Re: [新聞] 中國執法人員7月起可隨時查民眾手機 傳..

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 中國執法人員7月起可隨時查民眾手機 傳..作者
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※ 引述《Jiun65 (為何拒絕?)》之銘言:

: 推 Topwater: 怎麼學起美國老大哥了 真是的 塔綠班快 05/08 19:40: → Topwater: 罵 05/08 19:40: → bairn: 美國不是也可以? 05/08 19:40
: 推 qazsedcft: 誰說美國一樣的?? 05/08 19:41: → qazsedcft: 美國有? 05/08 19:41

Home 3 Ways To Prepare For A Cellphone Search When Entering The U.S.

U.S. immigration officers have broad authority to search travelers’ luggage
and belongings when they enter the United States. That authority extends to
cellphones, laptop computers, and tablets. Custom officials treat these
electronic devices similar to luggage, carry-on bags, and purses – they are
all subject to a search when the owner attempts to enter the country through
any point of entry.


Digital searches of this type can be very alarming since we keep so much
personal information on our phones, computers, and devices these days. Once
an agent has your phone or device in hand, he or she can go through text
messages, voicemails, social media apps, photos, and any other apps or
content you have stored on your phone.


Both Citizens And Non-Citizens Are Subject To Searches

It does not matter if you are a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident, a
visitor, or a visa holder – anyone can be asked to provide their electronic
devices and passwords or access codes at the U.S. border.

If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you cannot be prevented fromentering the country, even if you deny the request. However, officials may
confiscate your phone and backup the data before returning it to you. They
can also make entry difficult such as by holding you for questioning or
delaying your entry.

If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and you deny officials
access to your phone, you most likely will be refused entry to the United





那個 美國確實有這種 不民主又侵犯人權的作法....



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nicholassys 05/09 04:35在中國 你拒絕試試


※ 編輯: A6 ( 澳門), 05/09/2024 04:36:39

nicholassys 05/09 04:37美國公民可以拒絕 中國公民可以?呵

nicholassys 05/09 04:37

中國公民也可以拒絕阿 你哪門子覺得不能拒絕的?? 最多也是沒收手機去查而已嘛 美國不是???

※ 編輯: A6 ( 澳門), 05/09/2024 04:39:36

m122e 05/09 04:39搞不懂 拿海關的case進來討論是哪招?

那個不叫海關 叫邊撿或移民官 後面那個有沒有要申報的才是海關

※ 編輯: A6 ( 澳門), 05/09/2024 04:40:57

fulongb210f 05/09 04:50當美國的狗當習慣了,就不會發現。

www115ui8 05/09 04:59美國只有海關跟邊境 中國是隨時

christopherl 05/09 05:08不管啦,美國查手機是民主,中國查

christopherl 05/09 05:09手機是專制

DREE 05/09 05:10一個過海關檢查~~一個是隨時隨地檢查~~

miaudele 05/09 05:12美國警察比較可怕 一言不合就開槍了

DREE 05/09 05:12坐地鐵也要檢查~~裝vpn爬牆最高15000元罰款

m122e 05/09 05:14對 我也搞不懂 到底最終會是 隨時隨地都有

m122e 05/09 05:15可能被檢查 還是僅限制在海關檢查?

m122e 05/09 05:16假如法源僅限制在海關處 那其實美國也有

m122e 05/09 05:16阿假如是中國到處都可以這樣搞 那就回到一

m122e 05/09 05:17開始我的疑問 這篇單提海關的case是哪招?

berryc 05/09 05:26中共同路人就是喜歡用這招來護航中共啊

shirokase 05/09 06:04笑死,為了護屎共,連民進党的招都用

shirokase 05/09 06:04了喔,“這不叫xxx,而是叫ooo才對”

shirokase 05/09 06:04,真的一家親呢

phix 05/09 06:09現代東廠 唉....

yesonline 05/09 06:20美國現在不能隨時查看了.因為違反憲法.

badmark369 05/09 06:41只要危害到統治權,誰理你啊

jma306 05/09 06:44 (因為違反憲法) 逼tiktok要賣 不也是

yesonline 05/09 06:55tiktok案法院還沒判,檢查手機法院判了.

HLPT 05/09 07:04可憐的中國人還沾沾自喜

wingdragon 05/09 07:18八卦支那仔反美親中不是一天兩天的事

wingdragon 05/09 07:18

chang7741 05/09 08:07你腦子還好嗎?

u7451519 05/09 08:09海關檢驗拿來比較?硬凹很難看,為何要

u7451519 05/09 08:09硬凹?

你連海關都和移民官都分不清楚 而且 你忘了凌鏡門?

c98406023 05/09 08:22沒去那邊 無須擔心

Tifoso 05/09 10:01一個檢查會讓群眾降低對恐攻的恐懼 一個檢

Tifoso 05/09 10:01查會增加群眾對國家的恐懼 很難懂?

※ 編輯: A6 ( 澳門), 05/09/2024 16:14:23