Re: [問卦] 烏俄戰爭最新情報(更新至20231128)
: 2.雖然F16已經已經抵達烏克蘭,但烏軍隊認為現有雷達系統探測距力達不到烏軍需求。烏克
: 蘭專家希望將雷達升級為AN/APG-83才能有效對抗俄空軍。
: AN/APG-83對空探測距離達120公里,對地探測距離達295公里,對隱身戰績也有一定探測能力
: 。其次AN/APG-83可加強F16多用途能力,可同時追蹤20個低慢小的無人機目標。
f16並未到達烏克蘭 而是羅馬尼亞
Russia Offered to End War in 2022 If Ukraine Scrapped NATO Ambitions –
Zelensky Party Chief
David Arahamiya, leader of the President's “Servant of the People” party
and head of the Ukrainian delegation during last year’s talks with Russia,
has revealed that Russia proposed ending the war in spring 2022 on the
condition that Ukraine abandon its NATO aspirations and adopt a neutral
“They really hoped almost to the last that they would put the squeeze on us
to sign such an agreement so that we would take neutrality. It was the
biggest thing for them,” Arahamiya said in an interview with Ukrainian
journalist Natalia Moseychuk.
“They were ready to end the war if we took – as Finland once did –
neutrality and made commitments that we would not join NATO. This was the keypoint,” he added.
Speaking further and explaining Kyiv's refusal to accept the proposal,
Arakhamia said that it would require a constitutional change, given that
Ukraine’s Constitution states its intention to become a NATO member.
Additionally, he emphasized a lack of trust in the Russian position.
"There is no, and there was no, trust in the Russians that they would do it.
That could only be done if there were security guarantees."
Arahamiya clarified that signing such an agreement without guarantees would
have left Ukraine vulnerable to a second incursion.
“They would have come in more prepared, because they came in, in fact,
unprepared for such resistance,” Arakhamia said.
According to the lawmaker, while another round of talks was underway in
Istanbul, Boris Johnson unexpectedly came to Kyiv on April 9 and said that
Ukraine "shouldn't sign anything with them at all – and let's just fight."
去年在土耳其談判的時候 只要烏克蘭承諾不加入北約 雙方就可進行和談
但是因為英國首相 突訪 說烏克蘭應該打下去
喔 說這段話的是人民公僕黨主席David Arahamiya
現在這消息就是人民公僕黨 自己說出來的 英國首相叫他們打下去
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 11/29/2023 21:32:57好坑啊 既不是北約國 還讓他們賣命
闢謠跑斷腿 隨便指控也不會道歉
ㄟㄟ 問題你是把兩個消息 組合在一個成為一個奇怪的消息 而且你有不說是兩個不同的消息 然後組合再一起 變成很奇怪假消息 說F16到烏克蘭 消息是俄羅斯的 說雷達問題的是另一邊的 你引用的是這篇他根據的是這篇根本就沒提到雷達 然後到你這邊就變成 F16到烏克蘭但烏克蘭專家希望改進雷達 ??? 別鬧了 我很好其你到底有沒有去查過引用消息的原始來源
無法和談成功是因為 普丁堅持打下去
好了啦被打臉 還用什麼奇怪的邏輯
打臉??? 我怎麼覺得是你被打臉 把俄羅斯文章和西方文章兩篇放一起然後自己編個故事標題??? 哪怕你分兩個標題讓讀者判斷 我都沒意見 問題你放一個標題 這純純的誤導好嗎
[情報] 烏克蘭代表抵達會談,要求俄軍立刻撤軍Ukraine demands "immediate ceasefire" and withdrawal of Russian forces 烏克蘭的代表官員已經抵達白俄羅斯準備談判 Ukraine demanded an “immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops” on Monday as the country’s delegation arrived for talks with Russia at the爆
[情報]三項情報(含北約立場,附原文)標題:[情報]三項情報(含北約表態立場) 時間: Fri Mar 4 18:39:39 2022 北約秘書長 與 美國國務卿 在聯合新聞發布會上表示: 1.56
[爆卦] 德國總理:北約將不會軍事干預烏克蘭戰事German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made clear that NATO will not "intervene militarily" in Ukraine during talks with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg. 德國總理聲明: 北約將不會軍事干預烏克蘭戰事。 What did the leaders say?35
[爆卦] 烏克蘭談判代表稱願討論「非北約模式」Ukraine is not willing to compromise on its territorial integrity in talks with Russia but is open to discussing "non- NATO models" for its future, in a wider forum, one of its negotiators told Fox News. 烏克蘭的一名談判代表告訴福克斯新聞,烏克蘭不願意在與俄羅斯的談判中就其領土完整32
Re: [新聞] 重大突破!烏克蘭曝與俄談判成果:雙方已CNN剛有消息 Russian delegation member: There is “significant progress” in negotiations with Ukraine, RIA reports Leonid Slutsky, a Russian delegation member for the Ukraine-Russia talks, said “significant progress” has been made in negotiations with the31
Re: [情報] 俄羅斯準備好與烏克蘭進行無條件談判塔斯社的英文報導原文,有人說連結點不開所以我直接原文轉錄 Russia ready for talks with Ukraine, but with no preconditions, diplomat insists Peace talks should "be based on the existing reality," Russian Deputy Foreign1
Re: [新聞] 土耳其外長:俄羅斯和烏克蘭在「關鍵」引BBC的最新消息(也是來自土耳其外長) The two sides are negotiating on six key points Ukraine's neutrality disarmament and security guarantees the so-called "de-Nazification" of Ukraine
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