[閒聊] DEMONDICE新曲 Mean Street首播
為遊戲 River City Girls: Zero 所唱的新曲
首播時間為今晚台灣時間22點 將在稍後上映
Rap Lyrics / Rap Vocals: DEMONDICE
Chorus Lyrics / Chorus Vocals / Mix&Master: Megan McDuffee
Music/Track Production: AO
Some words.
I honestly cannot believe I was asked to make music for a video game. It was
one of my greatest dreams and even cooler to do for a game series I love so
much. I got to work with two incredible talents to pull of what I think mightbe some of my best work, so I hope you guys vibe with it, stream it and play
the hell out of the game! It's out for Nintendo Switch now. Check it!
ACG點...噢這真的是遊戲音樂 沒事
我考XD 居然是這邊接到合作
kay yu這次不知會不會在畫圖
古早像素風 題材怎沒找總長XD
[花邊] 韋德:那晚我們練得太激烈 應該把精力韋德:那晚我們練得太激烈 應該把精力留在場上 Man That's a beautiful moment. I remember that night. We were getting ready for game one. I didn't know it was gonna be a physical draining push of a workout an d we worked out so hard that night that photo was laying on the ground at the en56
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