Re: [新聞] 哈勒戴墜機報告出爐 驗出大量安毒又耍特

看板Baseball標題Re: [新聞] 哈勒戴墜機報告出爐 驗出大量安毒又耍特作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:7

Toxicology testing performed by the FAA’s Bioaeronautical Sciences Research
Laboratory identified amphetamine (安非他命) at 2.2 ug/ml, morphine (嗎啡) at0.192ug/ml, zolpidem (唑吡坦) at 0.088 ug/ml, fluoxetine (百憂解) and its
metabolite norfluoxetine, and baclofen (貝可芬) at 0.72 ug/ml in cardiac blood.All of these substances as well as hydromorphone and ibuprofen were found in
the pilot’s urine. The lab found the heart blood unsuitable for testing for
hydrocodone, the more common precursor for hydromorphonethan morphine.


Amphetamine is a Schedule II controlled substance that stimulates the centralnervous system available by prescription for the treatment of attention
deficit disorder (AD/HD) and narcolepsy.


During a visit in September 2015, the pilot’s primary care physician noted a
history of substance abuse with inpatient rehab treatment in 2013 and anotherfrom January-March in 2015. At the time, the pilot had been abusing opioids
and benzodiazepines. He was noted to have chronic back pain. He told the
physician he was being treated for depression and the records document he
wastaking Adderall and Prozac.


比較像是飛行前吃了一些平常在吃的抗ADHD 抗憂鬱 肌肉放鬆之類的藥



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04/16 14:24

gsfate04/16 14:33抗憂鬱藥物真的是笑話,都是原本沒事的吃到有變有事

gsfate04/16 14:33診所還會打電話來叫病人一直去拿

gsfate04/16 14:34我曾經問這樣長期吃真的沒事嗎? 護士回我這樣是保養

gsfate04/16 14:34後來我那個在吃的親人走了,驗屍報告死因是藥物濫用

ilovemami04/16 14:58樓上修過藥理學嗎

gsfate04/16 15:10樓上,藥理學怎麼說,願聞其詳

business8504/16 15:18台灣叫吸毒,美國叫濫用藥物。國家地理頻道毒品大企業

business8504/16 15:18Roy Halladay血液中的安非他命濃度,是接受治療時期

business8504/16 15:19的10倍之多

gsfate04/16 15:25原來如此

raygod04/16 15:28安非他命磕過量了

raygod04/16 15:30他1.8ug/ml 超過0.2就濫用了

Taeja04/16 16:25明星球員當然講法化一下

Kangaroo0904/16 18:551樓 現在的人隨便停藥才是錯的妳知道嗎..

mp242004/16 19:29現在在台灣也叫藥物濫用了