[分享] TMLR Podcast: 李灝宇有理由進入百大

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Tigers Minor League Reports是非官方的組織,經常採訪球員跟對老虎小聯盟做報導和精華,今天邀請到AA的老虎主場主播來跟他們一起做podcast.


As far as him playing third, I know you've seen him play where it's like this. The arm strength is there, but the range, is it something where he just struggles making the routine play? What do you see in him atthird so far?

I think it's not necessarilv, I think, with Hao Yu, an issue with his fielding at third base. He only plays third once every two weeks or anything like that. I think it's not being used to the position.


But I think that his hands are good. His range is good. He always gets a goodfirst step.

He's especially good on the backhand plays at second base, moving up the middle to his left, right, right, to his right. I always have to because it's reversed. Yeah, because it's flipped for me when I'm watching the game from the press box.


But everybody else, you know, we post the highlights and like, Oh, man, get this guy to Toledo immediately. Like, slow down. But also, yes, it's been fun to watch him.

在推特po的精華每次都有人要求把他升到AAA XD(根本就和鄉民一樣 讓他生!

he was kind of a very hot and cold guy more so than most players, whereas hisstreaks were confined to one to three game stretches, it seemed like. He couldn't put it together for a whole series, but he wouldn't slump for a whole series.


He'd have a stretch of games where he would barrel everything and he'd go five for nine with a homer, and then he would go over his next 11 with five strikeouts because that swing, it doesn't change. If you guys have noticed watchinghim play, he swings really, really freaking hard. On everything.

as he showed more power this year than he showed at any point last year and at any point in his career, he still is not chasing a lot outside the strike zone. The swing and miss is there, but it's not aggressively so.

I was talking to our video and data guy, Alex, about him, actually Saturday after he hit the home run.And we were talking about how he swings the bat. And the adjective he used to describe how Hao-Yu swings the bat says he swings thebat angry. It's like he's angry at the pitch coming in. He wants to hurt the baseball.


He mentioned that, too, when we talked to him, when I talked to him back in April, sorry, in May, where he said that his always looking for a fastball. Andthat's the way he has a certain pitch in mind as he approaches it. And he just wants to go wherever he can do to barrel it up.

That's the biggest thing. He said that he was trying to change from last yearfrom when he as at West Michigan.

And in a time where the minor leagues in general is kind of in a downswing, the quality of prospect across Major League Baseball is not as good as it was two, three years ago. I think that he's a guy who could, at this point, get some consideration for back ends of top 100 lists as we move into the midseason. I think we're at that level with him.




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JasonTsai2306/15 22:36他現在主要就是防守的問題啊,目前看起來二壘很穩,

JasonTsai2306/15 22:36游擊沒辦法,三壘不穩定

tommyshu06/15 22:36he swings really, really freaking hard.

tommyshu06/15 22:36強到髒話差點噴出來是吧XD

A00610lol06/15 22:36聽起來不錯

tommyshu06/15 22:37身材是一根憤怒的消防栓 這句也是蠻好笑的

JasonTsai2306/15 22:37目前打得很穩,不要忘記現在在大聯盟的Keith 跟李一

JasonTsai2306/15 22:37樣,當初在2A完全不輸,3A也有實績,不要太快比較好

JasonTsai2306/15 22:37

A00610lol06/15 22:37就語助詞 XD 大概就是 X 也太強 同樣邏輯

l5i9hbba06/15 22:41同感 慢慢來 守備還要磨 打擊繼續保持

Arodz06/15 22:45把球打爆!

fp73706/15 22:49今年在這打完好成績的話 明年開季再打幾場ok就可能上去了

akiraje06/15 23:10感謝翻譯!

echoo06/15 23:42憤怒的消防栓XD 這個很具體

WasJohnWall06/15 23:5621歲的二壘打成這樣摸百大正常吧

ykd06/16 00:51在AA至少是最好的2B,在所有打者中也是PR98以上,各項能力都

ykd06/16 00:51頂尖,真的入百大有希望

saidon06/16 02:24'憤怒的消防栓'xd