[推薦] The Ants 螞蟻

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  The Ants 螞蟻

  by Exurb1a

  It so happened that I was sat in the sun with a book,and just as I was about to nod off,a little voice called out:


  “Excuse me,what is this for?“


  A small ant had crawled across the page of my book, and was now sat staring up at me.


  “What?“I said.


  “Excuse me,“ the ant said,“what is this for?“


  “What is what for?“ I said.


  “This great -and-white expanse I'm standing on right now,“ it tapped the book with a little leg.


  “Look,“ I said,“you wouldn't understand even if I it to you.“


  “That might be so,“ the ant said,“but though I am very small, I am also very ,and I don't want to turn to dust having known nothing at all. So, if you would, please – what is this for?“


  He stood up on his two back legs, eagerly awaiting my answer, and his antennae stood to most respectfully.


  I said:*Sigh*“It's like this: you're standing on a page. Pages are made from trees. We put lots ofthem together and call it a book.“


  “What is a book for, then?“ the ant said.


  “Well, it stores thoughts,“ I said.


  “That way, we can transmit them to other people very far away.“


  “How?“ the ant said.


  “Now, look, this isn't the time or ,“ I said, a little too firmly.


  The ant bowed his tiny head, and his antennae wilted.


  I said softly:“Look, you see those little squiggles – excuse me; to you, very big squiggles about you on the page?“


  The ant nodded.


  “Those are words and numbers.“


  “They don't look like words and numbers,“ the ant said.


  “They represent them,“ I said.


  “Hmm,“ the ant said, and thought about this a while.


  I said:“Do you understand?“


  The ant said:“Not really. You were right. It's beyond me. But though I'll never be as clever as you animals, I'm at least a little cleverer than I was a moment ago. So thank you for that.“


  “You're “, I said.


  “Well, good luck on being a thing in the world,“ the ant said.


  “Good luck to you, too,“ I said.


  The little ant made off on his way and disappeared into the grass.


  I read to the end of my page, but could not the little ant.


  Eventually, I looked up from the book – to the trees, to the mountain, to the sky. The moon was climbing up for evening, birds were migrating in the distance.


  I called out:“Excuse me, what is this for?“


  “What?“ came a booming voice above.


  “This great green-and-blue sphere I'm standing on right now,UU看書“ I patted the ground with my foot,“What is all this for?“


  “Look,“ the voice said,“you wouldn't understand even if I it to you.“


  “That might be so,“ I shouted,“but though I am very small, I am also very ,and I don't want to turn to dust having known nothing at all. So, if you would, please – what is all this for?“


  And the voice said:*Sigh*


  “It's like this...“




Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 7.


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hwider 01/12 14:21推推推推推

forgot727 01/12 14:23最後一段昇華了整個故事,如果沒有最後一段看起來

forgot727 01/12 14:23就會像是童話繪本裡會出現的故事。

wannayiff 01/12 14:27很巧妙

Allenk 01/12 14:37文字很短但意外的有沉浸感 但中間那個uu看書害我笑

Allenk 01/12 14:37

hdjj 01/12 14:55推,在微生物眼中,我們每一個人都是至高無上的神

hdjj 01/12 14:55但在我們視為神物的存在眼中,我們也不過是塵埃

hdjj 01/12 14:56最大的差別,我想還是在於意識和智慧吧

kevin870325 01/12 15:02怎麼缺一堆字

aiglas0209 01/12 15:06我看沒缺字啊

good5755 01/12 15:06二維生物和三維生物的討論已經很久 你lag了

good5755 01/12 15:07用螞蟻來比喻起碼有15年以上的歷史 至少我15年前就

good5755 01/12 15:07聽過類似的故事...

jerejesse 01/12 15:15原文(?)是聲音耶

trigavse 01/12 15:30英文的部份缺很多字

Drone 01/12 16:04寫得很好

woxiang 01/12 16:14寫的真好,可惜原文好像缺字...

lbowlbow 01/12 16:14人類的歷史就是不斷的重複

asd23295509 01/12 16:36真的很有意思

innominate 01/12 17:14網文是不需要思考的,什麼修煉變成高維生物的意義就

innominate 01/12 17:14是遊戲中升級屌打低lv用,所以在網文中你不論怎麼超

innominate 01/12 17:14脫都還是一樣裝逼泡妞打臉殺人奪寶

innominate 01/12 17:17用這個文的螞蟻來說就是修煉變成一隻能夠咬死你的大

innominate 01/12 17:17螞蟻那就叫超越生命了

rmow 01/12 17:19幹 怎麼會有人發現 此子不能留

g4895888 01/12 17:37這樣搞才可以再裝逼說神不過是強大一點的生命之類的

owo0204 01/12 17:47這可以無限套娃 神再問神的神 loop

chantk12 01/12 19:21我倒只看到皇帝的金鋤頭,不論螞蟻或是神祇,最後都

chantk12 01/12 19:21不過由人類所扮演,既無了解亦無反思

ejru65m4 01/12 19:35所以金鋤頭的部分 作者跳過啊

ejru65m4 01/12 19:36他只寫兩種身分轉換中共同的不甘

rltc 01/12 20:39英文缺字 不過有來源

rltc 01/12 20:39很經典的寓言故事 可以套到很多狀況上 優

xkiller1900 01/12 23:32

Filament 01/12 23:50

richardz 01/13 07:00不知道拿網文比有什麼意義,根本不同類型

richardz 01/13 07:01那你怎麼不拿短篇小說來看就好了?

網文就是小説呀,不然網文算啥?散文??漫畫??還是詩歌? 如果當年金庸在網路上連載,他的小説就是網文。

juinny 01/13 09:42滿滿的哲學感!

※ 編輯: montmartre ( 臺灣), 01/13/2021 10:50:29

bobyhsu 01/13 13:40不是 這版完全沒人看過mib==?

bobyhsu 01/13 13:44

bobyhsu 01/13 13:44

victor83100901/14 10:46大部分目前的網路小說文學部分就是垃圾 大家就是看

victor83100901/14 10:46

linzero 01/14 14:24UU看書?