Re: [問卦] 西方有文言文的文體嗎

看板Gossiping標題Re: [問卦] 西方有文言文的文體嗎作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:5

※ 引述 《JHGF2468A (Joker)》 之銘言:
: 如題
: 大家為了文言文吵得不可開交
: 突然好奇
: 那西方有類似或一樣的文體嗎
: 有沒有卦
: ----
: Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 14 Pro


ad hoc:特別、臨時
lex situs:物之所在地
vice versa:反之亦然
prima facie:初步
inter alia:除了別的之外,其中包括
force majeure:不可抗力



If the buyer is in delay in taking delivery of the goods or,where payment of the price and delivery of the goods are to be made concurrently ,if he fails to pay the price,and the seller is either in possession of the goods or otherwise able to control their disposition ,the seller must take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to preserve them.

Licensor hereby grant to licensee a nonexclusive,nontransferable,license,without right to sublicense,under the license agreement ,to develop,have developed for license,make,have made for licensee by a third party,use,import and sell licensee products.



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YCTING 12/12 09:19這樣才可以打個一頁紙賺幾千刀啊

Vincent6964 12/12 09:21看過警察惹到律師直接一本丟出來

cs09312 12/12 09:22大家都看得懂那法律人還賺什麼

tsubasawolfy 12/12 09:23那是拉丁遺毒吧

bobby4755 12/12 09:24台灣教育太普遍才會很多人抱怨

Rune 12/12 09:24用拉丁文感覺比較傳統有歷史感啊

guanquan 12/12 09:47英美法也有白話文運動啦!拉丁法諺漸漸

guanquan 12/12 09:47退流行了。契約也有許多人建議改用現代

guanquan 12/12 09:47語句。

vizjeco 12/12 10:21