[分享] 記者詢問大谷水原是如何接觸到他的帳戶

看板Baseball標題[分享] 記者詢問大谷水原是如何接觸到他的帳戶作者
時間推噓32 推:33 噓:1 →:19


看了一下,是洛杉磯時報的Dylan Hernandez在今天賽前問的


Ohtani nodded when I mentioned the unanswered questions that remained after he publicly accused former interpreter Ippei Mizuhara three days earlier of stealing money from him to settle gambling debts.


“I said all I could say at this point,” Ohtani said in Japanese.


Did he know how Mizuhara gained access to his bank account or how millions of dollars in wire transfers went unnoticed?


“It’s under investigation,” Ohtani said, “so I can’t say anything.”


Ohtani said he knew who was investigating the alleged theft — “Of course,” he said — but declined to identify the entity.


He maintained a casual tone of voice. He never broke eye contact. He didn’t look or sound nervous.


Politely passing on a chance to help the public make sense of a story that still doesn’t add up, Ohtani bowed and slipped out of the room.



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msun03/29 10:07無意義

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/29/2024 10:07:55

www9017303/29 10:08避重就輕

Axwell03/29 10:08當天有補這段的話就好了

VVizZ03/29 10:08聽君一席話,如廳一席話

ericinttu03/29 10:08 不急

ashilol03/29 10:08窩不知道

ashilol03/29 10:09劇本沒寫到這裡

WasJohnWall03/29 10:09日本周潤發

matico03/29 10:09多說多錯,得體

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/29/2024 10:09:26

XZXie03/29 10:11律師: 你敢說漏嘴你就死定惹

HisVol03/29 10:12谷黑媒體+1

illumi03/29 10:13其實律師一定建議什麼都不要說吧

l81311i03/29 10:14閃躲飄

worf03/29 10:14打鼓說謊

worf03/29 10:15全美國保打鼓

abc1281203/29 10:15開始神隱?

a1234974303/29 10:15窩不知道 窩也聽不懂英文 你在說啥

polanco03/29 10:16記者有說他是用日文問的 他媽是日本人

punk179903/29 10:17還以為漫畫有新劇情,但果不其然還在休刊中

applehpsh03/29 10:18不敢講 成熟點好嗎

phix03/29 10:19給律師處理啊 不然麻煩

suckers03/29 10:19這個Dylan Hernandez好像就是梗圖的未來大谷

polanco03/29 10:21對欸 原來是有日本血統才長得有點像

polanco03/29 10:22

sugaryeh00003/29 10:23谷迷:這哪間垃圾媒體,取消記者證好嗎

CavendishJr03/29 10:25很明顯一定有瓜田李下之嫌啊,所以律師一定要求完全

CavendishJr03/29 10:25不講

pinky84111803/29 10:27調查中的事本來不能隨意發言了

AAaaron03/29 10:30這件事只有三個人知道,我不能說

ChrisPaul0303/29 10:30直接告訴記者 多益只考300 大家就不會質疑你

pc8017603/29 10:30目前人設還是天真球痴男孩 所以任何事都窩不知道哦

Moukoko03/29 10:32現在人設是智商30只會打棒球

lwswjs03/29 10:33偵查不公開

kimicino03/29 10:35多說多錯

ig4999903/29 10:36偵查不公開

EDFR03/29 10:38偵查不公開 CC

Nikagnef03/29 10:41谷黑很急 笑死

stocktonty03/29 10:46就調查中不便透漏 要問幾次XD

Julibea03/29 10:47留著跟律師和庭上說就好 一開始放水原出去受訪才奇怪

mstar03/29 10:48這位 Dylan Hernandez 就是那張梗圖裏大鬍子「未來大谷」

kevinsun042303/29 10:51看到谷黑在廁所自慰,穩

jumpballfan03/29 10:56根本交代不清 算了 現在質疑大谷的都是谷黑

chenhom03/29 10:59有智商的 都會知道 現在什麼都不講對自己有利

sky001tp03/29 11:01谷黑:心虛了,果然有鬼,嘻嘻

payneblue03/29 11:06就還在調查是要交代什麼 笑死

killua020903/29 11:06谷黑就是沒智商

fireforce03/29 11:23谷黑:一定是心虛 逃避問題

chopinlee03/29 11:31白話:對我不利的我都不能說

elfsoosuk03/29 11:49原來就是未來大谷哈哈哈

Bmtswiiii03/29 12:33急了 還沒串好

shishio703/29 12:35該講的都講了 再問就是居心叵測

cccmn03/29 16:18大谷的天真 就像皇后的貞操