[情報] 02/08~08/08/2021 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 02/08~08/08/2021 Weekly Horoscope作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:1

Cancer horoscope for 8月 2 - 8月 8

Cancer horoscope for 8月 2 - 8月 8
You are always tuned in to the world around you, Moonchild. You notice the subtle things that most people never see. But most of all, you can tune in to what other people are feeling. Although you are always this way, this week you may find yourself feeling especially fine-tuned in this regard. Use your enhanced perception to get to know someone you have been wanting to know. This may be a romantic interest, or it may just be someone you find very interesting - either as a friend, or an endeavor you've been thinking about. Your powers in this regard right now are enhanced, so use them well. A repair or a fix of somekind might seem like too big of a chore, but if you maintain an open mind this week, the act of completing that repair or fix will pay off beautifully, perhaps through someone you meet on your mission, or something useful that you learn. You may be regretting that you said yes to a certain invitation. Even so,you are a person of your word, so you probably plan to go through with it anyway. But if there is something else that is capturing your attention, then there is nothing wrong with bowing out, as long as you don't ruin someone else's plans. Go with what feels best to you.






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ykoei08/02 00:11謝謝翻譯

faxd08/02 01:22謝謝

starwillow08/02 08:54謝謝翻譯

katte08/02 17:35最開心的是找為自己的ptt帳號XD 可是上站時間跟次數掰了