[情報] 01/13 the daily horoscope
A conversation that you have been avoiding may take place today anyway, dear Gemini. You may be blindsided by this conversation, but that's actually a goodthing because you would have avoided it again if you could. You will see thatengaging with someone you don't want to talk to will wind up unburdening you of a worry or a fear that has been holding you down and making you anxious. Each time you thought about it, it made you more and more apprehensive about thediscussion, but you finally will have the chance to free yourself of it completely.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoIt may seem as though there is an invisible wall between you and something you want. That is probably because you have already tried everything you can thin k of to access an opportunity, and each effort has failed. But if you can't se e any tangible signs of why something isn't working out for you, Gemini, it ma y be because most barriers you are facing are internal. Take a few moments tod1
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[情報] 01/20 the daily horoscopeEveryone who is involved in a project you are also involved in may seem to be quite happy with the way things are going. Naturally, that's a good thing. How ever, part of the reason they are happy may be that you are doing the majority of the work, dear Gemini. You do have a higher energy than many people, but e ven you can eventually get worn out, especially when you have no one to rely o1
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[情報] 05/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be pressuring yourself into doing something because you think that you should, rather than because you want to, or because you feel it will be the r ight thing for you. That's not a good reason to be pressuring yourself, dear G emini. You may also be succumbing to someone else's ideals for you rather than what you feel is best for you. Take a step back today. Try to analyze why you1
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[情報] 07/07 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your world may keep changing the subject whenever you try to have a n important conversation. Maybe they don't want to talk about it, or maybe the y simply don't understand how important it is to you, dear Gemini, and what yo u are trying to accomplish. If you open it up for questions and express how yo u feel about the situation, the other party might be far more receptive and un1
[情報] 11/16 the daily horoscopeYou will find what you're looking for in the last place you look. That's such a silly thing to say, yet people say it all the time. Of course you'll find it in the last place you look, because you'll stop looking once you find it! Som eone may be saying that to you now, dear Gemini, because you are looking for s omething you want very much - but it isn't something tangible. However, there