Re: [新聞] 烏克蘭收復蛇島 普丁:俄國根本還沒認真打

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 烏克蘭收復蛇島 普丁:俄國根本還沒認真打作者
時間推噓 推:1 噓:1 →:5

Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. Well, what can I say? Let them try. We have already heard a lot about the West wanting to fight us ”to the last Ukrainian.“ This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, bu
t that seems to be where it is going. But everyone should know that, by and large, we have not started anything in earnest yet.


※ 引述《kerorobear (解放君愛肛交)》之銘言:
: 補丁真的有這樣說嗎?
: 既然是會議上說的,那會有會議記錄吧
: 而且能跟補丁開會的也沒幾個人,這話要怎麼散佈出去?
: 上網查其他新聞都沒看到
: 畢竟這麼中二的話
: 很多媒體都會有興趣吧
: 三明治很愛代替補丁說話
: 害我都懷疑三明治其實就是補丁的嘴


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alwang 07/08 16:24

sunstrider 07/08 16:24繁體中文字要再補30個 不然板主的大

sunstrider 07/08 16:25棒棒會桶的你欲仙欲死

k44754 07/08 16:25掰,90天

※ 編輯: Berlina ( 荷蘭), 07/08/2022 16:27:35

nekoares 07/08 16:26你就補個中英對照吧

deepseas 07/08 16:29而且他講西方那邊也沒錯要消耗烏克蘭

deepseas 07/08 16:31 西方