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Overwatch 2 Twitch Viewership Has Plummeted

Overwatch 2 recently debuted with Blizzard launching a closed beta for the
online multiplayer shooter sequel. The developer pulled out all the stops forOverwatch 2's debut, partnering with a significant number of high-profile
Twitch streamers. Around 1.5 million concurrent viewers tuned into Overwatch
2 when it started, an astonishing number for any game. But in a shocking
turn, Overwatch 2's Twitch viewership has plummeted in a way that may never
have happened before. Its Twitch viewership has shrunk to a fraction of
previous totals.

Twitch viewership for Overwatch 2 has tumbled to a surprising low over the
past week, despite the closed beta only being available for just over a week.The average Twitch viewership over the past week is down to around 11,500.
Current viewership is closer to 6,000 or 7,000. While a massive drop from 1.5million viewers was expected, since that'd be impossible to maintain, the newviewership levels are bleak.

To add some perspective to the situation, the current top-streaming game on
Twitch is Grand Theft Auto 5 with nearly 500,000 viewers. Overwatch 2's
current 6,000 viewers have it ranked as the 62nd most-watched category, just
above Konami's eFootball 2022. Most of those viewers are coming from a singlechannel, French streamer FefeGG and his 3,500 viewers. No other Twitch
streamer has more than a thousand viewers.

In all fairness to Overwatch 2, there's a partial reason for why its
viewership is so low on Twitch. That's because Blizzard is more heavily
focused on YouTube due to a contract for streaming the Overwatch League on
the platform. Most viewers are either watching the Overwatch League on
YouTube or they're waiting for the Overwatch League's daily matches to end,
so their favorite streamers will come online.

With that said, it's also worth acknowledging that Overwatch League
viewership isn't as insane as Overwatch 2's debut by any means. Viewership isapproaching 100,000 for the Overwatch League 2022 Season's first day (for
now). That's likely not as high as Blizzard would want to see for the
kick-off of Overwatch 2 esports and not the total that will be tuning in day
to day, either.

There have been a lot of questions regarding whether Blizzard's decision to
soft-launch Overwatch 2 early was the correct decision. Whether it was the
right decision for Blizzard to get a partial version of Overwatch 2's PvP outto support the Overwatch League, followed by frequent content updates, versuswaiting for all of Overwatch 2's PvP and PvE to be finished, will only be
proven in time.

Overwatch 2 is in development.


簡單來說,鬥陣特攻2 Beta剛上Twitch時創下了同時觀看數150萬的成績。


不過這篇也指出這也有可能是因為動視暴雪更重視Youtube的關係,因為 Overwatch
League 是和Youtube合作的。


── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ──


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Risedo05/07 18:41沒啦 就爛

LAODIE05/07 18:41廢話 就掛機而已

swallow75305/07 18:41想當年 電子毒品

gino071705/07 18:41看overwatch還不如看麥總去哪吃

k96060805/07 18:41150萬變一萬 好喔

as336670005/07 18:42一堆實況主只有頭兩天在玩的

pokemon05/07 18:43隨便改 就叫有改

gaym1905/07 18:43廢話 看完發現只是dlc連掛台都懶了

zxm5019105/07 18:43看完就知道長的差不多,後面就沒看點了

mose5678905/07 18:44本來就有說是大型DLC之類的東西了 但不知道為啥能拖這

mose5678905/07 18:44麼久==

mose5678905/07 18:44而且新角還只有一隻 可撥

tyifgee05/07 18:44真的不意外 偉哉暴雪

lomorobin05/07 18:45beta內容只有這樣本來就不用期望有持續熱度

lomorobin05/07 18:45如果正式上線也是這樣就真的慘了

dieorrun05/07 18:48和OW1基本上沒變的東西是要什麼熱度

dieorrun05/07 18:49套句別人講的這樣能叫2 LOL已經可以掛10了

spadesA05/07 18:49英雄戰場>鬥陣特工2

john84122105/07 18:50爛就爛 理由一堆

spadesA05/07 18:50更正鬥陣特攻

bluejark05/07 18:52本來就掛名額的爆衝而已

reall86052305/07 18:53跟1差不多的東西一開始能衝到150萬奇蹟了==

tkforever05/07 18:53看來該出下個英雄然後改叫鬥陣特攻3了

gargoyles05/07 18:55149萬機器人大軍阿

w45T54f05/07 18:56這種東西你說叫2…….

husky948705/07 18:57這叫二代是不是想當2K來賣

husky948705/07 18:57看完首日實況以後就沒興趣了

Hsu102505/07 18:59廢話 根本不是2

peter81327005/07 18:59自己覺得OWL比瓦羅蘭跟Apex可看性低

torukumato05/07 19:00重新定義2代

k96060805/07 19:01R6都比較好看吧

b25896314705/07 19:01爛就爛 屁話一堆

Shume05/07 19:02這東西跟OW哪有什麼差,浪費時間搞這玩意

WarIII05/07 19:02卡普空炒冷飯都比它有新意

SivLoMario05/07 19:032要等pve內容才有搞頭吧,目前的對戰改動在1就做得出

SivLoMario05/07 19:03來的東西吸引不到人不意外。

reigon112605/07 19:03就只是技能調整的ow 有啥好看

Shume05/07 19:04拖那麼久端出來的內容又很可笑,看完實況後就毫無興趣了

husky948705/07 19:05說真的啦,把裝備系統做出來一定直接紅回來

SivLoMario05/07 19:05到底Pve會怎麼做呢?希望是rouge like的系統,擊殺特

SivLoMario05/07 19:05定目標或完成事件可以得到特殊能力,然後有solo跟團隊

SivLoMario05/07 19:05模式。

husky948705/07 19:06沒裝備系統還敢說二代

dieorrun05/07 19:07OW2 PVE一定會讓遊戲起死回生的 COPIUM

SivLoMario05/07 19:07也不用這麼激動吧,測試前官方就說了只有上pvp改動。

SivLoMario05/07 19:08等之後pve內容出來再說吧

dieorrun05/07 19:10還要等PVE喔 那他不會PVE用好再來宣傳2喔

dieorrun05/07 19:12不然他是BETA爽的就是了

Pegasus9905/07 19:13沒有大改動的東西 不就沒有公測的必要 掛beta真的笑話

Pegasus9905/07 19:13你pve出來 不論好壞 掛beta都名副其實

bobby475505/07 19:172(x 1.2beta(o

ga80542305/07 19:20測試pvp一點意義都沒有 畢竟你2不是主打pve嗎 除了6人

ga80542305/07 19:20變5人 跟之前的ptr伺服器有啥差別

dddc05/07 19:21又想騙人 跟賣D2R時一樣

guolong05/07 19:21我剛還去YT找,不知道是設定問題還是怎樣,ow2連熱門遊戲

guolong05/07 19:21推薦都沒有上...

guolong05/07 19:21

globe102205/07 19:21完全不意外,我玩了一個晚上我只感覺回到幾年前我棄坑

globe102205/07 19:21的感受

ryanmulee05/07 19:23

s3300303005/07 19:29跟舊版那麼像 自己玩就算了 用看的根本沒差

ire556605/07 19:31整間公司都在忙性騷擾 霸凌 內鬥 沒空做遊戲啦

as336670005/07 19:33阿就PVP除了六人變五人根本沒有根本性上的改動啊

as336670005/07 19:33新圖新角還有平衡改動都是一代就能做的事情

Nitricacid05/07 19:46就類二代要怎麼吸引人= =

Wildsheep05/07 19:50那麼就就出一隻政確新角然後說是2代

dos3240805/07 19:52重新定義二代

john235505/07 19:58連死忠的都說不出比一代好的地方在哪裡 可憐

qscgg05/07 20:00看了立刻發現和一代一模一樣啊

kowala05/07 20:07等了兩年結果長這樣 不ey

Qazzwer05/07 20:13爛死 什麼二代 照他邏輯來講 LOL現在已經13代了

gekisen05/07 20:17懶到連介面skin都不改就在當2賣 誰買誰傻

gekisen05/07 20:18好歹也改個模型改個場地說1和2差了多少年發生什麼事 媽的

gekisen05/07 20:19同一個東西2什麼2 嵐叫啦

knok05/07 20:39多個角色就叫二

oasis40405/07 20:42這遊戲過氣速度也太快

CaponeKal05/07 21:24他們公司會做遊戲都離職了 剩下混吃女權 SJW公關 忙內

CaponeKal05/07 21:24鬥高層 想辦法推手遊版的高層 加班到不爽的工程師

majohnman05/07 21:27很正常吧== 過氣遊戲

pkpk2345605/07 21:36一跟二是差在那邊啊?我怎看不出來?

averruncus05/07 21:41是沒玩過2k系列嗎,信仰就夠了

cheng3150705/07 22:58根本跟一代一摸一樣 好意思叫二?

LuMya05/08 00:09不意外 玩沒多久就被看破手腳 整體還是跟以前一樣

z558214305/08 01:03鬥陣1.1 怎麼有臉敢叫2 一起玩的都玩個幾場就關了 笑死

coaxa05/08 03:44把pve拿出來啦幹

hj25836905/08 03:53剛出有150萬的觀眾被暴雪自己敗掉

i9221905/08 05:34台灣人真的完全不思考跟風到一個極致耶....這是封測你他媽

i9221905/08 05:34是要玩多久?以為是台灣糞GAME還會封測不刪檔嗎?

i9221905/08 05:38可以脫離現實到幻想正式上線沒人玩的也只有台灣人了,台灣

i9221905/08 05:38人光是幻想二代沒人要玩已經幻想好幾年了、150萬觀眾搶資

i9221905/08 05:38格直接打爆臉

frank092705/08 06:53當初說2重點是PvE,結果等這麼久等來一個差沒多少的PvP

frank092705/08 06:53測試,我猜他們還是改變想法想推PvP

i9221905/08 11:25PVE當初就說過延期到2023、當時股價還爆跌,台灣人酸完就

i9221905/08 11:25忘記了,是BZ近期決定把PVP先拆開先出、不要在那邊瞎雲再

i9221905/08 11:25自己腦補