[問卦] 印度軍隊很缺槍?

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Indian firm beats Israeli company to get deal for upgrading Army's AK-47 assault rifles


A four-year-old Indian wons company has emerged as the lowest bidder for a contract to upgrade a small number of Indian Army’s AK-47 assault rifles, beating off competition from an established Israeli rival and getting a toehold in the Indian small arms market, offi als familiar with the development said. Bengaluru-based SSS Defence has edged out Israel’s Fab Defense that produces tactical equipment and won accessories, and has upgraded Kshnikov rifles for the Indian Army. The Indian firm will upgrade an initial lot of 24 AK-47 assault rifles held by an army unit under the Jaipur-based South Western Command, with more orders likely to follow.


總部位於班加羅爾的SSS防務公司擊敗了生產戰術設備和武器配件的以色列Fab Defense公司,為印度陸軍升級過卡拉什尼科夫步槍。




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elvis30901 11/02 16:39他們也國產的神槍

preisner 11/02 16:39才24隻, 五樓家裡還比較多

taiwan08 11/02 16:39印度會用下面那一支槍去肛中國

elvis30901 11/02 16:39

birdy590 11/02 16:4024支看起來就只是試做吧~

R0227002 11/02 16:45印度萬國牌 收藏專家

a701019 11/02 17:07萬國集合體,後勤困難,有多有少很正常