[問卦] 「心靈女友」的英文要怎麼翻?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「心靈女友」的英文要怎麼翻?作者
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douge 07/16 11:21Bed mate

deepdish 07/16 11:21問王心凌

douge 07/16 11:21躺在床上聊天的女性有人

gigibouz 07/16 11:21R20

brianuser 07/16 11:21Nikubenki

dean1990 07/16 11:21booty call

whitefang10 07/16 11:21舒壓的朋友

greensaru 07/16 11:21soulmate

holyseraph 07/16 11:22Friends with Benefits 簡稱FWB

aggressorX 07/16 11:22騷mate

gerund 07/16 11:22這篇沒有soul mate 我捐1000p

Ericz7000 07/16 11:22good will girlfriend

trustjohndoe 07/16 11:22right hole hole

Casper50 07/16 11:22no sex girlfriend

kumori 07/16 11:22hatsune miku

shutingyeh 07/16 11:22friend with benefits

DOOHDLIHC 07/16 11:23fake agent

mirza 07/16 11:24這大概要問民進黨

peteryang199 07/16 11:24heart zero girl friend

fly0204 07/16 11:24booty call

cc02040326 07/16 11:24friend with benefits

pponywong 07/16 11:24mental bitch

a36991069 07/16 11:25left hand

dayend 07/16 11:26張清芳有首老歌 men's talk 覺得完美詮釋

fantasylee 07/16 11:26Penis top to herat

brodf084972 07/16 11:27pussy...

nike840717 07/16 11:28anal mate

becareful 07/16 11:29so mate

ddijk 07/16 11:29So Mad

Js1233 07/16 11:30你確定只有心靈而已?

BaRanKa 07/16 11:32mate bro

coutji3184 07/16 11:35メンタル彼女

key123987 07/16 11:36Right hand

gameguy 07/16 11:36每個台灣男人心裡都有飯島愛?

s9234032 07/16 11:37soul mate阿= =

ninaman 07/16 11:38relieve stress

kevinpc 07/16 11:38fuck toy

littlebaby27 07/16 11:38bed friend

sazaby 07/16 11:38POW friend

sunnyyoung 07/16 11:39Sex mate

abcorz 07/16 11:40頂到心

tengsan 07/16 11:44mental chick

castle997 07/16 11:44BitcX ....應該沒有誤會吧...

icou 07/16 11:47bitch

gn01693664 07/16 11:48dumpster

anly888 07/16 11:51騷妹

ccugoo 07/16 11:51FWB

kanhyuu 07/16 11:52Onaho

Hankwuz 07/16 11:55soulmate with benefits

inshadow 07/16 11:55pow yo

Corydoras 07/16 11:55B

stevenyu82 07/16 11:58prostitute

p1227426 07/16 12:00Creampie friend

jump693 07/16 12:02Vagina provider

az400570437 07/16 12:07Sex toy

snopur 07/16 12:10papamate

zerowingtw 07/16 12:13girlfriend without fucking~~~~~~~~~

banbanfly 07/16 12:14《Hey, Soul Sister》by Train

Daedolon 07/16 12:18r20

ymsc30102 07/16 12:21Creampier

albert0525 07/16 12:28soul mute

Centauro 07/16 12:33セフレン

xinyuxiao 07/16 12:34我只想知道他是不是心靈男友

Sam0453 07/16 12:35friend with benefits

xinyuxiao 07/16 12:35誰想聽她倆 鄉民想知道雞排視角的時間

xinyuxiao 07/16 12:35軸跟詳細發展

JayceYen 07/16 12:38Shoot inside girlfriend

loveyou9527 07/16 12:47Easy Girl

kevin86tp 07/16 13:01bitch

GGxyz 07/16 13:09Girlfriend that doesn't exist

bullace 07/16 13:11soulmate

dawnnn317 07/16 13:19bitch boygirl

seabax 07/16 14:14Fuckbuddy

Jimmywin 07/16 14:39psycho GF

Demia 07/16 14:56Fuxk buddy

moboo 07/16 15:54Benefits friend

NiKuKuO 07/16 16:53直接翻成砲友不就好了0.0