[分享] 奧克蘭市長加薪7.5萬鎂
OAKLAND -- As Oakland faces the largest budget deficit in its history, members of the City Council's finance and management committee Tuesday endorsed a raise to the mayor's salary that would bump Mayor Sheng Thao's pay by around $75,000 annually.
Oakland's Human Resources Department recommended the increase, noting that the mayor's current salary is lower than the salaries for city managers in six California cities with similar populations to Oakland.
原本薪資是 $278,000
※ PTT 留言評論
[外絮] 咖哩:5位季後賽的重要球員在本季離開了咖哩:5位在季後賽有重要上場時間的球員離開了,現有球員要補上 It went away last summer, with the Warriors offering hugs, handshakes and champi onship rings as parting gifts. 去年夏天,隨著勇士隊提供擁抱、握手和總冠軍戒指作為離別禮物,勇士的意志力消失了。 Juan Toscano-Anderson, an Oakland native and perhaps the grittiest of last seaso爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:說出來你們可能不信,我很怕生嘴綠:說出來很多人可能不信,面對陌生人我會非常害羞 The Warriors dominated their way through the NBA playoffs en route to a fourth N BA title in eight years, and first since moving across the Bay. 勇士隊在NBA季後賽中一路過關斬將,拿到了八年來第四座的NBA總冠軍,這也是他們搬到灣 區另一頭後的第一座總冠軍。75
[討論] 奧克蘭是怎麼打光一手好牌的?奧克蘭跟灣區只相隔一座大橋 曾經同時有3隻職業球隊的大城市 為何前面搬走了突擊者跟勇士隊 現在連最後希望運動家隊 也發揮不了魔球傳奇33
[情報] 奧克蘭運動家可能搬遷到其他城市BREAKING: The Oakland A's will start exploring relocation possibilities after Major League Baseball suggested the organization consider moving to other cities if the Howard Terminal stadium proposal is not approved by local politicians.14
[花邊] Kerr和KT參加奧克蘭減少槍枝暴力遊行Klay Thompson & Steve Kerr took part in a peace walk to reduce gun violence in Oakland yesterday. Klay Thompson greeting folks before a gun violence prevents Peace Walk from14
[外電] 勇士隊新賽季城市版球衣來源: Warriors Unveil New City Edition Jerseys; Oakland Forever, Presented by Rakuten Jerseys Celebrate Oakland With a Nod to the We Believe Era The Golden State Warriors today unveiled Oakland Forever, presented by4
[問卦] 加州奧克蘭週末狂歡美國 +州奧克蘭瘋狂週末。 OAKLAND SIDESHOW WENT CRAZY ALL WEEKEND LONG!! 貼一下上週的盛況。3
Re: [問卦] 舊金山好所在: : 推 BRIANERIC2: 舊金山超屌,我看過白天當街搶劫。一個遊客在拍照。後面黑人小孩直接騎單車把他手機搶走 舊金山過個橋,就到了奧克蘭 Oakland。奧克蘭也是個好地方呢。 (WaPo) Former senator Barbara Boxer was attacked and robbed in California: 'How can you do this to a grandmother?'2
[問卦] 加州奧克蘭(Oakland)是美國高雄嗎?如題,一樣是有一個灣區的港灣城市。 高雄曾經有過兩支職棒隊進駐經營( LaNew/義大),但都先後退出經營,目前有個新職 棒球隊台鋼要進駐,但不確定是否能養起來。 加州奧克蘭,曾經有過NFL突擊者、NBA勇士,但突擊者搬去了拉斯維加斯、勇士去了隔壁 舊金山,目前唯一僅存的運動家也快搬去賭城了。1
[黑特] 奧克蘭冰品熱銷(KRON) Burglars drive car throughout ice cream shop in Oakland 夏天到了 啤酒暢飲
[閒聊] 魏全可望加盟富邦35
[閒聊] 述柔離職22
[閒聊] 爪應該週二前就會決定人選吧39
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[討論] 除了麥當勞應該抵制的東西1
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