[問卦] 牛是唯一既能吸入又能呼出氧氣的動物 ?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 牛是唯一既能吸入又能呼出氧氣的動物 ?作者
時間推噓13 推:15 噓:2 →:21

PRAYAGRAJ: Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav of Allahabad high court, who had recently ruled that cow should be declared the national animal, also observed that scientists believe that cow is the only animal that inhales and exhales oxygen.


In his 12-page judgment written in Hindi to deny bail to a person from Sambhal accused of cow slaughter, Justice Yadav said that it is a tradition in Indiato use ghee made of cow milk in each oblation at yajna. “This gives special energy to sun rays, which ultimately causes rain,” he said.


Further elaborating the importance of cows, Justice Yadav said: “Scientists believe that cows are the only animals which inhale and exhale oxygen. Panchgavya which is made of cow milk, curd, ghee, urine and cow dung helps in the treatment of several incurable diseases.”


Quoting Arya Sj founder Dayanand Saraswati, he said that a cow in her lifetime contributes to one meal of over 400 humans but her meat can feed just 80 people. “Jesus Christ said that killing a cow or an ox is like killing a human,”
Justice Yadav added.

他引用Arya Sj的創始人Dayanand Saraswati的話說,一頭牛一生能為400多人提供一餐,但她的肉只能養活80人。亞達夫大法官補充說:「耶穌基督說,殺一頭牛等同於殺一個人。」

Cows are part and parcel of the culture of India and consuming cow beef cannot be considered the fundamental of any person, he observed, adding that the parliament should bring a law to make cow a national animal and make strict lawsag inst people who talk of harming cows.




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frommr 09/06 09:59內文明明有中文但我卻看ㄅ太懂

ericugly 09/06 10:00嗯嗯…難怪印度人不敢吃牛

preisner 09/06 10:00五樓肛門能吸入又吐出屌

WeasoN 09/06 10:00哞哞好吃

vowpool 09/06 10:00吸入氧氣又吐出氧氣我也會阿

skevis 09/06 10:00神牛你敢嘴

※ 編輯: remora ( 臺灣), 09/06/2021 10:01:48

vowpool 09/06 10:00但吸入前濃度跟吐出後濃度不一樣

hydra3179 09/06 10:00動物都會吧,我記得呼氣出來多,還是有

bill403777 09/06 10:00人類也會吐出氧氣阿==

hydra3179 09/06 10:01氧氣

viable 09/06 10:02qu'est-ce que c'est 0.0a

kyo911089 09/06 10:02若不滿足口腹之慾

kyo911089 09/06 10:02確實靠牛奶能養育更多人

FatNerdLoser 09/06 10:02人也會啊 國中生物重學好嗎 哪可能

FatNerdLoser 09/06 10:02吸21%氧氣吐21%二氧化碳 落後國家

FatNerdLoser 09/06 10:02不意外

※ 編輯: remora ( 臺灣), 09/06/2021 10:03:27

brucielu95 09/06 10:03在工殺洨 人吸進去含21%氧的大氣呼出

t81511270 09/06 10:03阿有四個胃 能不能光合作用

Murloc 09/06 10:03揉眼睛

brucielu95 09/06 10:03來比例也沒差很多好嗎

poi96300 09/06 10:03你他媽嘴砲阿 吸入氧氣在呼出氧氣 所有

brucielu95 09/06 10:03真的是智障組成國 誰教他們的?

poi96300 09/06 10:04哺乳類都會阿 肺沒辦法換掉所有氧氣

poi96300 09/06 10:05文組真的是很可憐 連基本生物常識都沒有

F1239810 09/06 10:13塗牛屎治瘟疫! 要開放預約了嗎?

wunaoking 09/06 10:13法官國中沒畢業?人也會呼出氧氣啊

candaptt 09/06 10:14殺牛等於殺人!?

rickphyman42 09/06 10:15北七 所有動物呼吸都一樣會呼出氧

rickphyman42 09/06 10:15氣 畢竟不可能每次呼吸都把全部的

rickphyman42 09/06 10:15氧吸進去 總是會有漏網之氧

shadowpower 09/06 11:04如果吸20%O2 ,就吐20%CO2 的話,

shadowpower 09/06 11:04你躺在浴缸或者任何類似的地方,呼吸

shadowpower 09/06 11:04個兩次你就CO2 中毒了

aioloslin 09/06 11:09印度的法官引用耶穌說的話???

ginopun10477 09/06 12:18國中生物 重修

cocogg 09/06 12:36人也會呼出氧啊== 而且牛肉可以等牛奶產

cocogg 09/06 12:36不出了再吃,造福480人欸

g4zoco196 09/06 17:33供三小 我也會啊