Fw: [閒聊] La Russa:尊重比賽很重要

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作者: blackpanther ( ) 看板: MLB
標題: [閒聊] La Russa:尊重比賽很重要
時間: Thu May 20 02:54:03 2021

Tony La Russa doesn't think there's a rift in the Chicago White Sox
clubhouse, but some players have indicated publicly that they disagree with
the Hall of Fame manager's comments about rookie slugger Yermin Mercedes.

Tony La Russa (TLR) 不認為白襪休息室內有任何內部衝突,但有些球員對於這位名人堂教頭對於菜鳥打者Yermin Mercedes日前的言論公開地反對。

La Russa called Mercedes "clueless" for homering on a 47 mph pitch with a 3-0count from Minnesota Twins infielder Willians Astudillo in the ninth inning
of a 16-4 blowout win on Monday.


The manager on Wednesday emphasized it was a teachable moment, especially
considering Mercedes missed the take sign. "What did I say publicly?" La
Russa asked reporters on a Zoom conference Wednesday. "I said a young player
made a mistake -- which, by the way, he did -- and we need to acknowledge it.Part of how you get better as a team is, if something goes wrong, you addressit."


Some White Sox players didn't necessarily agree with their manager, noting
the Twins were pitching a position player at the time.


"The way I see it, for position players on the mound, there are no rules,"
veteran pitcher Lance Lynn said Tuesday night. "Let's get the damn game over
with. And if you have a problem with whatever happens, then put a pitcher outthere. Can't get mad when there's a position player on the field and a guy
takes a swing."

Lance Lynn於週二晚間表示「就繼續讓他X的比賽繼續進行下去;如果你怕派野手上去

The incident also resonated outside of the White Sox clubhouse, with Los
Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer taking a similar viewpoint on Twitter.

這件事情在白襪休息室外也造成了迴響:道奇投手Trevor Bauer在推特上發表了類似的

"Dear hitters: If you hit a 3-0 homer off me, I will not consider it a
crime," Bauer said in his post. "... Can't believe we're still talking about
3-0 swings. If you don't like it, managers or pitchers, just be better."


La Russa on Wednesday said everyone has a right to their opinion, but he
disagreed with Lynn, at least when the count is 3-0.


"Lance has a locker; I have an office," La Russa said. "I would be willing tobet that there wasn't anyone in that clubhouse that was upset that I
mentioned that's not the way we compete. If someone felt that way, then it's
my job to correct it. You don't swing 3-0 when you're up by that big a lead."


La Russa said he walked around the clubhouse and no one was giving him the
"Heisman." The manager was adamant that he's simply trying to teach good
sportsmanship to a rookie.


"If you're going to tell me that sportsmanship and the respect for the game
of baseball and respect for your opponent is not an important priority, I
can't disagree with you more," La Russa said. "... You think you need more
[Notes:runs] to win, you keep pushing. If you think you have enough, respect
the game and opposition. Sportsmanship."


The White Sox manager actually didn't expect the story to last several days.


"I'm surprised I'm getting so many questions on this," La Russa said. "It's
not much to do about nothing. It's much to do about a little bit."


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c871111116: 老害zz 05/20 02:55

※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: blackpanther ( 美國), 05/20/2021 02:58:46

justsp405/20 03:00故意放水才是不尊重比賽跟對手吧

abc1281205/20 03:01名人堂教練你敢嘴?

starchiang05/20 03:02真沒想到拉魯薩會回歸當總教練

shields556605/20 03:17他用的字眼很有權威性 不愧是名人堂

hirundo05/20 03:19酒駕仔= =

b9920207105/20 03:20故意放水較尊重對手?這啥邏輯

bgp91511705/20 03:20酒駕老人下去

wpd05/20 03:580好3壞 紅中直球不出棒? 阿不就放水性拖延比賽時間

wpd05/20 03:59下一顆1好3壞又紅中就可以出棒嗎?? 多那一顆意義是什麼?

wpd05/20 04:001好3壞又不能出棒嗎?? 那2好3壞出棒嗎? 拖那2顆意義是甚麼?

wpd05/20 04:01等者丟成壞球保送 阿不也是在拖比賽時間 壘上有人投手還投

wpd05/20 04:01更慢勒

wpd05/20 04:03那你到底要什麼?? 要不要你也派投手上去代打好了啊

wpd05/20 04:04打者就不會掉成績/刷數據 投手打不好拿香吞K剛剛好

wpd05/20 04:05然後下一局對手也不能用打線反攻 一率也是投手上去代打認輸

wpd05/20 04:05你也不用擔心自己守備問題 請兩邊尊重棒球

wpd05/20 04:06反正有認輸派野手上去投球 那兩邊就都換成投手代打不出棒

wpd05/20 04:07丟進去三振 丟不進去保送 丟到9局結束這樣 RESPECT棒棒

sf8891105/20 04:30酒駕仔滾啦

eddy1235705/20 05:15真的是老害 下去啦

mrlucas889105/20 06:07尊你老= = 有你這種人留在棒球界才是不尊重棒球

johnwu05/20 06:30自家球隊打全壘打還不開心 這還是第一次看到

ak561805/20 06:38派野手上去投就有比較尊重比賽???

kenkenken3105/20 07:24推拉魯沙

ThisIsNotKFC05/20 07:29老人思維不意外

bear12305/20 07:54派野手投就不如投降更尊重大家,他們不投降換你投降更好

parnshan05/20 08:00派野手投球比較有運動家精神逆

auyayaya05/20 08:13有辦公室好了不起

Yofu05/20 08:23不尊重比賽派野手投,然後要打者尊重比賽...都他說

polanco05/20 08:39感覺白襪休息室氣氛會出問題

※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 05/20/2021 08:41:29

AdagakiAki05/20 08:47推美國,棒球哲學

starxls05/20 08:49白襪休息室遲早會炸鍋 已經沒人想跟TLR這老番顛溝通了

saiulbb05/20 09:11很慘 連自家總教練都因為觀念不挺 真的是會心寒

BHrabal05/20 09:12引進mercy rules最沒爭議

iwinlottery05/20 09:26下次打安打 上壘都是觸犯潛規則

lym071505/20 09:28除了TLR 雙城隊隔天到底那來的臉丟近身球表達不爽?

lym071505/20 09:29你派野手投球結果腦羞 到底哪來的臉腦羞?