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Asensus Surgical EPS in-line, beats on revenue
Nov. 03, 2021 4:08 PM ETAsensus Surgical, Inc. (ASXC)
By: Pranav Ghumatkar, SA

Asensus Surgical (NYSE:ASXC):
Q3 Non-GAAP EPS of -$0.06 in-line;
GAAP EPS of -$0.07 misses by $0.01.

Revenue of $2.57M (+217.3% Y/Y) beats by $1.55M.


American: ASXC), a medical device company that is digitizing the interface
between the surgeon and the patient to pioneer a new era of
Performance-Guided Surgery™, today announced its operating and financial
results for the third quarter 2021.

北卡羅來納州研究三角公園--(美國商業資訊)--醫療設備公司Ascount Surgical,Inc.(紐約證券交易所美國證券交易所代碼:ASXC)今天宣佈了其2021年第三季度的經營和財務業績。該公司正在將外科醫生和患者之間的界面數字化,以開創績效導向手術™的新時代。

Recent Highlights


Record quarter for procedures performed using Senhance® Surgical Systems,
growing 47% over the prior year

Four Senhance Surgical Programs recently initiated, three in Japan and one inRussia

Received FDA 510(k) clearance for expanded capabilities of the Intelligent
Surgical UnitTM (ISUTM), including first-of-its-kind 3D measurement, digital
tagging, image enhancement, and enhanced camera control

Received FDA 510(k) clearance for 5 mm articulating instruments

Six Senhance programs initiated year to date

-獲得FDA 510(K)批准,以擴大智能外科單元的功能TM(執行支助股TM),包括首創的3D測量 、數字標記、圖像增強和增強的相機控制
-獲得FDA 510(K)許可,可用於5 mm鉸接式器械

"We are very proud of our recent performance as we continued to make
significant progress towards our strategic focus areas despite the meaningfulchallenges we faced during the quarter as a result of the most recent COVID
spike which impacted all of our key geographies. We have seen a recent
acceleration of new system installations as well as strong system utilizationtrends, which we believe reinforces that there is strong demand in the marketfor an innovative surgical platform that brings new capabilities to the
operating room, and that surgeons who have adopted Senhance are finding its
unique combination of surgical intelligence and foundational laparoscopic
movements both compelling and advantageous for themselves and their
patients," said Anthony Fernando, President and CEO of Asensus Surgical. "As
we look to the balance of 2021 and into 2022, we plan to continue this
momentum to drive increased global adoption and advance the capabilities of
Senhance to deliver on the promise of Performance-Guided Surgery."


Commercial and Clinical Update


Procedure Volume Trends


During the third quarter of 2021, procedure volumes increased by over 47%
compared to the prior year quarter, primarily driven by growth in Europe and
the United States. Sequentially, compared to the second quarter of 2021,
procedure volumes increased by 5%. Over 1,500 procedures have been completed
year to date, bringing total Senhance procedures to over 5,500 globally.



New Senhance Program Initiations


The Company recently announced four new Senhance Robotic Surgery Program
initiations. Three Japanese hospitals entered into agreements to lease a
Senhance Surgical System, bringing the total number of Senhance programs in
Japan to seven. The fourth program initiation was in Russia, following a
hospital's purchase of a Senhance Surgical System. This represents the first
Senhance Surgical System to be utilized in Russia.


Year to date, six new Senhance programs have been initiated. For the full
year 2021, the Company continues to expect to initiate 10 - 12 new Senhance


Expanded Global ISU Machine Vision Capabilities


In September, the Company announced that it received 510(k) clearance from
the FDA for an expansion of machine vision capabilities on the previously
cleared Intelligent Surgical Unit (ISU). The ISU is utilized with the
Company's Senhance Surgical System which enables Digital Laparoscopy. The
initial features of the ISU enable machine vision-driven control of the
camera for a surgeon by responding to commands and recognizing certain
objects and locations in the surgical field, and allow a surgeon to change
the visualized field of view using the movement of their instruments. The
newest ISU features expand upon these capabilities and introduce more
advanced features including: 3D measurement, digital tagging, image
enhancement, and enhanced camera control based on real-time data from
anatomical structures while performing surgery. This will be the first time
any of these features will be clinically available in soft-tissue abdominal


Articulating Instrument Clearance


In July, the Company announced that it had received 510(k) clearance for 5 mmarticulating instruments, which offer better access to difficult-to-reach
areas of the anatomy.


Third Quarter Financial Results


For the three months ended September 30, 2021, the Company reported revenue
of $2.6 million as compared to revenue of $0.8 million in the three months
ended September 30, 2020. Revenue in the third quarter of 2021 included $1.4
million in Senhance system revenue, $0.8 million in instruments and
accessories, and $0.4 million in services.


For the three months ended September 30, 2021, total operating expenses were
$16.7 million, as compared to $14.6 million in the three months ended
September 30, 2020.


For the three months ended September 30, 2021, net loss was $16.1 million, or$0.07 per common share, as compared to a net loss of $15.1 million, or $0.15
per common share, in the three months ended September 30, 2020.


For the three months ended September 30, 2021, the adjusted net loss of $14.3million, or $0.06 per common share, as compared to an adjusted net loss of
$11.9 million, or $0.12 per common share in the three months ended September
30, 2020, after adjusting for the following charges: amortization of
intangible assets, change in fair value of contingent consideration, change
in fair value of warrant liabilities, and employee retention tax credit, all
of which are non-cash charges. Adjusted net loss is a non-GAAP financial
measure. See the reconciliation from GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures below.


Balance Sheet Updates


The Company had cash, cash equivalents, short-term and long-term investments,excluding restricted cash of approximately $147.9 million as of September 30,2021.



※ PTT留言評論
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※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 11/04/2021 22:06:03

wingstar 11/04 22:06這檔要等財報轉正後才是真正爆發之時

主要是預期看起來往好的方向走才大漲 不然前幾天記得也是爛透了

qk3380888 11/04 22:07好久沒看 居然剩下兩塊= =

其實我一直在看他 只是就沒關注消息面. 他一直在1.7上下游移

※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 11/04/2021 22:08:08

sorryla 11/04 22:11可以看到毛票王復出了嗎?!好期待

Severine 11/04 22:17才勉強爬回2塊 應該很難看到

jacktedrule 11/04 22:19拿板凳等毛票王復出轟特斯拉~

reverieh 11/04 22:47我的樂透毛票,買的時候1股5塊

Severine 11/04 22:475塊很貴了 當時5塊是很瘋狂的時候

reverieh 11/04 22:50我都把這檔排持有股第一位,每次打開警惕自己==

Severine 11/04 22:54很好的做法 我當時清光了XD

lyhorcish 11/04 23:08毛票王消失真久

willtaiwan 11/04 23:16毛票王每天研究股票很久,怎麼不多研究特斯拉

不要忘了去年他發過一篇很經典的:未來買不到25000以下的道瓊 當時各種被酸 XD

※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 11/04/2021 23:21:44

RS512 11/04 23:23真的 就跟我還有一股11.4的NNdM一樣

lyhorcish 11/04 23:25印象中毛票王說要轉戰中概股

mdkn35 11/04 23:40這支套了不少冤魂...我有幸出掉

highca0709 11/04 23:59毛票王二十年股齡 請給尊重好嗎

flyseatw 11/05 07:47我也是毛票王推薦買進,均價3塊初,昨天一開盤看時

flyseatw 11/05 07:47嚇到,期待to the moon

book7 11/05 17:57德資緣表示:

HCLP 11/19 21:55幸好早割肉了