[閒聊] Netflix官網上關於藝術呈現的聲明原文

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] Netflix官網上關於藝術呈現的聲明原文作者
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Entertaining the world is an amazing opportunity and also a challenge becauseviewers have very different tastes and points of view. So we offer a wide
variety of TV shows and movies, some of which can be provocative. To help
members make informed choices about what to watch, we offer ratings, content
warnings and easy to use parental controls.

Not everyone will like—or agree with—everything on our service. While every
title is different, we approach them based on the same set of principles: we
support the artistic expression of the creators we choose to work with; we
program for a diversity of audiences and tastes; and we let viewers decide
what’s appropriate for them, versus having Netflix censor specific artists
or voices.

As employees we support the principle that Netflix offers a diversity of
stories, even if we find some titles counter to our own personal values.
Depending on your role, you may need to work on titles you perceive to be
harmful. If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may
not be the best place for you.



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Qorqios05/16 14:43啥 沒跟到

Sessyoin05/16 14:46笑死

s750322805/16 14:47#1YW4icvV (C_Chat) 這篇?

w316082805/16 14:49反正都是為了教育

safy05/16 14:51 Netflix的意思我看起來是蠻正常的拉..

safy05/16 14:52先不談真實面, 以提供服務的角度來說, 員工刻意排擠某個類型

safy05/16 14:53對創作者,對觀眾來說, 這也是一種過濾的行為

Irenicus05/16 14:54但是他們自己做的原創都(ry

s750322805/16 14:54所以他們把動畫企劃都停了

roea68roea6805/16 14:54看不懂==

safy05/16 14:55如果討厭同志的可以不作同志片, 討厭黑人的可以不作黑人片等

safy05/16 14:56每個人都用自己喜惡在選擇要不要工作, 從管理角度來看很不好

cat05joy05/16 14:58理念是不差 但成品很差

safy05/16 14:58有害的定義太廣了, 立場不同, 對立面的東西都有可能是有害的

safy05/16 15:01討論真實面就是, 端不出好東西但又要員工去處理這些爛片

anlam05/16 15:03簡單講就是因為員工的意識形態內鬥到可能影響制程才會出這

anlam05/16 15:03種聲明

drice05/16 15:09看最後一段就好,反正就是不支持就滾

oasis40405/16 15:14本來就是,公司員工就是螺絲,就是照公司命令做事

oasis40405/16 15:14不爽就滾哪來那麼多屁話

ccufcc05/16 15:16不爽別上班

safy05/16 15:53西方對工作的主要思想還是契約形式,這份契約合同如果不接受

safy05/16 15:53最後找不到人, 那也是資方要自己重新調整契約內容

safy05/16 15:54如果這種條件下大家還是會上門工作,那就是回歸市場競爭

safy05/16 15:54公司能找到更適合的員工, 就這樣子

winiS05/16 16:14該準備VPN看OBEMA了…