[情報] 德國直升機去年妥善率40%

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時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:18


Germany’s fleets of NH Industries (NHI) NH90s and Airbus Helicopters Tigers
are again the subject of stinging criticism for their poor operational
availability, with their performance branded as “unsatisfactory”.

Detailing the issues in the defence ministry’s latest operational readiness
report, Inspector General Eberhard Zorn says that the helicopters operated bythe three branches of the armed forces collectively demonstrated a readiness
level of just 40% in the year to mid-December 2021, compared with an overall
figure of 77% for the country’s 71 main weapon systems, or 65% for combat
and transport aircraft.

Although an improvement on previous years, Zorn says, the figure is “still
at too low a level” and is “unsatisfactory”.

遠低於全國整體軍事妥善率77% (71種武器系統),或是所有飛行器的65%






There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they
don't, what is the great issue between the free world and the communist world.

~John F. Kennedy, 1963


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Edison1174 01/17 05:50國軍妥善率100% 料件沒撥下來的不算

b325019 01/17 09:02不說國軍,德國近年妥善是出了名的差

moeliliacg 01/17 09:14整體的7成或者是飛行器的6成多 都是標準數據

moeliliacg 01/17 09:154成是真的很低

ARCHER2234 01/17 09:35咦?整體有77噢,意外的高

ARCHER2234 01/17 09:35看來是有在上發條了

cloudskyblue01/17 10:00歐豬國的飛行器好像很多都又老又亂呀

wulaki 01/17 10:25正常情況各機種的部頒妥善率在70~75%

kuma660224 01/17 11:05他整體軍事 恐怕連買菜車也算進去

kuma660224 01/17 11:05不是指飛行器吧

kuma660224 01/17 11:05不然哪來70多種

kuma660224 01/17 11:06看來是指三軍各種大中小載台

amurosheu 01/17 12:33就是慢慢進步,前面也有板友解釋狀況解釋得不錯

amurosheu 01/17 12:34另外近期Leopard 2車隊正在升級,我這邊沒看到數據

a25172366 01/17 13:16進步了,2018年的統計直升機好像是21%

kuma660224 01/17 13:442020德陸軍NH90直升機妥善率23%

gsx56840 01/17 16:14NH90在各使用過的妥善率都很低,澳洲要直接買黑鷹換

gsx56840 01/17 16:14掉了,邊研發邊生產的失敗例子

Howard61313 01/17 20:55聯邦德軍不如想辦法轉型成世界上最大的軍醫部隊就好

Howard61313 01/17 20:55(誤)

verdandy 01/17 20:57啤酒供應部隊吧? 連撤離都要把啤酒搬回家才甘願

verdandy 01/17 20:57想必戰場搬啤酒的功夫已爐火純青了

kuma660224 01/17 21:58它陸軍5萬多 醫療軍支援軍合計也5萬多

kuma660224 01/17 21:58非作戰單位被拉高到軍種層級

kuma660224 01/17 21:59也是世上少見

kuma660224 01/17 22:07去年高層有計畫解散聯合支援軍醫療軍

kuma660224 01/17 22:08讓人員預算再重回各軍種 不知是否有繼續

Howard61313 01/18 02:09記得聯合支援軍是德國官方取的英譯隊名,德語原文叫

Howard61313 01/18 02:09基礎軍的樣子?