[情報] 2020年6月 Monthly Horoscope
An old wound may flare up out of the blue when something that reminds you
of the long-ago pain occurs. You tend to be so sentimental and so
nostalgic, Moonchild, that you relive old memories quite vividly. When
they are good memories, these can be very pleasant experiences. But when a
memory is not pleasant and even hurtful, it can be extremely sad and
painful because your vivid imagination helps to recapture every nuance of
that experience and the pain. This is possible for you this month, but if
you allow yourself to be carried away by a memory, you could start this
period off in a negative way. Steer your thoughts away to a different and
more pleasant memory, or - even better - a happy thought from your current
life. Always remember that you are in control of your thoughts. Someone
you have put on a pedestal may fall down a notch or two this month, but
you may still have every reason to admire and value them. We all have
those moments, and humbling yourself to accept that only adds to your
humanity. Your vision for a venture that could be financially rewarding
has probably changed form more than a few times. This month, you may gain
new information and another point of view that will help you refine and
advance this project. Be open-minded to even those ideas that don't
appeal to you at first, because there is wisdom to be found now.
[情報] 2021/05 Monthly HoroscopeYou may hear a lot this month about what other people think is wonderful and impressive about you. This may be exactly what you need to hear right now, Moonchild, especially if you have been feeling isolated or lonely. You are so inside yourself sometimes that you forget how much you have to offer, and an occasional reminder can help you recognize all that is so special about you.6
[情報] 30/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may not think of your negative thoughts as a choice you made. You may see those upsetting thoughts and ideas as having come to you through no fault of your own but through experiences you've had. And while these thoughts may naturally occur, Moonchild, you don't have to automatically accept them. That's where your free will comes in. Although you may be dwelling on something6
[情報] 03/25 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 25 2022 你最近會沈浸在過往的一些回憶中, 這些回憶比你近期體驗的任何事都更有趣、有價值或更特別。 想要在心中抓住這些片刻是自然的,親愛的魔魔, 但如果你的回憶某種程度上取代了人際關係,3
[情報] 14/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 8月 14 Life has sad moments. There is no doubt about it. But it also has many very ha ppy moments as well. When you are going through something that tears your hear t up, you might have a tendency to forget about those happier times. Right now , you may be experiencing something that hurts, but you have to remember all o3
[情報] 08/29 the daily horoscopeDo you remember the time in your life when you were at your happiest? It may b e hard to recall. In fact, Gemini, it may feel like another lifetime ago. Ther e have been challenges recently, and you have been focused on them, possibly w ith intensity. We all yearn in certain moments to go back in time to places, a nd situations that we recall as having been trouble-free. But memory can be ve2
[情報] 2022/07 Monthly Horoscope月之子,這個月份是一個非常適合解決你生活中情感中的過去的部分。 可能有一些問題你從來沒有解決或克服過,即使你可能認為你已經過去了,但它們仍然傷 害你,導致你悲傷和遺憾。 你是一個很容易陷入 『如果 』這個想法,而這些事情中的某些是最傷你的。 雖然你可能無法解決每一個懸而未解的情感鴻溝,但你至少可以花一些時間來強烈地思考2
[情報] 10/24 the daily horoscopeHappy thoughts not only make you feel happier in the moment, but they also ush er happiness into your life. Anger chases away good things, good people, good possibilities, and most of all, good feelings within you. Today, Gemini, if yo u are inclined to think negative thoughts or to worry about something not work ing out, try to force yourself to think positive, hopeful thoughts instead. It2
[情報] 2023/05 Monthly Horoscope愛好自由的月之子,可能會在這個月份中發現自己走上公眾的舞台,扮演著和自己習慣不 同的角色,這樣的轉變可能會讓你感到不舒服。 不過如果你能放鬆心情,享受當下的時刻,並且對自己所要呈現或分享的事物充滿熱情, 你甚至會意識到自己正在投入其中,享受這樣的過程。 這種轉變可能跟你的工作或社交圈有關,而且這樣的體驗甚至會讓你想要再次嘗試。1
[情報] 2021/11 Monthly Horoscope月之子,本月你可能只是偶然或通過其他聚會認識的某個人可能會與你更親近。 這可能會成為牢固而有價值的友誼,甚至可能成為浪漫的伴侶。 過去沒有和這個人發生過這種情況,並不意味著它不應該發生,甚至不要去想像。 你一直在做的事情-你一直認為有可能給你帶來巨大成功的事情-可能會突然快速推進。 你在 11 月應該非常富有成效和洞察力,這將幫助你推動這個項目向前發展。1
[情報] 2021/12 Monthly Horoscope在這個月的開始,如果沉迷於你最喜歡的創意項目,為節日禮物購物,為你希望舉辦的派 對計劃菜單,或者除了你知道你需要做的事情以外的其他事情,這當然是非常令人愉快的 。 當然,你將能夠做所有這些事情,甚至更多,但你知道有一些緊迫的項目需要你的關注。 月之子,如果你在12月開始的時候就處理好這個問題,你想想看-那麼這個月剩下的時間