說ipo全部開放給散戶

IKA 10/16 13:12這根本是另外一篇

skyringcha 10/16 13:25所以現在要怎麼買spacex和starlink ?

x0928 10/16 19:45starlink在未來幾年會作為SpaceX的子公司,IPO上市

x0928 10/16 19:45,期待!

ecllyhpqno1910/16 22:20SpaceX要等火星通航才會IPO