[心得] George Russell
只進一次pit 呸33圈
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還好堅持留在場上 薛翻
這個策略 就舉真的長大了
[情報] Paul George:我們非常需要Westbrook“If there is somebody out there — Russell [Westbrook] — if it makes sense and it goes with our team, we’re all for it… Hopefully Russell sees this and we figure something out.” Paul George on the Clippers adding a traditional point guard61
[情報] 快艇三巨頭今天都不打 Russ Zu成疑Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, and James Harden are all out today vs. Phoenix. Russell Westbrook and Ivica Zubac are questionable. Kawhi Leonard、Paul George與James Harden今天全部都不會出戰 Russell Westbrook與Ivica Zubac則出戰成疑33
[閒聊] 當大家都在幫Russell打抱不平我就Bottas粉 我來抱屈的 要不是那個荒謬的換胎 換了27秒沒有換到 Bottas說不定還殺得回頒獎台 能不能至少有人來幫QQ一下27
[情報] George 談Kimi 加入賓士News: George Russell feels there will be no need for him to mentor Andrea Kimi Anton elli when the Mercedes junior steps up to the F1 team. "I don't necessarily think an extremely talented driver would need mentoring b y another driver," said Russell. "You've all got to find your own path, you've12
Re: [情報] 2022 Canadian GP Qualifying Resul把記得的大小事寫一下 1. 馬丁TR通知V頭沒過Q1的時候,V頭狂噴車開起來跟FP完全不同,沒抓地力 2. 阿湯哥一直很掙扎,勉強過Q1。Q2滑出去插牆上撞壞鼻翼引發紅旗直接收工。然後需要自 己場外Hiking回pit 場外聽說有蛇跟蜘蛛XD11
[閒聊] 喬治探員的輪胎自己跑路George Russell 因為過彎失誤上牆 後來順利進站維修時 車子停進Pit時 右後輪自己離家出走了 賓士的工作人員反應很快閃掉7
[閒聊] Williams 家族最終站車手感謝 TRGeorge Russell 與 Nicholas Latifi 於義大利站冷胎圈 Team Radio 感謝 Williams 家族 Claire Williams 眼眶泛淚 --6
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[閒聊] Williams的pit裡的Russell立牌(?)還在XDDD 甚至戴了聖誕帽子wwww -- 時間沉澱出智慧卻也消耗了歲月, 靈魂撞出燦爛卻又如煙花般消散。3
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