Re: [Vtub] 當古神INA失控時
※ 引述《vincent0728 (Vincent)》之銘言:
: 這位推主每隔一段時間會上傳一小段Ina失控,HoloMyth的其他四人阻止Ina的創作。
: 下面是每個小片段的連結
: 下面則是其他網友整合片段並加上音效及配樂的影片
: 我目前最喜歡這個版本
: 期待完成版的到來!
不過預告中出現的「BAD ENDING」不知道是指整個故事或是10月時放出的只是單純BE?
『薔薇騎士團』(Knights of the Rose)
拔出長劍,守護那烈火中我們引以為豪的祖國! ▌▃▄ ▊
將高潔女王(Queen)的玫瑰奉於心中,同胞們! ▌▃▅ ▌▉
高呼吧,我們是『薔薇騎士團』(Knights of the Rose)啊! ▋▄▂▍▋
▅▂▄▄ ReccaX
我猜Bad Ending是作品的名稱?
阿梅:AMEnger assemble !
有bed end嗎?
[花邊] Kerr:這本應該是GP2的舞台“Well, I don’t know if it was intentional but it was dirty,” Kerr said following the game, which saw the Warriors lose to the Grizzlies with a final score of 101-106.”Playoff basketball is gonna be… it’s supposed to be physical. Everybody’s gonna compete. Everybody’s gonna fight for everything but there’s a code in this league that players follow where you never put a guy’s season/career in jeopardy by taking somebody out in midair and clubbing them across the head and ultimately fracturing their elbow.” Kerr:嗯,我不知道這是否是故意的,但它很髒。 季後賽通常…應該是有碰撞的。 每個人都會競爭,每個人都會盡全力奮戰,但在這個聯盟中,球員們遵循一個法則就是你永遠不會把一個人從空中,繞著他的頭把他扯下來,最終使他的手肘骨折,讓一個人的賽季/職業生涯處於危險之中。 Kerr continued, “This is a guy who’s been toiling the last 6 years trying to make it in this league. Finally found a home… just playing his butt off this year in the playoffs this should be the time of his life and guy comes in and whacks him across the head in midair. He broke the code. Dillon Brooks broke the code爆
[討論] 同年的Ja vs Rose以下爲22歲時同齡對比 Ja 27.1Pts 5.9Reb 6.7Ast 1.2Stl FG.490 3ptFG.332 Rose 25.0Pts 4.1Reb 7.7Ast 1.0Stl FG.435 3ptFG.312 數據不相上下,都不是以三分爲主要武器的球員(2位場均都差不多1.5顆) Rose以超強變速、戰斧式扣籃聞名爆
[外絮] LBJ與龜龜同時在場時的正負值為-87,於LBJ與龜龜同時出賽時的正負值為-87,於龜龜未出賽時的正負值為-5 Russell Westbrook coming to the Los Angeles Lakers was always going to be a bit of a gamble but no one knew exactly how difficult the situation would get for th e player as well as the franchise. His production has fallen off a cliff in Los Angeles, as Russ simply isn't able to contribute to his teams the way he always爆
Re: [情報] 俄軍少將陣亡□ 注意!雖然畫面有打碼但是有見血 ■ Twitter Conflict News, 43.40K Followers ■ Twitter Olexander Scherba, 前烏克蘭駐奧地利大使74
[外絮] 記者談LBJ若未續約湖人:開始算騎士的薪資記者談LBJ若未續約湖人:開始算騎士的薪資空間吧 One of the biggest talking points surrounding LA Lakers superstar LeBron James i s his contract extension. As things stand, James will be an unrestricted free ag ent in the summer of 2023, and he will be 39 years old at the time. 圍繞洛杉磯湖人隊超級巨星LBJ的最大話題之一是他的續約情形。按照目前的情況,LBJ將在82
[情報] FF16新預告片已完成 預計近期公布先補上來源: (IGN) 製作人吉田直樹在 5 月 6 日的《尼爾 Reincarnation》直播活動中透露,《最終幻想 16》新預告片已經做好了。 「我們已經做完了預告片,但出於各種各樣的原因要暫時推遲發布,」吉田在《尼爾》系70
[外絮] Klutch放出LaVine的流言是為了提醒大家Klutch放出LaVine的流言是為了提醒大家公牛仍是他的球隊 “Business as usual,” one Eastern Conference general manager said. “The Bulls can give him more money. They can give him a chance to go to the playoffs every year. If he is not the No. 1 option, he is 1A and that is going to be the case i n just about any place he goes if he is serious about leaving. Portland is out t51
[閒聊] 雷神索爾4的新預告本來以為之前公開的預告片內容已經夠智障了 這個預告片中出現的畫面還能更加智障哪...... 正片到底是會混沌到什麼程度...... --6
[閒聊] ACG作品中有哪些騎士團修道會?歐洲的中世紀時代,有許多貴族騎士建立的軍事組織-騎士團,以及基督教教士 們所建立的修道會,有的修道會還具有強烈軍事性質 歐洲中世紀廣為人知的騎士團跟修道會,例如有聖殿騎士團、條頓騎士團、醫院 騎士團、馬爾他騎士團、熙篤會、方濟會、道明會...等 ACG作品中,也常有冠以"騎士團"或"修道會"名稱的團體出現,
[閒聊] 人們常說:「復仇不會帶來希望」爆
[Vtub] Holo甲子園 冠軍&各隊積分預測60
[問題] 真實的雙手大劍要怎麼拔?56
[閒聊] 百萬級大名相當於中國什麼軍閥?53
[推薦] 有推薦的女角香香手遊嗎50
[閒聊] 中3槍倒地還能鬼叫其實很強吧46
[閒聊] 赤坂是不是找個編劇會比較好啊?46
[PTCG] PTCGP老噴到底怎麼玩==爆
[乳摸] 闇龍紀元4未能回收成本,確定商業失敗41
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[閒聊] 羅馬人認為富不過三代所以不生39
[閒聊] 做遊戲的做到後來變大頭症是常態嗎?45
[閒聊] 膽大黨 原來巴莫拉的外星語可以翻譯!39
[閒聊] 男娘/偽娘 說法開始統一了嗎38
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[閒聊] 東立連齊木楠雄都可以斷尾喔24
[俄語] 艾莉當女友各位會接受嗎29
[PTCGP] 妙蛙花牌組求教28
[閒聊] 推特熱議:舊EVA中關於美里的那個場景27
Re: [乳摸] 闇龍紀元4未能回收成本,確定商業失24
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[閒聊] 原來米遊有卡牌?35
[閒聊] Falcom社長:軌跡下作將是前所未有的場面46
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[閒聊] 地雷系有什麼特色?