[其他] AZ更新美國第三期臨床數據:保護力約76%

看板Stock標題[其他] AZ更新美國第三期臨床數據:保護力約76%作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:21


76% vaccine efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19

100% efficacy against severe or critical disease and hospitalisation

85% efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 in participants aged 65 years and over

Positive high-level results from the primary analysis of the Phase III trial of AZD1222 in the US have confirmed vaccine efficacy consistent with the pre-specified interim analysis announced on Monday 22 March 2021.

These results have been presented to the independent Data Safety Monitoring Board. The primary analysis is pre-specified in the protocol and will be the basis for a regulatory submission for Emergency Use Authorization to the US Food and Drug Administration in the coming weeks.

This primary efficacy analysis included the accrual of 190 symptomatic cases of COVID-19 from the 32,449 trial participants, an additional 49 cases to the previously announced interim analysis. Participants were randomised on a 2:1 ratio between the vaccine and placebo group.

The primary endpoint, vaccine efficacy at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 was 76% (confidence interval (CI): 68% to 82%) occurring 15 days or more after receiving two doses given four weeks apart. In addition, results were comparable across age groups, with vaccine efficacy of 85% (CI: 58% to 95%) in adults 65 years and older. A key secondary endpoint, preventing severe or critical disease and hospitalisation, demonstrated 100% efficacy. There were eight cases of severe COVID-19 observed in the primary analysis with all of those cases in the placebo group.

The vaccine was well tolerated, and no safety concerns related to the vaccine were identified.












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analysis556603/25 12:06中国疫苗要打3針

jerrylin 03/25 12:08反正就是接近80% 誰叫陳時中堅持不買輝瑞的

jerrylin 03/25 12:09人家代理亞洲區也要拒買 真是腦子壞了

c8c8c8c8c8c803/25 12:11陳有堅持不買輝瑞? 代理問題不是BNT嗎?

c8c8c8c8c8c803/25 12:13阿幹看錯隻

nathan2000 03/25 12:15把AZ講的跟科興的是誰啊…

reason825 03/25 12:19看大家要相信數據相信專業的人,還是要相信無腦起鬨

reason825 03/25 12:19帶風向的人?

phix 03/25 12:20輝瑞保存也很難啊 超低溫

jjoonnyy 03/25 12:23不差了, 但有95%的, 誰想打75的呢

jjoonnyy 03/25 12:23但AZ對非洲的大概只有10%, 滿慘的

fourkg 03/25 12:27

rodney92 03/25 12:36支那科興讚讚讚 支那gn最喜歡

simo520 03/25 12:36Az 夠便宜和運送方便。

sonyvaio 03/25 12:36還是輸給嬌生 輝瑞 莫德納 只贏中國科科

wang111283 03/25 12:38可以打一劑誰要兩劑

SRadiant 03/25 12:41嬌生疫苗VE=66%,雖然只要一劑,但這個輸贏要怎麼

SRadiant 03/25 12:41比?

matlab1106 03/25 12:42死掉當然就不會感染病毒了

aegis43210 03/25 12:49嬌生對變種病毒比較強且報告完整

aegis43210 03/25 12:54BNT有中資不好買就算了,台灣五月就能拿到莫德納,

aegis43210 03/25 12:54民眾要快點習慣台灣有本土確診

SRadiant 03/25 13:12對於Novavax和強生,針對B.1.351的功效均降至60%以

SRadiant 03/25 13:12下。該疫苗針對變種毒株的真正功效尚不清楚,因為他

SRadiant 03/25 13:12們測試了原始變種和新變種的混合。

SRadiant 03/25 13:16針對南非變異株的試驗還沒多少完整的報告,嬌生也一

SRadiant 03/25 13:16樣,試驗當下不同病毒株流行的程度不同,就會影響

SRadiant 03/25 13:16整體結果。下降是一定的,但下降到多少,目前就AZ

SRadiant 03/25 13:16很明確"無效",其他幾家只有中和抗體的結果

Robben 03/25 14:0895%的比較貴

Robben 03/25 14:09BNT還要冷鏈 又不是功能最強就賣最好

analysis556603/25 16:15德國打BNT疫苗,最近疫情卻升高

analysis556603/25 16:15德國截至22日,過去一周每10萬人有107人確診,超出

analysis556603/25 16:15重症加護病房負荷門檻。