[情報] 01/18 the daily horoscope
It has been said that "you are what you eat." If you eat processed foods withhigh sugar content, for example, you aren't going to be as healthy as you would if you ate a balanced diet and didn't overindulge. The same thing applies to the things you think, dear Gemini. If you've found yourself getting caught up in a maelstrom of negative thoughts, you're creating negative energy in yourlife and talking yourself out of the great potential that the future holds for you. Create an emotionally healthy path, and it will take you to wonderful places!
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoSome people believe that being grateful - that incorporating gratitude into th eir daily thoughts and thankfulness for what they have - can make them even mo re successful. They believe that recognizing how lucky they are will make them even luckier, opening the floodgates to greater good and fortune. You may fee l cynical about this, Gemini. If you do, think about the bad energy being cyni1
首PoSomeone that you meet in an unusual or quirky way could enlighten you, Gemini. There may be a question or a dilemma on your mind, and this random encounter could trigger the insight or direction you are looking for. This could be some one truly random - someone who rings up your purchase at the grocery store, or a friend of a friend who makes a comment that strikes you. Nothing is off-lim1
首PoThere may be an irritating issue or two to handle or a problematic individual to deal with today. That does not have to alter the course of your day in any way though, dear Gemini, or turn your current, naturally happy state of mind d arker or less upbeat. Sometimes the choice for happiness is as simple as recog nizing this and maintaining a hopeful demeanor. It may seem somewhat simplisti2
首PoYou may encounter someone today who can help you achieve a goal more quickly t han you originally thought. Even though working with this person may not have been a part of your plan, dear Gemini, this may be a rare opportunity that you should consider. It might change the tone of your plan, but it will get you t o your goal faster, and it might even help you get more out of your efforts th
[情報] 0317 DailyHoroscopeIf you were very focused on improving or maintaining your good health by stayi ng on a restricted and very healthy diet, you would probably choose to give up certain foods, such as sugar and other unhealthy snacks. But if you, for exam ple, gave up chocolate entirely, you will probably end up craving and thinking a lot about chocolate or some other food you deprived yourself of because it'3
[情報] 07/11 the daily horoscopeIt is important for you to acknowledge today that it is not your role or your responsibility to make someone else happy. If you are trying to do this now, y ou also need to know that this is a power that someone only has for themselves . There are people in life who seem to enjoy dwelling on negative thoughts and problematic situations, but that is not a habit you can change for anyone but3
[情報] 10/15 the daily horoscopeSome negative feeling or resentment has camped out in your heart, dear Gemini. Although you may think it isn't taking up much room, it isn't leaving you wit h much in the way of "atmosphere." Its hunkering presence is darkening your mo od, even though you may deny its power. The best thing you can do for yourself today is to deal with this. Either seek out a way to make things better, or c2
[情報] 08/27 the daily horoscopeAnger. Hostility. Regret. Guilt. Sadness. None of these are desirable feelings , Gemini. Even so, you may have been coddling one or more of these emotions an d it's getting to you. You may not believe that you have any other choice, but you certainly do. By indulging in damaging emotions, you are carving a certai n path for yourself. The thoughts you nurture and the words you express are ca2
[情報] 02/06 the daily horoscopeIf there is a thought that makes you happy, concentrate on that today. And wha tever you do, don't let any impediments to that thought block you from feeling happy about it. For example, if it's a thought about something you hope for, don't let thoughts about why it can't work out or any problems you could have enter your mind. Chase any negatives out immediately, dear Gemini, and just fo2
[情報] 2023/11/09 Daily Horoscope此時此刻,月之子,你正在創造你的未來。 你可能會想,哇,太棒了,因為你肯定對自己的人生有著美好的憧憬。 但同時,你也在為很多事情擔憂。 你可能會擔心人際關係、金錢、健康和幸福等問題。 每個人都會擔心,但糾結於這些事情並不健康,而且這些擔憂會在現實中表現出來。2
[情報] 09/19 the daily horoscopeA positive thought can cast a negative thought out of your mind. By instantly replacing a fear with a hope and a worry with a goal, you can change the cours e of your life. You are generally a very optimistic person, dear Gemini, but s omething you are facing now may seem larger and more powerful than you are. Do not underestimate yourself. If you deal with each worry or negative experienc1
[情報] 04/20 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling uncharacteristically down or negative today, dear Gemini. N ormally you are upbeat, hopeful, and the one to be the first to see the potent ial and the upside of any situation. Therefore, Gemini, if you aren't feeling good about a new development in your life, there may be more to it. Perhaps th ere is something fundamentally wrong that you are sensing. It could also be as1
[情報] 01/25 the daily horoscopeGuilt , anger, and jealousy are not positive feelings. They involve emotions t hat can eat away at your peace of mind and leave you feeling unhappy. Although these feelings may have some constructive use in certain circumstances, linge ring in any of them is not productive or positive, dear Gemini. You may be mor e emotionally strung than usual at the moment and more prone to falling into a1
[情報] 12/30 the daily horoscopeYour thoughts might be at war with each other now, dear Gemini. On the one han d, you're thinking of how wonderful a current endeavor can turn out to be. You can already imagine how it will look and feel when you find success with it. But on the other hand, you can't help but wonder what will happen if things do n't go as planned. What if something goes wrong? Then all of your efforts will