[閒聊] 求翻譯
Bogaerts' method is not the what you'd teach in Little League. He rarely setshimself before fielding, preferring to charge the ball and pick it. He also rarely sets himself before throwing, preferring instead to pick and throw in the same motion. His release is quick
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Re: [情報] Rivers:鉛筆是沒打好 但Tatum也沒打好阿拆成太多篇了,這邊有全文 No. 1, he has to be healthy. In the playoffs and this was the healthiest, but he still wasn’t 100%. Then No. 2 for Jo, is he’s got to make all his players better in the playoffs and Jo, his numbers are unfair, because he’s really50
[花邊] Dinwiddie取笑Kuzma的No-look pass來源: NBC記者Chase Hughes推特 網址: Spencer Dinwiddie with a funny breakdown of how Kyle Kuzma throws no-look passes. Spencer Dinwiddie對於Kyle Kuzma的No-look passes的有趣分析。44
[高光] LaMelo Ball 34 Pts VS Jazz(頻道: Bleacher Report) LaMelo Ball Sets New Career-High vs. Jazz 球三弟在今天面對爵士隊的比賽大爆發 全場27投14中,得到個人生涯新高的34分,外加4籃板8助攻2抄截34
[CSGO] ESL Pro League S17 Playoff Ro.12本日賽事:12強淘汰賽 (Navi,Outsider,FaZe,黑豹) (G2,ENCE,老鼠,paiN)24
[情報] 籃網需在本日決定是否使用七六人的首輪籖(已決定放棄)消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: The Brooklyn Nets have to decide today if they are taking the Philadelphia 76ers first round pick (#23) in the 2022 NBA Draft.25
[CSGO] ESL Pro League S17 Group D Day 1上週日蜜蜂在Anubis 創下1:14進OT 還19:16拿下比賽的 S Tier層級驚天大逆轉 ===================== 23:00 Natus Vincere 1:2 forZe forZe pick Overpass 16:11 (10:5 6:6 )16
[CSGO] ESL Pro League S17 Playoff Ro.16本日賽事:16強淘汰賽 (G2、Movistar、Navi、00) (黑豹、Fnatic、水馬、paiN)13
[情報] ESPN Kiley McDaniel的百大新秀ESPN專家Kiley McDaniel的百大新秀 Top 100 MLB prospects for 2023, according to Kiley McDaniel 以下列出前十 65 FV Tier13
[CSGO] ESL Pro League S17 Group D Day 2各種爆冷的D組 Day1 19:30 (勝者組) Team Spirit 1:2 forZe forZe pick Mirage 8:16 ( 8:7 0:9) TS pick Anubis 16:7 (12:3 4:4)7
Re: [新聞] 喬丹鐵血領軍 巴克利酸:只挑軟隊友欺負有人推文說新聞標題帶風向,這篇選擇性翻譯才是帶風向吧。 ※ 引述《huntai (婚帶)》之銘言: : 原文: : "You know he has selective prosecution over there, right? He knows who to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[分享] 克迪 續約了?26
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[討論] 今年兄弟終於沒有台東了13
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[閒聊] 悍創7
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[國父] 楊坤3
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[閒聊] 這一季會很常出現“謝謝你兄弟”嗎3
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[閒聊] 視覺錯覺