[分享] 現在小聯盟的待遇(薪資、住宿、通勤)

看板Baseball標題[分享] 現在小聯盟的待遇(薪資、住宿、通勤)作者
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Offseason camp: $625 per week (Previous minimum was $0). In the fall and wintertraining periods, players receive this amount if they are invited to a team facility. If they are not invited but choose to train there, the player receives the below at-home rate.


Offseason at home: $250 per week, except the six-week dead period around the holidays when players cannot be asked to work. Teams cannot direct a player to work more than 10 hours per week at home. (Previous minimum was $0.)



Spring training: $625 per week (Previous minimum was $0). If a minor leaguer isbrought to major league camp, they return to the $625 per week rate only upon being reassigned to minor league camp.


Dead period: No pay.



Minimum annual salaries: The below salaries are for 2023 and 2024. In each of 2025, 2026 and 2027, they have minor increases year to year.

Rookie/complex league: $19,800, up from $4,800 previously
Low A: $26,200, up from $11,000
High A: $27,300, up from $11,000
Double A: $30,250, up from $13,800
Triple A: $35,800, up from $17,500

What those salaries break down to on a weekly basis in-season:

Rookie/complex league: $675 per week, up from $400 previously
Single A: $850 per week, up from $500
High A: $900, up from $500
Double A: $1,000, up from $600
Triple A: $1,200, up from $700


3A $35,800 原本$17,500
2A $30,250 原本$13,800
高A $27,300 原本$11,000
1A $26,200 原本$11,000
新人 $19,800 原本$4,800


Ability to earn above the minimum

Players will now make an extra $375 per week spent working in the offseason. That’s the difference between at-home pay ($250 per week) and offseason camp pay ($625 per week). So if a player goes to a team facility once the minor league season ends for instructional work, they’re receiving more money.





With pay for spring training and for time spent at complexes, be it extended spring training or otherwise, players are to be compensated now for all days they are working. (This includes rehabilitation work, outside of the dead period.)


Per diem: Players receive a per diem of $30 per day (up from $25 previously), with cost-of-living adjustments calculated during the agreement. Per diem is to be paid on days players are traveling to or from a team facility, i.e., after switching levels or leaving for the end of the season.




All players are guaranteed housing except for players who have either a major league contract, or minor leaguers earning more than $4,666.67 per week, which would only be players who signed their minor league deal as a free agent. Players at that earning level can negotiate for club-provided housing in their contract.(Those players are guaranteed housing in spring training and offseason camps like everyone else.)



The MLBPA is to receive advance notice of accommodations and can provide feedback.

Teams are to respect player privacy, and can conduct room inspections or enter a player’s room only when the occupants of the premises are present.



Spring training

Minor leaguers are to be in hotels or dorms during spring, with no more than two beds per bedroom.



During spring training, players who have at least 30 days of service in Triple A or Double A — as well as players projected to be on a roster at either of those levels — can opt out and receive a stipend. Teams can determine the stipend,but it can be no less than $50 per night and no more than the amount the team would otherwise have spent for housing. (Teams will have to be able to demonstrate that cost.)

Teams at their discretion can choose to offer an opt-out under those terms to players at other levels.






At home in-season

Host families are not permitted. Extended-stay hotels can be used only with MLBPA approval. Short-term hotels during a rehab assignment or after a player has been moved to a given team are limited to a maximum of 14 days.



Once the season begins, Double-A and Triple-A players assigned to an affiliate anywhere besides the team complexes are to receive their own bedroom.


Single-A and High-A players may be asked to share a bedroom, but can opt out with sufficient notice and receive a stipend. Once again, the individual teams determine the amount of the stipend, but it can be no less than $50 per night and no more than the amount the team would otherwise have spent for housing. (Teams will have to be able to demonstrate that cost.)




Players who have a spouse and/or children have to give sufficient notice and are to be accommodated in one of two ways: with a “family-friendly” housing option or with a stipend.


可以選擇適合家庭的房型 OR 領補助自己租

The family-friendly housing option guarantees a married player a private bedroom, while a player with one or more children is guaranteed at least two bedrooms. The stipend would be equal to the actual average rent for players at the affiliate, and no less than $50 per night.



All housing is to be a reasonable, commutable distance from the stadium and to include a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, shared living space with typical appliances and furniture.




Players cannot be required to sign leases or utility agreements, and are not tobe responsible for electricity, water, gas, sewage, trash, or Wi-Fi bills, but are responsible for subscriptions such as Netflix.





On the road in-season

The commissioner’s office must approve all road hotels, which have safety, security and cleaning standards, and must have high-speed internet. Teams can have players share hotel rooms on the road, but can also provide players their own room.

Minor league player reps will provide regular feedback about hotels to the MLBPA, and the commissioner’s office is expected to investigate valid complaints about them.







Teams are to provide high-quality meals both before and after every game and workout, and a joint clubhouse nutrition committee is in place to address complaints. Teams also have to provide cost-effective and nutritious snacks, and at least one NSF Certified for Sport protein supplement.




以及至少一種經過 NSF 認證的運動蛋白質補充劑




To and from the stadium

Rookie, Low-A and High-A players are guaranteed transportation between their dwelling and the park. Each team is to have a transportation coordinator. Players with cars are to cooperate with reasonable requests from the coordinator to allow players who do not have cars to tag along, so long as there’s room in the car. Players may be asked to sign an MLBPA-approved liability waiver when they’re driven by team officials to and from the park.





Double-A, Triple-A and Arizona Fall League Players do not have a coordinator orthe guarantees of daily transportation. But if a player at one of those levels tells the MLBPA they don’t have a safe option, the league and the union will work together to address the issue.




Individual travel

If a team sends a player somewhere and the player drives, the player is guaranteed reimbursement at the IRS mileage rate for the full length of the trip (with no cap), as well as a hotel room for multi-day trips. The hotel room is subject to club approval that it is necessary. If a player flies, they receive a coach ticket, luggage reimbursement for up to two checked bags — three for catchers —and transportation to and from the airport.






If a team does not let a player drive from spring training to their affiliate when camp breaks, the player is to be reimbursed for shipping the car, provided there was adequate notice given that the player wanted to bring his car.





Team travel

Teams will have two full-size buses for all road trips. If a trip is more than 250 miles, they receive sleeper or luxury buses (as long as they’re available).On plane rides, players receive a coach seat, reasonable luggage fees and transportation to and from the airport. In Triple A, for trips longer than 550 miles,the league and the union will discuss whether a trip should be by plane or bus.






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HONYLO06/14 10:02

ilks233406/14 10:05看起來還不差

polanco06/14 10:05

RodrigueZ81006/14 10:05看內容改的不錯

chocobell06/14 10:06看起來過得很舒適

polanco06/14 10:06其實比較像正常職業球員該有的待遇了吧

GordonRamsay06/14 10:08能出國就出國

HORNER06/14 10:09砍了很多人啊....

WasJohnWall06/14 10:09不錯了,以前就真的痛苦

charlie0106/14 10:10就是用球員人數大幅減少換來的

saidon06/14 10:10猜這是稅前八 雖然稅扣一扣不知道剩多少 至少包食宿就可以

saidon06/14 10:10省不少錢了

charlie0106/14 10:11短A層級不見了 並且現在有所有層級人數加總限制 雖然

charlie0106/14 10:11還是有不少人陪公子打球 但那種純圓夢的幾乎沒有了

Beantownfan06/14 10:11看起來改善許多

saidon06/14 10:11然後的確這是用之前的小聯盟縮編計畫換來的

Beantownfan06/14 10:12忘了誰說過 曾經正餐只給吐司跟花生醬

ben101306/14 10:12

lions40206/14 10:13跟之前苦行僧年代比爽真多

Augustus506/14 10:13難怪爭相旅美

chdc06/14 10:14在那邊喊小聯盟很苦要用簽約金過活的不知道幾年沒更新了

theworld66606/14 10:15以美國消費水準這薪資還是不算高吧 只是比較能正常一

theworld66606/14 10:15點生活

littlerocket06/14 10:15某些老人:現在的球員真是爛草莓

saidon06/14 10:16真木頭和幫主曾說過他兩以前同是馬林魚小聯盟球員時 連續

saidon06/14 10:16吃了一百多還兩百多天的chipotle 畢竟那便宜

liusim06/14 10:18但之前苦行的年代其實才幾年前的事情.....

GyroZeppeli06/14 10:19以前的待遇真的太爛了

liusim06/14 10:20然後年薪其實也不高啦 雖然比之前好非常多了

apenguin06/14 10:20以前打到3A才勉強2萬鎂年薪,真慘

kenro06/14 10:20很不錯了

VTsuyoshi06/14 10:20推分享

chdc06/14 10:21不是阿 球團吃住交通訓練都包了 是有什麼必須消費多到需要

chdc06/14 10:21比到物價水準的 確定不是領美金回台灣花?

wplinwp06/14 10:21分母變小 答案就變大了

david884050506/14 10:21推分享 蠻好看的

hans719206/14 10:23帶老婆去的話還是會燒到簽約金啦 只是可以燒很久

jazon06/14 10:23一天30鎂餐要看地方 鄉下一點可能夠用 西岸可能不夠用就是

lomgray06/14 10:23以前真的是奴工。現在好一點,如果能再增加一倍就更好。

choobii06/14 10:24原來是把以前的雜魚層級砍掉換來的待遇變好

l5i9hbba06/14 10:24人數減少 就能給這些了 不錯

qwerty6z06/14 10:25感謝整理

hans719206/14 10:25我比較好奇每階層的小聯盟球隊選手都是MLB合約所屬?

hans719206/14 10:25還是會有幾個是小聯盟球隊自己找來的選手?

Addis1006/14 10:27從苦行增升級低收入戶

BlGP06/14 10:28推整理

saintlin06/14 10:28那這樣台灣更留不住選手啦,換我能出國就出國。除非中

saintlin06/14 10:28職能打到頂直輸日職或大聯盟,要不然提高簽約金也沒用。

DeaGoo06/14 10:30看起來比以前正常許多

rahim0306/14 10:31一直叫人不要出國 在小聯盟很窮很苦 但看這個待遇 比中職

rahim0306/14 10:31好了吧

stu2593606/14 10:31看完以後才知道以前有多慘

zxc90638306/14 10:33還是沒有比中職好吧 只是比較正常而已

hans719206/14 10:33簽約金本來就不是問題了 會糾結的只是看那個數字而已

hayashijun06/14 10:33推整理

bkebke06/14 10:35新方案會有縮編的問題嗎 成本高不少

AisinGioro06/14 10:35美國吃一天要30美金? 這麼貴喔

vgil06/14 10:35以前休賽季還要去兼職打工真的苦 現在過得像一般人了

vgil06/14 10:36補貼食衣住就省很多了

AisinGioro06/14 10:36有人為了省錢自己煮的嗎

hans719206/14 10:37一定會阿

rahim0306/14 10:37保障年薪加上休賽季週薪 春訓週薪 訓練基地週薪 沒比中職

rahim0306/14 10:37二軍好嗎?

johnson4406/14 10:38以前都說窮到吃速食

rahim0306/14 10:38中職一軍月薪七萬 二軍月薪五萬

jimgene06/14 10:38外食兩餐,20多塊美金就跑不掉

jimgene06/14 10:39如果你每餐都吃麥當勞,那可以一天只花10美金

hans719206/14 10:39美國沒去過 在倫敦一天正常3餐 30美金應該是不夠

zhmzhm06/14 10:40訓練比賽前後有供餐,一天還有30元餐費,還有提供住宿加

zhmzhm06/14 10:40上週薪,待遇改善很多了

AisinGioro06/14 10:40啊 我錯了 在台北三餐外食也是都不便宜

ig4999906/14 10:42屌打中職

YQE76606/14 10:43看起來真的比改之前好很多

hans719206/14 10:43中職二軍跟小聯盟待遇不能用匯率換算啦 很多東西是無形

Y199906/14 10:44起碼像個人了

icemc06/14 10:44改了之後就更想旅外了啊,其實還可以

qazweeew06/14 10:45推推 看起來很不錯

b944111806/14 10:45中職二軍省一點好像不會花到什麼錢?

saidon06/14 10:45之前報過不少小聯盟球員休賽季去打零工開uber補貼家用的

rahim0306/14 10:46小聯盟供吃住交通了 也花不到什麼 食物也保障不會像以前

rahim0306/14 10:46一樣慘

saidon06/14 10:46即使這兩三年開始小聯盟待遇開始改善 這種休賽季打零工的

kiki008906/14 10:46以前小小郭吧,要買漢堡冷凍冰庫,再慢慢吃補充營養。

saidon06/14 10:46情況也一定還是有拉

scott2906/14 10:46以前不是還要在夜巴上睡覺

rahim0306/14 10:46訓練比賽都有供餐 還有一天30鎂餐費

scott2906/14 10:47最近還有剪不起百元(鎂)理髮

saidon06/14 10:47畢竟還是有像推文說的 有結婚甚至有小孩要養家的

jkokpcu06/14 10:49缺點是縮編人事成本未來就沒有陪公子練的雜魚圓夢機會都

jkokpcu06/14 10:49不給

icemc06/14 10:50有結婚小孩的那就看簽約金多少拿來頂啊

icemc06/14 10:51在中職難道就會馬上解決嗎?除非你是一輪

lala22206/14 10:51美國三餐都外食30鎂哪夠

bkebke06/14 10:52中職宿舍沒比賽時沒供餐嗎

Kelsier2706/14 10:52美國現在物價不是很驚人嗎

mtcoat06/14 10:53依照美國通膨 這薪水還是蠻低的 如果不調漲的話 根本變相

mtcoat06/14 10:53阻止人追夢想 追夢想之餘還是要吃飯呀

hans719206/14 10:54在中職 老婆女友其實是可以上班的阿 ....

tobbaco06/14 10:54看起來改善很多

Eos06/14 10:54運動員食量想吃飽一餐救藥30鎂吧

hans719206/14 10:55還是職棒選手老婆女友規定不能上班?

Freedom030106/14 10:56

CrossroadMEI06/14 10:56現在縮編到一隊200人以內的樣子

sky001tp06/14 10:58待遇大提升了

CrossroadMEI06/14 11:00未來可能也不會讓東巴暢打到30歲了 養不起來就叫你

CrossroadMEI06/14 11:00回家了

tedandjolin06/14 11:02中職應該薪水到一個程度的老婆都沒上班了吧?

bdgnrd010306/14 11:02雖然這薪水在美國來說不算高薪 不過還可以

chdc06/14 11:0230鎂是零用金不是餐費吧 吃的主場要提供 客場另外補貼

欸 我翻錯了QQ 是津貼沒錯 不是餐費

K093306/14 11:03人性化多了

hans719206/14 11:04當然薪水高到一個程度是可以不用上班 但推文講的不是

a18636106/14 11:05推,以前是真的全靠吃老本

hans719206/14 11:05我要強調的是兩邊的比較很多無形的東西不是匯率能算出來

cxzzxc88806/14 11:06台留不住選手

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 11:06:57

liusim06/14 11:07中職的調薪其實還不差 就是輸出無望的話 MLB夢=無價

a18636106/14 11:071A年薪大約80萬,跟中職一軍底薪差不多

MA4043306/14 11:09還蠻全面的給推

liusim06/14 11:10中職的語言、環境壓力也小一點 但現況幾乎等同放棄MLB就很

chdc06/14 11:10家鄉的拉力本來就很夠啊 有親人愛人朋友 熟悉的環境 中職優

chdc06/14 11:10勢一直很大 剩下把旅外路打通 讓人美夢成真

abusgun06/14 11:10我也在想這樣以後沒辦法馬上證明自己實力的人搞不好不用

abusgun06/14 11:10一年就掰了吧,但之前小聯盟那種薪酬跟福利真的就棒球地

abusgun06/14 11:10獄..

liusim06/14 11:10難;孫易磊也是就近選日職附帶一堆機票 家裡的因素都是

a18636106/14 11:10中職就差在旅外夢

a18636106/14 11:123A換算月薪9萬台票,回中職大概可以領10倍

a18636106/14 11:145-10倍

chdc06/14 11:15不至於一年啦 起碼有簽約金 球團也是有成本在 但沒進步球團

chdc06/14 11:15也不會等你太久就是了 人數限制下 新的進來舊的就要出去

yaes11106/14 11:15改善後算還可以 那之前到底是多慘...

a18636106/14 11:15之前保障年薪11k鎂啊

a18636106/14 11:16休賽季要去開Uber,給你參考

a18636106/14 11:17比台灣業餘球員還慘

chdc06/14 11:19以前就真的要省啊 但以前中職環境也不夠好 所以即使幾萬鎂

chdc06/14 11:19也是想要逃出去

liusim06/14 11:21在中職新人2-3年能到2-3A水平 加薪幅度其實算蠻高 跟小聯

liusim06/14 11:21比的話

ms055276406/14 11:22這次改動主要是超車日職育成吧

k3353606/14 11:22進步惹

k3353606/14 11:22前人真的太辛苦了

adwn06/14 11:24待遇調高這麼多,應該砍了不少人吧

Anakin06/14 11:26砍太多人,已經有人抱怨砍到小聯盟競爭力不足了

Anakin06/14 11:27有人認為為了拿這些錢出來,都砍比較貴但是水準比較好的

Anakin06/14 11:274A球員

jumilin92706/14 11:27不用去修行了XD

s920912222206/14 11:27為什麼他們以前吃那些東西還能那麼壯?

fc3s432106/14 11:29難怪郭泓志之前說去那邊比鬼還窮

neroASHS06/14 11:32從難民營變成正常點的地方了

arexne06/14 11:32以前要自己另外花錢買高蛋白 現在不知道有沒有補給

ryosuke23406/14 11:33對旅美球員來說 完善很多 至於語言就要自己搞定了

zxc90638306/14 11:33

LCJ090306/14 11:34能旅外趕快旅外

JonaGoGo06/14 11:34宗哲每天出去吃的早餐 未稅11.99 加稅加小費就15了 午

JonaGoGo06/14 11:34晚餐只會更貴 $30就是還行 但是球員應該會要吃更多

ryosuke23406/14 11:34真的就讓球員 只要安心打球就好

qazxc31206/14 11:35福利還不錯,能旅外就旅外吧,別留台灣了

Jamez06/14 11:36這待遇 如果能出去 誰不想去

mstar06/14 11:41用砍人數換來的比較正常待遇,以前機會多但是地獄環境啊。

sportagent06/14 11:43謝整理

icemc06/14 11:43吃是主場提供 客場補貼 30美是零用啦

icemc06/14 11:43所以吃應該沒啥問題

BryantKobe06/14 11:44鞏冠沒簽約金也沒現在小聯盟的福利

BryantKobe06/14 11:44他的身材還不是練得比大部分中職球員粗

BryantKobe06/14 11:45他練到2A回來打中職也是拿高薪呀

AaronWang06/14 11:47應該要的

zxc90638306/14 11:47鞏冠4萬到底在美國是怎麼過的XD

kenro06/14 11:50他們好像都買回來自己煮,遇到台灣幫的才會去吃餐廳

HenryAirLine06/14 11:53住宿津貼才1500台幣 美國哪裡有這種房子可租?

一天至少50美,一個月是1500鎂啊 小聯盟多半在鄉下小城市 租的到吧

lovemeteor06/14 11:54所以前一陣子王建民還在拿20年前的MiLB待遇在那邊比

lovemeteor06/14 11:54就還蠻好笑的啊,現在小朋友搞不好還覺得在那邊講啥

lovemeteor06/14 11:54古XD

lovemeteor06/14 11:54

phix06/14 11:54可以出國了

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 11:55:04

KEITTLY06/14 11:55一定自己煮,美國外食太貴了,一餐隨便破千台,這還是一

KEITTLY06/14 11:55般人,運動員需要高熱量絕對不夠吃

CircusWorld06/14 11:55感謝整理 比之前好多了 以前真的在小聯盟打拼待遇差

HenryAirLine06/14 11:55你自己寫每天才50美金

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 11:56:06

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 11:56:44

zxc90638306/14 11:58覺得不夠租就去住球團準備的啊

zxc90638306/14 11:58津貼是選擇不要住球團時給的

zxc90638306/14 11:58#1cQk8kEu (Baseball)

KEITTLY06/14 11:59

zxc90638306/14 11:59宗哲他們的海盜翻譯今年和投叫合租 一個月1200 一人出

zxc90638306/14 11:59600

KEITTLY06/14 11:59麵包配生菜是21年還在發生的事,並沒有多古老

zxc90638306/14 11:59投教

FantasyChopi06/14 12:01原本也太低了吧 如果沒夠多簽約金根本要自費打球

sding06/14 12:02感謝整理

stone72101606/14 12:02美國現在的物價,沒來過的很難想像!這薪水基本上是

stone72101606/14 12:02不夠的,簽約金得拿出來貼補居多

HenryAirLine06/14 12:03球團準備的肯定沒有自己去租的好 不住球團提供就是

HenryAirLine06/14 12:031500美金要自己掏錢補差額 一天50鎂只能睡地下室或

HenryAirLine06/14 12:03車庫

yamahaya06/14 12:08終於像人了 感謝整理

access409606/14 12:09推整理

hans719206/14 12:17這又讓我想到亞洲MLB選手都會特別照顧同為亞洲的出外人

hans719206/14 12:17像公園哥就照顧過不少台灣人包括鋒哥

CCptt06/14 12:18 美國現在的物價 這薪水還是很辛苦

hans719206/14 12:18筒神也給宗哲一堆球具還說有需要再跟他說(感動)

ccyi99506/14 12:23以前就是在煉蠱吧 想翻身跟沒後路的都很拼

palapalanhu06/14 12:24終於

AhCheng06/14 12:24真的越變越好了

WaywayPao06/14 12:243A這薪水還是很慘

WaywayPao06/14 12:24比端盤子臨時工還少...

kimisawa06/14 12:31那種薪水扣不到的多少稅 機會是貧窮線

A13514206/14 12:34

kexfj06/14 12:35比板模工少很多 嗯

eon406/14 12:36說不比中職差的484不知道美國物價有多扯 只是以前是地獄等級

eon406/14 12:36現在算低收入戶這樣

evaras06/14 12:37太棒了 我也想去小聯盟打球了

pkhio06/14 12:43未看先推

noknow80101106/14 12:45長知識 推

jesuskobe06/14 12:45這在美國是低收入戶吧...雖然比之前好了

payneblue06/14 12:47簽約金太低的 感覺真的在自費打球

honey461791206/14 12:48所以說這次能出去的就盡量出去了 沒以前苦了

bbo4045306/14 12:48以物價跟平均薪資來看這薪水還是很悲劇啊,從18層地獄

bbo4045306/14 12:48跑到第十層的差別而已

zxc90638306/14 12:49還是低收入戶沒錯

rkilo06/14 12:49至少活得下去了

zxc90638306/14 12:50但租金 水電 飲食 通勤球團會幫你付

bob62102406/14 12:50用心整理推

zxc90638306/14 12:50不用球員出錢

Anakin06/14 12:51這是小聯盟球員薪水,大部分3A上過大聯盟的不是領這種

AirLee06/14 12:5130鎂還是只能chipotle

orz16jim06/14 12:52環境真的有在改善 反觀

zxc90638306/14 12:52平實還是吃球團準備的吧

zxc90638306/14 12:52平常

zxc90638306/14 12:53只不過聽航海日誌 要看球隊給廚營養師的預算多少XD

kwinner06/14 12:57以前不到兩萬美怎麼活下來啊

Arodz06/14 12:59

simpsons06/14 13:09推整理

panhoho06/14 13:10林柏佑曾在Vamos說小聯盟都吃吐司抹醬,對比王溢正在日職

panhoho06/14 13:10二軍吃很好

panhoho06/14 13:11美國還是有機會被學長照顧,小曹就曾給過某位台灣選手空

panhoho06/14 13:11白支票

AustinPowers06/14 13:12不知道這金額是不是還要扣稅

cityman999906/14 13:33因為分食大餅的人少了

sadmonkey06/14 13:38原本薪水比中職二軍還低,當年台灣去拼小聯盟的基本都

sadmonkey06/14 13:38是拿錢在燒,現在薪水雖然低至少能過日子

mose5678906/14 13:51真的好很多了

akizut06/14 13:56黃俊中有說以前休賽季要去餐廳打工賺生活費

abcnelson65406/14 13:58還是回來領得多啦

asidy06/14 13:58潛力足夠出國的比較不會卡在經濟因素了

chdc06/14 14:00又不是只拿這些錢就要在美國活整年 吃住交通幾乎都免耶 平

chdc06/14 14:00常日根本不用花到什麼錢 休賽季還是在台灣生活

mingzong06/14 14:03跟以前比真的天差地

chdc06/14 14:07球團現在都給基本生活了 口袋不夠深就不要想著大餐豪宅 是

chdc06/14 14:07去工作又不是去享樂 錢都花在這上面然後喊窮 不就黃勇傳

Damnbd06/14 14:21推整理~~~

raysilence06/14 14:22以前好扯....各種不支薪

WanYC06/14 14:28

johnbill06/14 14:3030美金 合理

johnbill06/14 14:30以前真的是做功德 買夢想

johnbill06/14 14:31不要亂花 至少簽約金 能留得住了 不用狂燒

cesuya06/14 14:48還是低收入,美國2023人均7.6萬鎂

Magicbears06/14 14:50沒考慮物價還有其他因素,講的一副很懂天花亂墜真的好

Magicbears06/14 14:50

Magicbears06/14 14:51現在真的比較好一些,但還是辛苦,小球員要出去還是要

Magicbears06/14 14:51有心理準備

JonaGoGo06/14 15:02大家可以去聽航海日誌有說明很多新的細節 但是簡單講現

JonaGoGo06/14 15:02在從以前不是人過的日子變成至少是人的生活 還是辛苦

DDG100006/14 15:213A那種基本薪資還是不夠,在美國基本一個月10到12萬台幣

DDG100006/14 15:21才剛好而已!

petergold06/14 15:35終於不是那麼差了。

tt103406/14 15:41想問一下,美國的物價大概是在哪個區間?

tt103406/14 15:41不然單純數字很難比較這樣算多還是算少

f8799201806/14 17:04現在待遇比以前好太多了,以前根本地獄

JonaGoGo06/14 17:05每個地方生活消費差距太大 7.6萬是每戶平均(美國家庭平

JonaGoGo06/14 17:05均2.5人) 而一個兩人之家 2.7萬就可以申請窮人醫保了

westsky06/14 17:20舒適多了

jack955806/14 17:38難怪大家還是拼出國試試,至少有一定保障

lwswjs06/14 18:07人家的工會好好用

DDG100006/14 18:083A平均一個月3000美金!這金額真的不夠

tmc9406/14 19:31這待遇至少簽約金不會燒很快

chiz206/14 21:47沒被邀請去facility但是自己跑去是拿“額外”的375鎂,不是

chiz206/14 21:47週薪375吧