[問卦] 美國人問你How are you doing 時要怎接

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 美國人問你How are you doing 時要怎接作者
時間推噓40 推:44 噓:4 →:31

在不穿幫下 除了fine 3Q外


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L1ON 04/25 13:18FQ

preisner 04/25 13:18五樓都回: I'm fucking asshole

ghgn 04/25 13:18How dare you

maximu 04/25 13:18fuck off

wonder007 04/25 13:18i do very well

Jimmy540i 04/25 13:18WHO CARE(S)

ComeThrough 04/25 13:19jizz

wantingheart 04/25 13:19sumimasen

bobby4755 04/25 13:20I'm feeling high yo


alex00089 04/25 13:21薩買地

Yude0109 04/25 13:21i want sex with u

bbob 04/25 13:22樓下被猛甲肛時都回什麼

fire124 04/25 13:23who the hell are you

summer081 04/25 13:23shut the fuck up

※ 編輯: pslr1 ( 臺灣), 04/25/2022 13:24:12

Tattoo 04/25 13:24fine 3q,&u

GLUESTICK 04/25 13:24WhatzUp

booth 04/25 13:24not ur bisnis,fuka

snsdakb48 04/25 13:24i am fine. thank U

Netherland 04/25 13:25This is a book

meicon5566 04/25 13:26feel awesome on my ass

thorn 04/25 13:28Are you joey ?

andy6805 04/25 13:28nothing but jizz

Merkle 04/25 13:29shut the fuck up, nigger!

freezee 04/25 13:29Alive

jim543000 04/25 13:30Suck my dick or I'll tell you.

gn01693664 04/25 13:32義大利

TakeokaMiho 04/25 13:33long time no see

qw99992 04/25 13:33Mei show gan bowl

hanchueh 04/25 13:35I'm doing well

mopigou 04/25 13:35fuck off 萬用

yitniya 04/25 13:36I am not car

overskyend 04/25 13:36stay cool

magic2313 04/25 13:37how do you turn this on?

wuleelee 04/25 13:38唉嗯督陰顧

BHrabal 04/25 13:39一樣回How you doing 美劇有演


elvissheng 04/25 13:41謝謝指教

S2aqua 04/25 13:41罐頭笑聲

※ 編輯: pslr1 ( 臺灣), 04/25/2022 13:44:04

handsomeGG 04/25 13:45I am masturbating

lulocke 04/25 13:48泰泰泰

sturmpionier 04/25 13:51fuck off

Risperidone 04/25 13:51I’m doing great.

playfrank 04/25 13:54apple

sunnyyoung 04/25 13:54Great Scott. Fxxk U.

※ 編輯: pslr1 ( 臺灣), 04/25/2022 13:56:09

simata 04/25 13:57Good morning

q5h67z 04/25 14:00my ass is awesome

pov 04/25 14:00yo bro you know man


※ 編輯: pslr1 ( 臺灣), 04/25/2022 14:02:10

daipon 04/25 14:03How do you turn this on?

TAKEBEAR 04/25 14:05Do u hear the people sing

rlhl7799 04/25 14:06i'm fine thank you and you

batbruce00 04/25 14:10good就好 也不要ok 或 fine

jplix 04/25 14:12Fuck off

vericool 04/25 14:15這種打招呼的句子別人問啥你就同句直接

vericool 04/25 14:15回問就好了。


vericool 04/25 14:15這些問句就只是比較長的hello.

lavendersea 04/25 14:18not bad

fransiceyho 04/25 14:18Great

waloloo 04/25 14:20蠔嗲油

Kao0502 04/25 14:23may show gun more

jeff880614 04/25 14:24I dot car

mcu7389 04/25 14:26I’m five

mcu7389 04/25 14:26Thank and you

dknymaster 04/25 14:28yo mother fucker

yamerxw 04/25 14:45not bad, dude

a22122212 04/25 14:46nigga

Tenging 04/25 14:49ok peko nice to see you peko

Tenging 04/25 14:49pekora peko

sarcasm111 04/25 14:51may show gun more

orange7 04/25 14:52How’s your doing

wesleywesley 04/25 15:05my nigga

※ 編輯: pslr1 ( 臺灣), 04/25/2022 15:17:45

allenjeffery 04/25 15:22Fine, thank you, bye.

knightyan 04/25 15:33this is a pen

Yahweh 04/25 15:45就笑笑回個 good 就好了

Yahweh 04/25 15:47要嘛一樣回個 how 'r ya doin'

Firsss 04/25 16:12I am hungry

ffggzz2 04/25 16:23peko peko

i9100 04/25 16:29Who the fuck are you? go fuck yourself.

x7834210 04/25 16:40I'm fine thank you and you?

jimhall 04/25 18:57講中文好嗎?

bizozi968 04/25 20:30Im fine fuck u