[轉錄] 紐西蘭6/30將撤銷必要性篩檢政策
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標題:Required Testing Order to be revoked from 30 June
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Border workers will no longer be required to undergo COVID-19 testing under
New Zealand’s public health response to the pandemic, from 11.59pm Thursday
30 June, as part of ongoing adjustments to the pandemic response.
Early in the pandemic, when the focus was keeping out cases of COVID-19,
ongoing testing of border workers was crucial, as they were a possible
gateway for COVID-19 to enter the community, presenting a significant risk tothe country. However, as the pandemic moves into its third year, the responsestrategy has shifted to minimisation and protection, and with widespread
community transmission infection in border workers is no longer seen as a
greater risk than infection in the general population.
The Ministry of Health recognises that through regular testing, border
workers have played a critical role in the country’s public health response
and the Ministry would like to thank them for their continued support and
commitment to the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.
The revocation of the Required Testing Order (RTO), which provided the legal
basis for the testing, is part of a wider move to ensure Aotearoa’s public
health measures remain proportionate to the risk that COVID-19 presents to
the community.
※ 40字心得、備註 ※
Required Testing Order(RTO)是紐西蘭為了監測COVID-19社區疫情和風險
對部分工作人員實施篩檢這部分提供法律基礎(legal basis)
原本必要的篩檢對象包含了邊境工作人員(Border workers)
自6/30(四) 11:59p.m.起,紐西蘭公衛為了因應疫情做出新的調整
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反觀某個島國 要怎麼跟得上世界?
原本這類的essential workers其實都要接受定期篩檢
然後RTO原本是對essential workers的定期篩檢的法律基礎
台灣可是口罩戴好戴滿 戴到全世界確診數前3甚至第1的
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