[情報] HALO真人版將揭露士官長真面目

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時間推噓37 推:40 噓:3 →:20

The ‘Halo’ TV Show Will Reveal Master Chief’s Face, And It Looks Like This

There is a single rule about Master Chief in the Halo series, as there has
been for 20 years. He never takes off his helmet, never shows his face.

While there’s no Mandalorian-like creed demanding that he does this, it’s
just sort of how the character has worked all this time, an unwritten rule
about Master Chief. A rule that’s about to be broken.

It’s now been confirmed that in the upcoming Paramount Plus Halo TV series,
which premieres soon and already has been greenlit for season 2, Master Chiefwill reveal his face:

343 Industries’ Studio Head of Transmedia, Kiki Wolfkill, talked to IGN
about it:

“I think we set out to tell a character story and a personal story,” she
said. “And once we really got into what that story was, it became clear that
you really needed to see the person in the armor and under the helmet.”

“You will see his face. For some people, it’s been a moment 20 years in the
making, and for other people it is something that feels very hard to imagine.We absolutely respect both sides of that fence, those who really want to see
Chief’s face and those who really don’t. But for the nature of this story,
it felt really important to connect with the Master Chief in a different way,and that meant showing the face.”

It should not be a huge shock that this is where we ended up, given that fromthe start, the main question was why the series was not casting longtime
Master Chief voice actor Steve Downes, given that presumably, you would just
need a stuntman in the armor and the voiceover to be done later, if Chief is
always in the armor. But with another actor cast, it makes sense the logical
endpoint here is that chief was going to be shown without his helmet.



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hoe110102/21 21:17尼哥

dnek02/21 21:17我賭100p是個黑人

sumarai02/21 21:17慘惹

sumarai02/21 21:18一定是個同性戀

dylantu02/21 21:18未看先猜真面目是變性黑人女同性戀

tym748202/21 21:18壯壯黑人女同性戀

gaym1902/21 21:18倪哥

bobby475502/21 21:18結果是薩姆斯

hoe110102/21 21:19最慘就是白人女被強暴後轉性別變黑人男

ggbi4zzz02/21 21:19別啊

rook18ies02/21 21:19同性戀黑人?

Megumi092302/21 21:20當初說影集跟遊戲無關我就不在乎了,你用哪個真面目

hank8117702/21 21:20跨性別肥胖黑人

Sessyoin02/21 21:20= =

Megumi092302/21 21:20都不對阿

thelittleone02/21 21:21小說我看是沒註明膚色 應該穩了

e4952302/21 21:23士官長其實不是人

qazxswptt02/21 21:26黑人 跨性別 同性戀 身材差 沒有人覺得被冒犯 受教

jackz02/21 21:26反正遊戲改編很少票房好的

nayaya02/21 21:26反正我不會當真就對了

wishyes02/21 21:26同性戀黑人憂鬱症加人格分裂為正常人格和同性戀人格對抗

yulis02/21 21:27丸惹

victor8771002/21 21:28

Yohachan02/21 21:29黑人

scott03202/21 21:29肥婆黑人跨性別同性戀 還有點小感冒

cloud5026602/21 21:31士官長的演員早就公佈是Pablo Schreiber了,一堆在那

cloud5026602/21 21:31邊亂喊黑人的是在那邊雲?

tyifgee02/21 21:31我先猜黑人

deluxe02/21 21:324代有露過眼睛怎麼看都是白人...不過這影集是平行宇宙...

jabari02/21 21:32未看先猜 Jari Jones!!!

bladesinger02/21 21:34反正都講平行宇宙了,直接當joke看就好

StBeer02/21 21:38結果是基努李維

webberfun02/21 21:40穩了

wtfconk02/21 21:40生理男心理女覺得自己是同性戀加變裝癖的黑人,選我正解

kaixun77702/21 21:41阿湯哥啦

qazxswptt02/21 21:44樓樓上講的好有畫面

kuninaka02/21 21:44一定是黑人

a0515070702/21 21:44是我艾比啦

fordpines02/21 21:46我也不希望露臉 但演員早決定了啊…

fordpines02/21 21:46

qazxswptt02/21 21:48遊戲裡記得有小技巧可以看到士官長部份的臉 就..很滄桑

skuderic02/21 21:51黑人或女同

qazxswptt02/21 21:52一臉累壞的樣子...

justXDXDXD02/21 22:03遊戲歸遊戲 影集歸影集 當作不同作品

geniusw02/21 22:03LGBT 啦

dylantu02/21 22:07誰說白人演員不能演變性黑人女同性戀

clover121102/21 22:08黑人心理女同性戀

Gary916302/21 22:11不是黑人變性者我可是不看的喔

ian4136002/21 22:28一定是黑人,最好還是伊斯蘭黑人女同

Irenicus02/21 22:41黑人 雀斑 肥婆 猩猩 爆炸頭 單邊推剪頭 自行排列組合

Liddell125602/21 22:44會變成正史嗎? 只玩遊戲都搞不懂劇情了

IllMOR02/21 23:05看成holo真人版...

onetear02/21 23:41黑人 +1 而且出櫃

a456785002/21 23:50黑人 不然就女同

gm325202/21 23:59黑人心理女

AkikaCat02/22 00:41跨性別心理女同性戀黑人穆斯林

iwinlottery02/22 01:03哥布林

xdctjh02/22 03:10男變性女微胖同性戀,戀人是拉丁裔憂鬱症胖男

xdctjh02/22 03:11我忘了加黑人 哈哈

BBguy02/22 05:17

stormcrow02/22 09:47e04 開什麼玩笑 士官長的真面目就是頭盔

teachjinjin02/22 10:47嘔嘔嘔 強行露臉

r8527060702/22 11:08性別認同女的黑人穆斯林異裝癖生理男