[情報] 07/21 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini標題[情報] 07/21 the daily horoscope 作者
時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:0

You may be trying to hold in your emotions as you explain the way you feel about a disagreement. Someone wants to have a discussion with you about a point of contention, and you may want to keep the conversation all about the facts. But if you could show how much this is affecting you on an emotional level too, Gemini, that would be the way to show how much you care and how much you believe in the solution you prefer. Give it a try.






Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。

Ps1. 我7/21要住院,7/22要開刀,如果我無法翻譯,尚請大家見諒,謝謝。


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※ 編輯: Nicolas01 ( 臺灣), 07/20/2023 02:45:10

vanishedcat07/20 18:27感謝翻譯,順利平安!好好休養喔!

peterfat07/20 18:40感謝預祝平安順利

AnitaWW07/20 23:07祝手術順利!

jingyi62007/20 23:12謝謝翻譯!

ryohei52107/20 23:42辛苦了 祝手術順利

elapseregret07/21 01:24祝手術順利&早日康復!!

maykin122007/21 07:04感謝翻譯祝平安順利

xrinexrine07/21 07:37祝順利平安

clairephy07/21 07:44感謝翻譯..祝平安順利健康..

samkong07/21 08:21推推 祝順利平安

asppsa07/21 08:21祝手術順利

roq362707/21 10:02預祝順利!

suin61607/21 10:32祝手術順利&一切平安!

jokee12307/21 12:46祝一切順利 平安

BMWZ407/21 18:03手術順利, 早日康復!

ochan052207/21 21:19祝平安順利

star6107/22 01:56祝平安順利!