[閒聊] 數碼獸馴育師之王 V.S. SJW 敗北

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] 數碼獸馴育師之王 V.S. SJW 敗北作者
時間推噓16 推:18 噓:2 →:12


#1X4WWlfx (C_Chat)


The content of the reading drama "Digimon Tamers 2021" is entirely the responsibility of Chiaki Konaka, and not at all of Toei Animation Inc. or the Digifest Organizing Committee.


Also, since the distribution of this show was for the Japanese domestic market and is not a show that can be legitimately viewed by people outside of Japan, I am not inherently responsible for expressing my opinions to the international community.


This year's Digifest was an event that featured the 20th anniversary of the Japanese broadcast of "Digimon Tamers".
For me, it was a surprise and a pleasure to be treated in such a big way.
However, when I made the CD drama in 2018, I was convinced that I could make an official sequel called "Digimon Tamers 2020" and made a presentation, but it was cancelled as a result.
That's right. It had already been cancelled.


"I will leave the Digimon Tamers 2021 blog to be read in the future by those who liked the original Tamers, and I will delete any comments that accuse me of being a bad person.

小中千昭會退出DT 2021部落格營運



推 sarevork: 這很正常~我也很難理解景美夜市的上海生姦苞在排啥隊
→ sarevork: 煎包 幹...
→ TED781120: 樓上你的新注音……
→ LABOYS: 你的新注音很可怕耶 XDDDDDD
推 Dialysis: 害我去google了一下"生姦"
推 breakblue: 升間苞 還好我的注音娘還很正常


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dces610708/11 16:24噁心

xxx6070908/11 16:25就跟我告贏了公司,但從此被業界封殺差不多

pgame308/11 16:25fuck

xxx6070908/11 16:26低級夢還是下去吧ㄎ

teddy1211408/11 16:27SJW這次又大獲全勝 昨天蝙蝠俠也是 還要再失去多少作

teddy1211408/11 16:27品呀

runacat08/11 16:28這算是SJW勝利還是玉石俱焚?

devilkool08/11 16:28反正東映也對馴獸師之王沒興趣了

devilkool08/11 16:28最後的波紋

rainnawind08/11 16:29小中退出……QQ

tottoko090808/11 16:29QQ

RandyOrlando08/11 16:30SJW勝利阿 搞掉一個IP 就算沒道歉也是贏

mkcg582508/11 16:30輸了QQ

teddy1211408/11 16:30勝利吧 所有人都看到反抗SJW的下場了 殺雞儆猴的效果

teddy1211408/11 16:30超好

lia106200108/11 16:31SJW勝利啊,搞掉你就是他勝了

gaym1908/11 16:31艾比獸進化

teddy1211408/11 16:31不會有下個人敢再站出來做一樣的事了

mkcg582508/11 16:32エビモン進化!

pgame308/11 16:33直到下次現實世界區域衝突發生吧

Hyouri08/11 16:37看內文2020是老早就被取消的東西吧

speed702208/11 16:39看內文不只沒道歉,態度還是很強硬

TED78112008/11 16:39內文只說到2020取消了沒說早就取消。

Steyee08/11 16:40沒啊 被取消跟SJW又沒關係 跟他們勝利有啥關係

TED78112008/11 16:41很強硬沒錯,但是離開部落格營運跟企劃停止已經發生了

TED78112008/11 16:41,所以也沒輒,東映也不太可能跳出來說「對就是因為這

TED78112008/11 16:41件事取消的」。

D12208/11 16:44記得這部在當年是翻馴獸師之王的

crash12108/11 16:53幹 03超棒的......

ihero08/11 16:55取消文化攻擊波太強了

s95201308/11 18:46東映幹嘛配合SJW啊

mizuarashi08/11 19:45東映最好會在乎這個