[討論] 台美貿易協定,美國貿易署官方新聞稿

看板HatePolitics標題[討論] 台美貿易協定,美國貿易署官方新聞稿作者
時間推噓15 推:16 噓:1 →:55

Agreement comes less than one year after launch of U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on
21st Century Trade

WASHINGTON – United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai today
announced that the United States and Taiwan, under the auspices of the
American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), have concluded
negotiations on the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade.

“This accomplishment represents an important step forward in strengthening
the U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship,” said Ambassador Katherine Tai. “It
demonstrates how we can work together and advance mutual trade priorities on
behalf of our people. We look forward to continuing these negotiations and
finalizing a robust and high-standard trade agreement that tackles pressing
21st century economic challenges.”

The first agreement under the initiative covers the areas of customs
administration and trade facilitation, good regulatory practices, services
domestic regulation, anticorruption, and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Through these provisions, U.S. businesses will be able to bring more productsto Taiwan and Taiwanese customers, while creating more transparent and
streamlined regulatory procedures that can facilitate investment and economicopportunities in both markets, particularly for small- and medium-sized
enterprises. Once signed, this agreement will deepen the trading partnership
and enhance U.S.-Taiwan trade flows in order to promote innovation and
inclusive economic growth for workers and businesses.

The negotiated text can now be accessed on USTR’s website.

The agreement will be signed by AIT and TECRO in the coming weeks, in both
English and Chinese. Details on the signing ceremony will be available at a
later date.
此協定將在未來幾周內由AIT與TECRO以中英文簽署 ,細節與簽署儀式將會在稍後

Following the signing of the agreement, the United States and Taiwan, under
the auspices of AIT and TECRO, will commence negotiations on additional tradeareas set forth in the initiative’s negotiating mandate.


※ PTT 留言評論
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kairi5217 05/20 10:16未看先猜 樓下推文 要建交了沒

cooldogy1973 05/20 10:17樂觀其成感謝美國爸爸

cooldogy1973 05/20 10:17拜託綠共不要搞爛

hbj1941 05/20 10:17放心,藍營的人士會當看不見

kairi5217 05/20 10:17噗 我錯 … 以為這裡是八卦版

starcow 05/20 10:19賣台舔共黨,肯定哭暈在廁所

cooldogy1973 05/20 10:22綠共除了撈錢以外的能力我都很擔心

skylion 05/20 10:24其實這個真的不是實質上的貿易協定

skylion 05/20 10:25只是製造良好的環境打底 但就是要一步一

skylion 05/20 10:25步來

windyyw 05/20 10:25不就通關流程簡化而已,這也在吹

amos30627 05/20 10:25慢慢來 這算很大一步了

hbj1941 05/20 10:26簡單說就是個開門鑰匙

Su22 05/20 10:26美國是全球最大的市場,對美貿易太重要了!

rogudan 05/20 10:26撈錢就是很重要的能力,只是看怎麼撈,

rogudan 05/20 10:26從哪裡撈。柯文哲不會撈錢,就代表了他

rogudan 05/20 10:26不懂建設,不懂經營

turst 05/20 10:26結果在野黨表面上罵美疑美 選舉到了又要競

bruce2248 05/20 10:27藍白畜:有種建交啊

turst 05/20 10:27相去舔美 去面試 笑死

zzahoward 05/20 10:28目前這些條文偏向敘述而沒太多效益

cvnn 05/20 10:28八年來唯一的吧 乏善可陳啦 有總比沒有好

meredith001 05/20 10:30藍白賤畜崩潰

zzahoward 05/20 10:31當然假如FTA是在這基礎之上沒什麼不好

zzahoward 05/20 10:32不過目前這些看起來很像類似交差的LOI

zxcvbn123456 05/20 10:42台灣唯一的敵人就中國 藍白舔共狗

rogerlarger 05/20 10:55藍白智障還在那邊說人偷渡概念,倡

rogerlarger 05/20 10:55議變協定,可笑

Afae 05/20 11:09難怪李淳去當外交部次長

Anvec 05/20 11:30台灣唯一的敵人是民進黨吧 如果前朝沒有民

Anvec 05/20 11:31進黨在拖後腿

Anvec 05/20 11:31前朝想對中簽ECFA 一堆綠營在抗議反對

Anvec 05/20 11:32結果民進黨上台後對中貿易歷年最高

Anvec 05/20 11:32還拜託中國不要斷ECFA

Anvec 05/20 11:32馬任內想藉著萊牛跟美國談貿易協議

Anvec 05/20 11:32綠營又在那邊扯後腿 說開放FTA或加入TPP

Anvec 05/20 11:33台灣農業會損失破百億

Anvec 05/20 11:33國與國之間 本就在為自己國家利益作謀劃

Anvec 05/20 11:34就要被人扣上疑美的帽子

x1134b 05/20 11:40很快就有人po文抹老美是要買東西,不然就

x1134b 05/20 11:40是跟老百姓沒關係等等等

x1134b 05/20 11:41抹老美是要賣東西

Anvec 05/20 11:49是啊 陳吉仲教授是這樣說的啊

sonatafm2 05/20 12:03所以倡議跟協定分清楚了沒? 啊沒有倡

sonatafm2 05/20 12:03議能不能直接簽協定? 可以嘛! 那要

sonatafm2 05/20 12:03這倡議幹嘛? 不就MOU

sonatafm2 05/20 12:04都講到這樣了還要硬撐 死忠成這樣真的

sonatafm2 05/20 12:04是了不起

sonatafm2 05/20 12:05這篇沒有心得耶 是不是想刻意製造被迫

sonatafm2 05/20 12:05害的場景啊


jerrychuang 05/20 12:14幫美國業者賣東西到台灣的

rogerlarger 05/20 12:30‘’沒有倡議也能簽協定‘’跟‘’

rogerlarger 05/20 12:30只有倡議沒有協定‘’完全是兩回事

rogerlarger 05/20 12:31誰一直說只有倡議沒有協定的?還在

rogerlarger 05/20 12:31硬撐

※ 編輯: takuminauki ( 臺灣), 05/20/2023 12:54:34

Asnote 05/20 13:01倡議的協定就還是倡議啊,少在那邊偷換概

Asnote 05/20 13:01念成貿易協定,人家就是不跟你簽FTA還在那

Asnote 05/20 13:01邊唾面自乾

kyo38390 05/20 13:02反正就剩幾個星期啦 先看看風向

rayven 05/20 13:21這倡議簽成後立刻受惠的是出口生鮮類到米

rayven 05/20 13:22國的中小企業,因為通關速度會變快

rayven 05/20 13:23至於背後的政治意義主要是在警告李加坡那

rayven 05/20 13:26批東協國家不要在IPEF上為難台灣

dragonjj 05/20 13:54等協議條文出來我們再看看

tn601374 05/20 14:38談判專家ee能談出什麼大家心知肚明

tn601374 05/20 14:38垃圾也可以包裝成協定

tn601374 05/20 14:38真好吃

spector66 05/20 15:14無涉開放市場和降低關稅 是有屁用

kyo38390 05/20 23:32開放市場 降低關稅都是互相的 沒穩賺不

kyo38390 05/20 23:32賠的事 看看隔壁棚南韓就知道

Fcup 05/21 14:52中小企業主應該都知道政治獻金要押哪邊了吧

Fcup 05/21 14:52印象中這個是屬於監察院的業務?