[情報] 06/04~12/04/2020 Weekly Horoscope
You may discover some wonderful things about yourself this week,
Moonchild. If your confidence has been lagging due to a series of mishaps
or conflicts, you should find recognition and admiration this week that
will help build you back up again. And some of what you hear will offer
you insight into just how wonderful a person you are and how impressive
your talents are. Please take this to heart because it is authentic, and
it is meant to uplift you. Finding your true purpose - or more of your
true purpose - may be an important discovery for you this week. Something
you learn or experience could give you a clue to your future destiny, and
it will be both exciting and eye-opening. Do as much as you can to learn
and to seek out resources that can be enabling for you along this path.
This could be a very good time for you to begin a new quest. Something has
been distracting you lately, and it has been pulling you away from some of
your big priorities. Take a closer look at what that is and why you need
to back away from it a bit so that you can do what you truly want to do.
[情報] 14/06~20/06/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may feel as though you are at an impasse as this week begins, Moonchild. Y our emotions may be a blend of frustration, anger, confusion, and maybe a litt le bit of hope. It is as if you can't move forward because you aren't sure whe re to go, and the things you have already tried haven't gotten you anywhere. B ut in the days ahead, you should experience a spiritual new beginning. All of5
[情報] 30/08~05/09/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 30 - 9月 5 Do you enjoy your work, Moonchild? Many people born under your sign work very hard to achieve their dreams. But even when your efforts do not lead to that d ream come true, you are dedicated and hard-working, nonetheless. But this week , you may be more focused on manifesting something very big that you want very3
[情報] 18/04/2022~24/04/2022 Weekly Horoscope我們都喜歡相信,如果某件事情是 『命中註定 』的,那麼無論如何都會發生。 但親愛的月之子,這不一定是真的。 宇宙可能會把某些事情放在我們的道路上,但我們都仍然有自由意志和選擇的權利。 如果一個機會被錯過,它可能會也可能不會再次出現。 親愛的月之子,請把這週看作是你的幸運週。2
[情報] 23/08~29/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 23 - 8月 29 You are hoping for a big move in your life, Moonchild, and it can't happen fas t enough for you. But first, slow down! This week, it is important that you ma ke a point to "stop and smell the roses." Even if you have not been overly bus y, you have not cherished the beautiful things that are all around you, and so2
[情報] 18/10~24/10/2021 Weekly Horoscope在本週你可能有很大的計劃,並期待它可以讓你的待辦事項清單上劃掉很多事情。 但是,你的良好計劃可能會因意外事件而脫軌。 不過,這並不值得生氣 - 突然出現並延遲你進度的事情將在許多方面對你有益。 只需知道你以後能夠解決這些義務,但發生在你身上的事情可能會改變生活,並且絕對值 得任何不便。2
[情報] 28/02/2022~06/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope當你是你最好的,最高的自我時,你會吸引你想要的東西進入你的生活,以及適合你和屬 於你生活的人。 月之子,本週你要努力做到這一點。 有巨大的能量圍繞著你,如果你是最快樂、最真實的自己,好運就會跟隨著你。 保持希望和熱情的光環,你應該開始看到好事情發生。2
[情報] 04/07/2022~10/07/2022 Weekly Horoscope月之子,本週開始時,一件家庭有關的事務可能會吸引你的注意力,但這通常是不具意義 的。 如果你最近感到情緒低落,對幸福的未來缺乏希望和信心,那麼你不僅僅是在用這些負面 的振動影響自己,你也在影響那些關心你的人。 這一點在本周可能會變得非常明顯,它可能會震撼你,讓你開始探索態度的改變,這是一1
[情報] 01/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have to stir the pot up a bit to get something done that needs to be done. You aren't fond of the drama or any potential conflict that may ensue, so you have to try to see this as a means to an end. If you concentrate on the goal you are reaching for and acknowledge to yourself that this is the only path to get there, it will be much easier to endure. In the meantime, think1
[情報] 21/03/2022~27/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你可能正在期待一個困難的一週 , 或者應該說是另一個艱難的一週? 這也難怪。最近你已經有了自己的壓力,而且它開始讓你感到厭煩。 而且因為你已經習慣了這種強烈的感覺,你期待著更多同樣的事情。 但你需要的不僅只是改變正在發生的事情,還需要改變你看待正在發生的事情的方式。 如果事情出了差錯,最壞的情況是什麼?你可以繼續前進,你也會繼續前進。1
[情報] 2023/04/24~2023/04/30 Weekly Horoscope巨蟹座 4月24日至4月30日的星座運勢 本週可能會出現工作角色的轉變、面試或者跳槽有關的電話通知、新的工作機會或其他對 職業生涯有重大影響的事情。 如果你還沒有進入職場,同樣也可能在學術方面發生類似的事情。 無論你是在尋求轉變還是不想變動,這都是一個值得關注的消息。