[情報] 9/4(五)DailyHoroscope
If you have a social gathering to attend today, Leo, don't feel obligated to be your usual genial self. Don't assume that you have to take your place in the spotlight, as you tend to do, and entertain everyone. You don't have to do that. Although you are naturally inclined to be the life of the party and the center of attention, you may not be in that mindset right now.
But you can still be sociable and engaging without going beyond the limelight if you aren't in the mood. Just be observant, responsive, and contemplative, and you can learn a lot while still having a great time.
[情報] 02/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 07 2021 你現在帶著比平常更輕鬆、無憂無慮的心情,魔魔。 因為你負責任的天性, 你總是傾向全心全意在工作上, 把工作和其他義務擺在娛樂前面。5
[情報] 0723 DailyHoroscopeOne of the differences between very sociable people and people who complain of loneliness is that the sociable people reach out and show their interest in b eing with others. People who are shyer or more private might get out and about when specifically invited, but more sociable people will invite themselves if their invitation has been overlooked somehow. If you are feeling alone and lo4
[情報] 06/02/2022~13/02/2022 Weekly Horoscope如果一段私人關係現在似乎正在邁向失敗,那麼這是面對問題並處理它的理想時機。 月之子,這對你來說是溝通的好一周,在你擁有這種良好的能量時開啟這個主題將使你受 益匪淺。 可能有一些不言而喻的問題,你們倆都不想談論,但你必須這樣做來清理這個氣氛。 不要再拖下去了。2
[情報] 07/03/2022~13/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,本週你可能發現自己比平時更善於交際。 利用這種心態,尋找認識新朋友的方法。 你是一個會培養親密友誼的人,而不是僅僅與偶然的熟人打交道,所以與你交談的大多數 人可能是你已經認識了很長時間的人。 你有時會抗拒結識新朋友。但是,如果你現在感覺自己很活潑、熱情,這是一個適合同行2
[情報] 03/20 the daily horoscopeYou don't always have to be the life of the party. You don't always have to be the congenial, talkative, fast-moving person you usually are. There are times , Gemini, when you need to slow down. If someone is expecting you to keep up a crazy pace today, but you don't feel inclined to do so, then just be honest a bout it and take a break. This is a good time for reflection and introspection2
[情報] 30/05/2022~05/06/2022 Weekly Horoscope你的目標和觀點與別人的不相同,並不表示著你不能與他們合作。 月之子,你確實喜歡擁有悠閒般的體驗,因此在你參與其中之前,你經常會竭盡全力確保 一切都是絕對完美的。 但本週,一個可能不會再有的機會可能會出現,你可能不得不忽略這些差異,陶醉於你們 的共同點,以及你們能一起完成的事情。1
[閒聊] 5/5 Daily HoroscopeYou may feel that you have to treat everyone in a certain circle of your life equally if you're going to be fair, and being fair is always important to you, Leo. But what is fair? Sometimes doing more for one is as fair as it gets. No t everyone is equally deserving of your time, your kindness, and your generosi ty. There are some you feel more inclined to want to help, and that's what you1
[情報] 12/19 the daily horoscopeBelieve only half of what you see today and none of what you hear. There may b e deception happening around you, concentrated on an endeavor where there is s ome level of jealousy coming from someone in your life - perhaps on the periph ery. You have an inquiring and alert mind, though, and so if you remain alert and aware of this possibility, Gemini, you will see it clearly. Don't feel bad- Just because you don't feel completely confident about an idea you initially f elt good about does not mean you should just toss it out of the metaphorical w indow. Your original thoughts were inspiring and hopeful, and that's a great s tart. If you don't yet feel sure of yourself and certain about going forward w ith this, that's not a bad sign. It may just mean that you need a bit more inf
- No one is brave all of the time, but generally speaking, Leo, you are consider ed to be a very brave individual. That may be why so many of your loved ones, and sometimes even people you don't know very well, will gravitate to you in t imes of trouble. Your strength and courage make others feel more safe and secu re in your presence. But who do you turn to when you feel the need for that ki